A Note From Caleb Anderson


Are we all taking cold showers? I can barely remember what warm water feels like. You know I was born in Phoenix, right? (Where it’s 110 degrees) But I’m coastalized now and Team Anderson is melting over here! And we may have picked the wrong week to potty train Jack :/

The temp looks like it’s dropping from here, but don’t worry, we welcome shorts and t-shirts on Sundays. Come as you are. Just show up…because you won’t want to miss the next few weeks. We’ve got some special things planned for you and the whole family.

There are four service times to choose from: 8:30 | 10 | 11:30a | 6p — but since our church invites our friends, neighbors, and co-workers, try to avoid 10a. Also, try to move toward the center when taking a seat and show up a little earlier to ALL the services. We’re always making room for one more.

Rooted is a must if you haven’t experienced it yet. You can sign up here.

If you’ve done Rooted but need Life Group connections email Neil or Ericka.

If you missed last week’s Labor Day-inspired message on Why We Work, listen here.

If you haven’t paused and prayed yet today, take this moment. Perhaps start here:
…Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.  Matthew 6:9-13 (NLT)


See you Sunday.


Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


“This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord Almighty.”  HAGGAI 2:6-7

This past week, my youngest son celebrated his birthday. He’s seven. He’ll make sure you know it, too. And in the build up to the day, he let us know that it was coming. He was not subtle. He did not drop hints about things he wanted. He constantly hammered us with his requests for birthday parties and birthday gifts. He explained to Amanda and me that he had decided he’d like to start his birthday by hang gliding, followed roller skating, while concluding our evening by dining on fish tacos.

The build up to his birthday was so obvious. It was so clear. No one could miss it. He made sure of it. But, people do forget things — even obvious things. God’s people aren’t any different. In the Bible, God is not only telling his people to remember the great things that have happened in the past, he’s telling them to anticipate something great that he has not yet done.

So, he says to his lonely people, abandoned in the wake of exile, ‘‘In a little while…’ I’m going to do something spectacular and earth-shattering: the heavens will shake and the earth will move. Get ready for it. Prepare to be amazed.”

I’m excited to be back teaching this weekend at Mariners. There is so much to get excited about. God appears to be issuing that same promise to us — that he is up to something in our midst. This fall is going to be amazing. There’s so many ways to get involved, invite new people, and take that next step in our journey of faith and community.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Jeff Pries


With the temperature hitting 100 degrees and football season starting, you might say this is a great week for fans. I am a big fan of this Sunday, because it’s Fall Kick Off! We will have a tasty barbecue and a fun “Beach Boys” band, along with games and fun things for the kids. Fall Kick Off is the time when we start to share all of the ways to get connected here at Mariners Ocean Hills. As always in the fall, Rooted will be a big focus for us, because we believe it’s the best way to find community,  purpose and a deeper relationship God.

We know that God has something great for each of us and this Sunday we will look at what that is. We’ll be looking at the gospels and I’m confident you will see that God has invited you into something exciting. Also, I trust that even though it has been hot, you have had time to fish (you will only get that if you were here last weekend). Remember, you have people in your life who need a relationship with Jesus and are hoping to find meaningful community. This is a great weekend to extend an invitation.

Blessings to you and see you Sunday.


11 Reasons to Come to Mariners for Fall Kick Off (You won’t want to miss #9!)


Fall Kick Off is coming this weekend! Find out what all the buzz is about!


1. See old friends



2. Avoid the football rage



3. Holla! Staff choir!



4. The Mariners Café fall coffee selection



5. Kids love us



6. Free air conditioning!



7. Loads of awkward handshakes



8. Amazing opportunities to get involved…like Rooted



9. Kenton is back!…



10. …to deliver a mind-blowing message



11. Besides, staying home on the weekend is boring
