A Note From Jeff Maguire


So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.  GALATIANS 4:8

I confessed this week to a buddy: “My patience has no off-ramp.” There’s no gradual erosion of my patience. My patience just ends, like Thelma and Louise in a car over a cliff. I struggle to find a reason why this is so. Maybe, it stems from some kind of deeply embedded psychological wound. Maybe, it’s my diet. Maybe, it’s the weather (I’m certain there’s some correlation. I’m still waiting for MIT to release a study on the effects of humidity on patience). But, when my patience runs out, the proverbial “switch” is flipped. I’m done. I have nothing left. Not surprisingly, I don’t
typically do well in these circumstances. I say things I regret. I do things I wish I could undo.

I start to believe, at times, an unnerving truth — that this wild, untameable, impatient one is who I am. Impatient outbursts are the outcomes of my truest self. It is as if the most central part of my identity is my own lack of restraint. I live out of that seemingly intractable reality. I’m the one who punts the soccer balls of unruly first graders for not listening while I’m giving instructions to the eternally significant pee-wee soccer drill, “Sharks-and-Minnows” (I actually did this. It was awful. I mentioned it in last week’s message). That truth begins to take over everything else. It becomes who I am.

Yet, the Bible doesn’t seem to echo that particular belief about myself. It says something different. It says to me that I am not the sum total of my errors or my impulses. I am not just a collection of electrical and chemical signals. I am no accident. I am not the unwanted tag-along to a distant and swiftly moving morally upright gathering of Sunday people.

Instead, the apostle Paul writes: you (me, anyone who belongs to Jesus) are his child. No longer am I a ward of the state. No longer known am I known as the unflattering convergence of all things undesirable, I’m someone’s kid.

Years ago, a friend of mine, Roy Schenkenberger wrote a song about this very thing. You can listen to it here. In it, he sings:

“Invited home for dinner: every saint and every sinner:

Sought after and pursued, we are made clean we are made new.

Forgotten and alone, the one who’s wandered far from home

To the tired and confused, the ones with nothing left to lose

Children are not guests in their own home. Kids can take freely from the refrigerator (provided it’s not immediately before dinner). Children invite their friends over. They eat Otter pops. They make messes. They have responsibilities. But, they’re always family. This Sunday, we’ll talk about this piece of our identity  that we often neglect. It will be a great opportunity to bring the “forgotten and alone” or  the “tired and confused” — anyone needing to hear that God desires them to be a part of his family that, in Jesus, “we are not orphans anymore.” We’ll celebrate communion together — affirming that Jesus has prepared a seat at the table for us.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Caleb Anderson


I visited a young man from our church this week recovering in the hospital after being severely injured in a car accident. For a week after his accident, it was uncertain as to whether or not he would make it. Thankfully, he did make it. He told me this week that he forced himself to stay awake. He forced himself to focus on God’s power to bring him through, and on his family and friends who still needed him. And he made it. Tears filled his eyes as we talked and prayed about how God gave him another day—more life to use for good.

Another day. You only have THIS day. What will you do with it?

When death threatens, life becomes more precious. Decisions become simpler, and priorities become more clear.

Don’t miss this: We all have a tendency to prioritize the wrong things. Work, money, people-pleasing, television, laziness… But when everything is on the line, life is really simple. And when you closely examine the source of happiness, joy, contentment, and peace in your life, you’ll discover that they are associated with a WHO, not a WHAT. No thing can make you happy.

If you missed my message about happiness last Sunday, listen to it here. But don’t miss THIS Sunday! You’ll be glad you prioritized our gathering (8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p).

Also, if you’ve done Rooted but are not active in a Life Group, you’ll have the opportunity to sign up on the patio this Sunday. Do it. We all need “WHOs” in our lives reminding us of what really matters.

If you’re in a Life Group but you’re not going regularly, step up your game! You’re better with us…and we’re better with you.

Remember our friend in the hospital. When life is threatened, priorities crystallize. Don’t wait for a tragedy to get your life in order.*

See you Sunday,


Listen to recent messages here.

Give to Mariners HB here.

*If you or your Life Group are looking for a study that will help crystallize what matters most in life, My Near Death Experiment book/workbook/DVD are on the patio.

A Note From Jeff Pries


Last week at church was a beautiful picture of what the Church is all about. It was a group of people who were saying I can use some encouragement, and a group of people coming around them to pray. It was a great response to what God is doing in the hearts of us, and what He is doing in the heart of our church. We will continue in Fall Kick Off this week. My idea of peppermint sticks in lemons has been shelved for some simpler fun snacks. It was our well-meaning attempt to bring “the fair” into our patio experience. Either way, we’ll have some fun, family-friendly activities this weekend.

If last week’s message of encouragement felt like it hit home, this week will probably feel similar. We’ll talk about what to do when we feel like we’re losing control in life and want to throw our hands up in the air and give up. The good news is God has something to say about that, and it may or may not surprise you.

A couple things to remember: Community Nights kick off in a of couple weeks; Men’s Breakfast is this Saturday and Mops and Women of Passion are kicking off as well. There is a lot going on, so I encourage you to find a way to get plugged in. I believe God will bless you in a mighty way.

Great doing life and ministry with you,



A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I love the fall season and the newness that it creates – an opportunity for new rhythms, new life and new relationships – and the hope that the future will be more rich and vibrant than the past. I was reminded today how critical it is that we establish relationships that can walk with us in these different seasons and that we create space to lean into new relationships. Getting to know our neighbors, our coworkers and our classmates and caring for them as we walk through life – these are the important relationships we need to lean into.

I’m so excited about our new series that Kenton just launched in Romans. This weekend is a perfect opportunity to invite our friends and family to join us as we unpack Romans, Chapter 6, together. We want others to be able to experience the richness of a relationship with Jesus and the true freedom it brings to our lives in a desperate world.

So many of you launched into Rooted last week and tonight I’m excited to kick off our Life Group season together. Dave Runyon, who wrote the Art of Neighboring, will be there to help us aim our hearts at our neighbors through our relationship with Christ. You’re not going to want to miss it. This is a great season to be part of the work God is doing here in and through Mariners Church.

I can’t wait to see you guys this weekend and celebrate all that He is doing.



Fall Kick Off


Celebrate fall and a new season after the crazy, fun summer vacation. Ministries will be launching and there are many ways for you and your family to get connected! Contact Jaclyn, jrisser@marinerschurch.org

Sundays, Sep 13, 20 & 27, after services, Ocean Hills Campus
Sep 13: BBQ, Beach Boys Tribute Band, bubbles for the kids
Sep 20: Ministry fair, carnival treats, bounce houses for the kids
Sept 27: Sports fun, chips & salsa