A Note from Jeff Pries


We are in the third week of the series, Oh! The Places We’ll Go. We realize that life is a journey, and we all have places we want to go. This week we will learn that where we go and who we go with can be the difference between the journey we have always dreamed of and a bad trip.

This Sunday evening is our second Framily night. This evening is going to be a great night, so invite your friends and family. We will have games and events for all ages, from bounce houses for the little kids, to trampoline bungee jumps for the big ones. We will have a cover band, a fun illusionist (who thinks he’s funny), and some delicious tacos. And it is all free. So invite some friends and come on out at 5p on Sunday for a great time together.

See you Sunday,


A Note from Neil Jansen


Hi! This is Neil, your Community Life Pastor. My wife Jill and I were recently talking about how amazed we are with the great friends we have made at Mariners HB. Our Rooted experience alone drew us close to 15 wonderful people. Life Groups, Men’s & Women’s Ministries, and serving alongside many of you on Sundays has created one big awesome family for the Jansens—and we are grateful! Thanks so much for welcoming us here ten months ago in such a warm and encouraging way. We feel at home.

Regarding being friends and family, Jesus said, “Your love for one another will prove to the outside world that you are my disciples.” – John 13:35 (NLT)

The best place to practice caring for one another is in small groups of community. In September we offer our next Rooted session. If you haven’t experienced Rooted, I urge you to make space for it. I promise this experience will amaze you. If you’ve completed Rooted but are not in community, consider signing up for a Life Group this fall. We have a group just for you. We all need community, and I want to help you find yours.

Blessings on you and your family. See you Sunday!


A Note from Jen Epperson


I can hardly believe summer is about to hit the halfway mark, and what a summer it has been so far! As I reflect on this past month, our family has already packed in so many memories including beach trips, pool time, a family trip to the desert (one word: HOT), an Angels game, BBQs, summer nights and rain (what?!). It has been a joy to see summer through the eyes of my kids, who see adventure in everything from water balloons, or trips to the fair, to having a lemonade stand outside of our house. I am sure so many of you have had a full summer so far, as this time of year always brings new adventures and fun memories. As I look back on the past few months, and even look forward to what is to come, I am reminded and grateful for God’s presence in each step. For the community He has surrounded my family with, the things He teaches me through parenting and relationships, and for how He is leading me in my marriage, life and ministry. I am thankful for a God who guides our steps and cares about the big and little things in our lives. So I encourage each of us, as we find ourselves on a summer adventure, or just enjoying a warm evening outside; may we be grateful and reminded of His presence, His guidance and that He watches over us each step of the way.

This weekend, we will continue in our series, Oh! The Places We’ll Go, as we find our way forward and discover the pathway for our life. I know God will continue to speak powerfully this weekend through Kenton and the weekend worship experience. You won’t want to miss Saturday night, as we play Beach Blanket Bingo after service. Come play games. win prizes, enjoy food from The Burnt Truck, The California Grill Truck, Burgers and pizza. And what summer night would be complete without some refreshing dessert from Scooters Italian Ice! I look forward to seeing you (and your kids!) this weekend.

Jen Epperson
Children’s Pastor

Kenya Faith Adventure Info Meeting

We are taking a team to Kenya in November 2015 to serve alongside our partner, Mavuno Church. This is an incredible opportunity to experience God’s global church and to serve with our family in Kenya. We’ll be focusing on our cancer support ministry and film ministry under Mavuno. If you’re interested, please join us for a brief meeting to learn more and how to apply. Questions? Contact Pamela at pphilp@marinerschurch.org.

Sunday, July 26, 12:30p, Life Development Bld r209

School Supply Drive Volunteers Needed


Outreach Ministries is looking for volunteers to serve on their weekend special events and drives team! We have upcoming opportunities to help with our Back-To-School supply drive beginning August 1st, benefiting after school programs and ministries around Orange County. We are looking for volunteers to help receive and sort donations on the weekends. To sign up, please email Steve at outreach@marinerschurch.org

Framily Fun Night


Come for an evening of summer fun! Enjoy games, a live band, food, and lots of laughter. There will be activities for all ages so grab your neighbors, friends, and family and enjoy a summer night on our beautiful campus! Cick here or contact Jaclyn for more info, jrisser@marinerschurch.org

Sun, Jul 26, 5-7p, Ocean Hills Campus, free

Upcoming Framily Event…
Sun, Aug 9 , After the 9 & 11a services