A Note From Jeff Pries


As we jump into fall, we all struggle with the same thing, getting out of our summer schedule and into a new fall rhythm. It’s our hope Sunday morning will become a regular part of your fall schedule.

Last Sunday evening, we held an elder meeting with all of the elders and our wives. It was so much fun and I had the blessing of sharing all of the highlights from the summer. And here is the best part – we have just as many exciting things planned for fall. There is never a dull moment during Fall Kick Off! From last week’s fun Beach Boys band to our Ministry Fair this week, we’ll be highlighting all of the great ministry opportunities here at Ocean Hills. I think you’re really going to like our fair-themed patio this weekend because that means…cotton candy, peppermint lemons, shaved ice, deep-fried Twinkies and Student Ministry’s famous “Jitter Juice.” We’ll be looking at the Book of Acts and finding out what it means to be a community of people following Jesus.

We’ll also be talking about Community Nights, which will be kicking off on Tuesday, October 13. This will be a great time to build community, while at the same time learning how to be in healthy relationships. We’ll hear from great speakers including Roger and Becky Tirabassi, Dr. Buddy Mendez, and Dr. Monte Pries. It will be an encouraging and fun six-week series.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday at 9 or 11a.


A Note From Caleb Anderson


I’m very excited about Pacific City—the new retail development at PCH and 1st Street in downtown HB. The same guys who built Bella Terra are finishing this new project in the coming months. One of the developers is a family friend and he’s given me the inside scoop on the project. It’s going to be a tremendous asset to our city!

This month I’ve had lunch with both the GM of the new Pacific City hotel and the Membership Director of its new Equinox workout facility. Both are great guys, and both told me that they have heard good things about our church and will be bringing their families this fall.

I tell you that to share two things:

  1. Everyone is on a spiritual journey. Sometimes all they need is a glimpse into yours… and an invitation.
  2. As awesome as Pacific City will be for Huntington Beach, our church is even better. Our church is a bright light of hope in a community searching for something real… something relatable… something true.

You know someone who needs hope and encouragement right now. Would you text them? Call them? Email them? Meet them for coffee? And, if it makes sense, invite them to our church this Sunday.

This Sunday will be an important message for many people. I’m calling it, “Why nothing makes you happy.” The light will go on for many. For others, the light will become brighter and warmer. (If you’re the type that likes to get a head start, the messages over the next couple months will be primarily based off of Romans 5-8.)

This fall will be a defining season for our church. Sundays are becoming markers and events that you don’t want to miss. Special things happen every week. One day, you’ll look back on this time in the life of our church and you’ll say, “I was there. I was part of that.”

Expecting great things,


For recent messages, click here.

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A Note From Jeff Maguire


Now in the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul. While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said,“Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.  Acts 13:1-3

Every day millions of households send people off to do something. Kids are sent off to school with a pat on the head, a hug and a kiss, and perhaps an encouraging word. Spouses are sent off to work with a cup of coffee in a travel mug and an “I love you.” Roommates, often unsure how much goodbye their counterparts require, offer each other a fist-bump or a knowing nod of the head. With a splash of fresh water and a full bowl of kibble family dogs are sent… wherever dogs go during their day.

In the Bible, when the church was preparing to send people to accomplish a new task ahead of them, they were “commissioned.”  It wasn’t an elaborate ceremony. There wasn’t much fanfare. It wasn’t televised. But, it mattered. There was something in the sending that made sense. It was, in many ways, an acknowledgment of work already accomplished and it was a way of affirming that the tasks ahead were indeed work set apart by God for those being sent. “Commissioning” differs from merely “missioning” people. That extra syllable “co” points to something distinctively corporate in nature. Somehow, whoever is being sent does not do so as one cast out on their own. Rather, the sending group is “in it” with the ones who are sent.

This Sunday, we’ll commission people in two ways. First, we’ll commission parents who are dedicating both themselves and their children to walk with Jesus in something we call “child dedication.” We’ll prayerfully prepare parents for the sacred work of raising kids. Then, we’ll commission one of our own pastors, Mike Kenyon as he steps out into his next step. Mike, beginning in October, will officially become the lead pastor at Voyagers Church in Irvine, California. As I talked with their elders, it was apparent from very early on, that Mike was far-and-away their front runner — and with good reason.

If you’ve been through the Rooted experience, gotten connected in a life group, sought marriage mentors, received prayer support, or found your way to Men’s or Women’s Ministry, then Mike had a hand in it. Mike is a tremendous developer of ministry volunteers. He’s a brilliant leader with a sincere heart to pursue God’s Word in a fresh way. His mind is keenly and compassionately focused on a world in need of restoration and hope. This Sunday, we’ll commission Mike and his wife, Allison, for their next adventure in ministry. We get to send them with glad and sincere hearts believing that the best is yet to come for them and for us.

See you Sunday,


HSM Midweek Life Groups


An HSM Life Group is a loving community of students seeking to be further transformed into passionate followers of Jesus. It’s our desire to see this passionate faith compel these communities to fearlessly change high school campuses around Orange County.

Most groups meet Tue or Wed (7-9p) throughout Irvine and Newport and consist of 10-15 students, led by 2 adult leaders. Life Groups are launching this week! Click here to join a group or find out more.

Care & Recovery


Trauma and Forgiveness
Wednesdays, Oct 14 – Dec 2, 7-9p, $20, Life Development Bld 209
Are resentments or fears of the past blocking you from freedom? When you are ready, this group will encourage you with coping tools and prayer to start the process of forgiveness with both God and others. Contact Katie, kballou@marinerschurch.org, for more info.

Anxiety and Depression Support
Thursdays, Sep 24 – Oct 15, 6:30 – 8:30p, Life Development Bld 206
This group will help you find resources to move toward a more stable attitude with resources and tools for self-care. Led by Journeys Counseling Ministry. Contact Katie, kballou@marinerschurch.org, for more information.