Summer Saturday Nights at Mariners

summer saturday nights

Join us after the Saturday 5p service for summertime fun and games for the family. Food available for purchase. To see all of the Summer Saturday Nights, click here.

AUGUST 29 – Musical artist Sam Outlaw performs. Lawn games for all ages: Giant Jenga, KanJam, Ladder Golf, Frisbee, Croquet and more. Food from Dogzilla Truck, Piaggio Truck, Scooters Italian Ice and Mariners Café burgers and pizza.

Young adults and singles, look for The Point community to enjoy the concert together.

Summer 2015


Saturday, Aug 29, 4-7p, on the beach at PCH and 6th Street, free
Wrap up the summer with BBQ, fun, beach volleyball and more. This is a great opportunity to connect in community with your neighbors, friends, and life group. Bring a dish to share, we will provide the hot dogs and hamburgers. Look for the Mariners HB flags! For more info, contact Neil,

For more summer fun, visit our website.

Mariners Care & Recovery


Women’s Abuse Support
Tuesdays, Sep 15-Dec 15, 6:30-9p, Life Development Building 3rd Floor Executive Offices

This group gives adult women freedom from silence about past or present physical, psychological or verbal abuse through a study based on the book Safe People. Register online.

Grief Support
Mondays, Sep 14-Oct 26, 1-3p, $20
Tuesdays, Sep 15-Oct 27, 6:30-8:30p, $20
A community of individuals working to process similar experiences with a caring leader and curriculum as trusted guides. Register online.

A Note From Jeff Pries


I hope you are feeling rested as we enter our final weeks of August. Fall is just around the corner, yet there is still some time to enjoy this season of rest! I know having my family all back together (my son got back from playing baseball up north) has been a great conclusion to this summer. We have a ton of fun things planned for the fall at Mariners Ocean Hills, but we still have some events coming up at the end of this month! One of these is Date Night. We know date nights can be few and far between with the busy schedules of life, yet we also know actively pouring into our relationships is imperative for healthy marriages. So we are planning a date night for you! Join us here for appetizers and a short talk and afterwards, head out for two hours on a date, while we take care of your kiddos. You can register here.

Also, I wanted to give you a heads up that we are having student ministry weekend next weekend (Aug 30) which is going to be awesome! God is moving in the lives of these students, and I am so excited to share with the church all that’s been going on and celebrate His goodness! There will be baptisms following the service, so this is a weekend you want to be a part of.

Like I mentioned before, we are planning a lot of great things for the fall. From weekend services, to BBQs & bands, to ministries launching up, to Rooted kicking off – we are excited to pour into connecting in community. Doing life alone is not something God wants for us and we aim to be a church where people can find that connection and walk through life together. So as we enter fall, we would love to invite you into community, but even further than that, invite people to join you as you connect. Be thinking of someone you can invite!



A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


This week I was reminded how critical it is for us to invest in our relationships with the people that matter most to us. And I love that we’re committed to this as a church. Hundreds of you have been joining us on Friday nights as we invest in our marriages together. This Friday (Aug 21) we’re concluding our series on the “Fun Factor” in marriage with guest speaker, Doug Fields. You’re not going to want to miss this night as we gather to hear from Doug about how to build thriving, healthy marriages.

Then, this weekend, I’ll be back with you and we’ll continue in our summer series. We’ll look at God’s Word together and learn how to build our lives on the foundational qualities we need in order to be the people God wants us to be and go the places He’s calling us to go. I believe we will encounter and see the restorative power of the gospel as we gather together in community around God’s Word and promises.

I’m looking forward to being with you all once again.




A Note From Caleb Anderson


Happy Thursday!

I was so encouraged by many of you last Sunday who took brave and courageous steps toward dealing with your disappointment and devastation. Disappointment is part of life, but it doesn’t have to lead to despair. We can take the honest path toward hope. May God continue to be with you and give you strength on this journey.

This Sunday I’m talking about seizing your divine moment. I believe there is purpose behind where you live, who you know, and what you’re doing. The key is to believe that yourself, and to make the most of the opportunities in front of you. Read Esther (Old Testament story) these next couple days if you want a head-start.

Begin getting mentally prepared to re-engage in community. Our church is NOT just what happens on Sundays, but what’s happening every day, all week long. We encourage EVERYONE to be connected to others in meaningful ways.

Step one is ROOTED. If you haven’t yet experienced it, sign up here.

Step two is LIFE GROUPS. If you have become disconnected from your group, reconnect or start again. Email Neil for more info,

As a “bonus” for you LADIES, Women’s Ministry Fall Launch is Wednesday of next week. Discover what’s new and coming up in Women’s Ministry. Details below…

See you Sunday! 8:30a | 10a | 11:30a | 6p


PS: You can set up STEP IN contributions here.

PPS: You can listen to past messages here.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


“Comfort is not given to us when we are lighthearted and cheerful. We must travel the depths of emotion in order to experience comfort— one of God’s most precious gifts.”

I was reminded this week of one of my favorite all-time YouTube clips. The clip features a Norwegian explorer named Aleksander. He’s essentially a professional adventurer. He’s summited Everest (He literally holds the record for the being the recipient of the world’s highest altitude tattooing. I guess a photo of the climb wasn’t a good enough momento). He hang glides, jumps out of airplanes, eats all his meals from street vendors, and reads James Joyce novels as something light to take in before bed. (I’m not sure about that one, but it’s probably true.)

In the clip, Aleksander is making his way across the frozen desert of Antarctica to the south pole… Alone. The clip opens with the words “dag 86” (Day 86) in the lower left third. He’s lost almost 55 pounds. He’s endured this journey without anyone else. Along the way, he’s jettisoned both unnecessary things that encumber his journey and things he might need or want at a later time. So, on the outbound journey, he would leave an assortment of stuff, then mark it on a GPS so that he could recover it on his return trip. By day 86, he’s undoubtedly forgotten which things he’s placed at which return-trip caches. With a camera in one hand and the other rifling through plastic bags and storage containers he searches through the things he’s left behind. Cold, tired, and alone he finds the greatest of comforts in the most surprising of things — a bag of cheese doodles. Cheese puffs. Cheetos.

He screams with glee: “Ja! Jaaaaaaaaa!” He pauses as if to see if there happened to be anyone else there to celebrate with him. Recognizing that he is in the most inhospitable place on earth, and then, as if he’s whisked back to reality, finding no one else around, he screams again. Joy. Soon after that, in a flurry
of Norwegian words that are punctuated by more “ja’s,” he finds a chocolate bar and some Mentos. He laughs with glee. He shouts. He falls over with joy.

In his life, he has undoubtedly encountered these rather unglamorous snacks before. How many times has he walked out of a grocery store cooly unaffected by a pack of Mentos stacked neatly and adjacent to the tabloids. But, in a moment of desperation and loneliness, where there is only a snow-white wasteland around him, those unsophisticated truck stop snacks brought an unbridled joy.

“Comfort is not given to us when we are lighthearted and cheerful…”

It is impossible to comfort someone who is not wounded, discouraged, alone, or fearful. Comfort is often a response to the simplest of things — things often overlooked as insignificant, imperfect, or unneeded. Yet, at the right time, in the right circumstances, there can be no greater gift: a small kindness, a word of encouragement, a silent co-sojourner in seasons of grief, a thoughtfulness, a smile — all of them can birth a spring of joy where there was only a desert.

Take a look at the clip here. I dare you to not smile while you watch it.

See you Sunday,