A Note From Jeff Pries


VBS is in full swing! It’s such an amazing week as our Children’s Ministry takes over, transforming our campus into a giant candy land. There are more than 300 kids attending VBS this year and over 150 of you volunteering and helping out! It is such a great picture of the church we are called to be – reaching our community and impacting the lives of the next generation. As the week continues, we would appreciate you keeping these kids and volunteers in your prayers. It’s going to be so fun in our services this weekend, celebrating all that God did this week!

I also want to remind you that our “Framily” Fun Night is quickly approaching. We are planning a fantastic evening for everyone. If this church errs on the side of anything, it’s that we value authentic relationships with one another, and events like this are incredible opportunities to get to know one another better! Even more so, it’s a perfect opportunity to invite someone! There are people in our lives who need and WANT to be invited, to church and to these events, and it is on us to be the ones to invite them. Who is God putting on your heart to invite to Sunday morning services or events like “Framily” Fun Night?”

Hope you all are having a wonderful week and I can’t wait to see you this Sunday as we continue our new series, Oh! The Places We’ll Go.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


“If this is your first time at Mariners… “

If you’ve ever been to a service at Mariners Mission Viejo, someone has said that to you. It’s always been the intent, the heart, and the belief of our church that Mariners would be the church for people who have either never been to church before or haven’t been in a really long time. New people, those you’ve been inviting — people who are longing for that thing they can’t quite put their finger on, they’re fearful that they won’t know what to say or what to do, or if they’ll even be acknowledged should they take some courageous steps into the church.

But, since the very first Sunday gathering at Mariners Mission Viejo, in December of 2009, there has always been a consistent voice of welcome. That voice has been Kim Alexander’s. When the church was only one theater (without a central dividing wall) and the weekend messages were by video, Kim was the first to say to the church:

“If this is your first time at Mariners…we’re so glad you’re here.”

At that time, everyone was new. Kim and a few others invented the “way we do things around here.” They created the culture. They put into place the foundation for the way we are. If you’ve ever loved being a part of our church… If you’ve ever thought, “I’m glad I have this church to be my home”… If you’ve ever thought, “I love bringing my friends here…” You have Kim to thank for a significant part in that.

And now, after lots of conversation, shared memories, laughter, and deliberation, Kim has decided to step down in her role at Mariners Mission Viejo. She plans to focus on being a mom and continue her education. As she and her husband Matt have made their home in Irvine, they’ll be making the transition out of the Mission Viejo community and back to their own neighborhood: inviting people to church who long for that “thing they can’t quite put their finger on.” Kim will continue to embody the Jesus we talk about and walk with. She’ll continue to help people who are new to Jesus find the welcome they deserve.

Kim’s last Sunday will be on August 2nd. Feel free to let her know how much you appreciate her and how much she’s meant to you and those you’ve invited over the years.

I’m grateful to have worked with such a talented, insightful, and courageous person. Kim will be missed greatly.

So to you, Kim, speaking on behalf the church: We are all so glad YOU’VE been here.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Caleb Clements


Our family has been enjoying some time away this week at the Oregon Coast. This year we made it a priority to gather all of our families to celebrate my dad’s 70th birthday. I have three older brothers, and with all of our kids together, there are 22 people that have stayed in one beach house. Although at times we argue, and it can seem chaotic, it has been interesting to see how unique and valuable each member is to this family.

It reminds me of our church and how the family of God is meant to be. The Apostle Paul describes the church “body” twice in the New Testament, both in 1 Corinthians and also in Romans 12. Romans 12:4-8 most famously puts it this way:

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

Mariners Church is a large church with increasing vision to change the world for Jesus Christ. If we truly want to see this vision realized, it will take all of us operating in the unique gifts God has given us. At times you may feel like your life is chaotic, but remember that you are important and have something valuable to offer those around you. Whether it’s leading, serving, teaching, encouraging, showing mercy, being generous… find your place in our church family and let’s see what God will do! I’m excited to be back this weekend and use the gift God has given me to lead our church in worship. What gift are you bringing this weekend?

Never settle,

Caleb Clements / worship pastor


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Oh! The Places We’ll Go…

Summer is in full swing and many of us are traveling, or at least dreaming of traveling. Some will go to exotic places, others will go to the movies. Some will run around the city, others will sit quietly with a book. Some will sip sweet tea, others a firmer beverage.

Regardless of where your summer takes you, God has a bigger adventure for your life. And there are lessons in the past and in the present that are sure to lead to a more fulfilling future.

Don’t miss this summer series: Oh! The Places We’ll Go. Catch up on last week’s message if you missed it, here.

THIS WEEK I’m talking about a famous character from history and sharing an often missed piece of his journey that might change your current mode of operation.

And, remember: Angles game Saturday, with lots of us tailgating near the big ‘A’ pregame.

See you soon!


PS: You can set up STEP IN contributions here.

PPS: You can listen to past messages here.