Father’s Day


Dads. They show us that being a man is more than just eating your body weight in bacon. They help us build forts and our confidence. When life knocks us around, they pick us up and dust us off. Dads love us unconditionally through the trophies and the tears. Join us for some really cool cars, sports, and of course bacon as we celebrate the fathers in our lives.

Check out all of the fun stuff on the patio after the services:

  • BMX Show
  • SWAT Truck
  • LA Galaxy (Sunday only)
  • Baseball – Fastpitch
  • Basketball Free Throw
  • Golf

June 20 & 21
Sat: 5p, Sun: 9 & 11a

Father’s Day


Dads. They show us that being a man is more than just eating your body weight in bacon. They help us build forts and our confidence. When life knocks us around, they pick us up and dust us off. Dads love us unconditionally through the trophies and the tears. Join us as we celebrate the fathers in our lives.

Sun, June 21, 9 & 11a
after services

Food and Volunteers Needed at the Resource Center


The Resource Center serves over 200 families each month and is in need of canned fruit, pasta, pasta sauce, and rice. Drop off donations in the collection area outside the Community Center or on the 3rd floor of the Life Development Building.

Tuesdays-Saturdays, 8a-2p
No specific shifts, come any time to process donations (clothes, dishes, furniture), work in the store, and get to know families from the community. For more info, email rc@marinerschurch.org


Surf Camp


Do you like surfing or want to learn? Then JHM Surf Camp is just for you! Meet us down at the Newport Pier on Thursdays mornings and we’ll ride with you, teach you and have a blast! You can surf, body board, skim board.  Bring your boards and your friends. You must be a competent swimmer. Find out more.

Thursdays, July 2-July 30, 8-10a
JHM Surf Camp ends with an overnight Surf Camp trip to San Onofre, Aug 5-7, $39.93.

A Note from Jeff Pries


I heard such great things about last weekend! Having Mike share about the history of El Buen Pastor and our partnership was such a blessing. I enjoyed spending the week with my family, but I always find myself missing you guys and this place. It is such a joy to be part of this community of people who authentically care about each other and enjoy doing life together – so I am excited to be back with you this weekend!

We have been talking about all the fun things coming up this summer and one event, happening in a little over a week, is Father’s Day. This is not a weekend we take lightly…we are going all out to celebrate the fathers in our lives! This may be surprising, but Father’s Day traditionally has been a low, if not the lowest, attended weekend for churches, and we believe that is not right. Fathers have a HUGE impact on our lives and deserve to be honored and poured into in order to equip them for the important role they carry. We invite you to join us on Sun, June 21, as we throw a big party – DADFEST – with good food, paintball hunting, lawn games, and activities for the kids! Also, our first FRAMILY summer event is coming up, and you don’t want to miss it! We are going to camp out on our lawn, watch a movie and make s’mores. Who doesn’t love the sound of that? Make sure to grab your friends and neighbors.

Lastly, in a few short weeks we will have around 350 kids running around our campus for VBS: The Sweet Life! We want to invite you to join us in three ways! 1) Invite- there are neighbors, school families, and friends that you know who would love a week-long camp learning about God’s love for them, and we ask that you would play a part in inviting them to VBS. 2) Serve- we are doing an evening VBS this year to open up serving opportunities to those of you who work. Even if you haven’t served before, consider it. There is so much joy in spending time with kids and seeing God work in their hearts. And lastly, 3) Pray – we would love you to keep this camp in your prayers. Pray that God would work in and through this week to reach the community and impact these kids’ lives!

As you can see, there are a lot of awesome things going on around here! Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday as we continue our series “Listen.”


A Note From Jeff Maguire


There is an oft-repeated question used among church leaders. It’s used at conferences and ministry gatherings. It’s intended to provoke people to action and spur pastors to greater vision. Some resist it. Some embrace it. But, few deny the truth within it. It has many forms, but this is its most common and most alarming one:

“If you and your church were to disappear off the face of the earth tomorrow, would anyone in the community around you notice you were gone?”

My answer to that question is unequivocally, yes!

If you’ve been around Mariners for any length of time, you’ll undoubtedly have heard us use the phrase: “in the community, for the community.” It’s part of who we are. We are a church committed to ensuring that the church isn’t only for the insiders and those who are “in the know.” We are a group of people focused on how the world might be influenced, changed, restored. We believe in serving without expecting any kind of quid pro quo — the joy of serving people alone is sufficient. We believe in following Jesus (as best as we can) in demonstrating love and self-sacrifice.

So, I say “yes” to that hypothetical question of our disappearance. Emphatically, I say yes. I say yes because of the countless volunteers I’ll never hear about. I say yes because of all the volunteers I do know about. I say yes because every so often, the church gets to put on display our intention to be unmistakably “for the community” on an epic scale.

This Sunday is SERVE DAY. After the 11a service, starting around 1p, we’ll head over to a local elementary school — one of the oldest in Mission Viejo (Cordillera) — a school with an optimistic and dedicated PTA and a great first-year principal with big vision. However, it’s school that has been run-down over the years. It’s in need of a refresh — a facelift. That’s where we step in — 1300+ strong. Last year, Serve Day shaped our church and changed the local community.

So come this Sunday in shorts and old shoes. We’ll provide you with lunch and a t-shirt. Show up, ready to serve. Let’s be “in the community for the community” together. Check out the video from last year to get a sense of what Serve Day is all about. Or, for a picture of the projects we’re tackling this year, take a look at the video conversation with the principal and some of her students. For several weeks a volunteer prep-team has already begun work on the school campus getting things ready for this Sunday. So, don’t miss it. Bring your kids. Bring your neighbors. Bring your neighbors’ kids. There’s something for everyone to do. We need you. Your community does, too.

Doug Fields will be speaking in our current series, LISTEN. I can’t wait to serve alongside you.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Caleb Anderson


There’s often confusion around prayer and what it means to hear from God. In our series, Listen, we are attempting to eliminate the weirdness and even the religious mumbo-jumbo that can block people from having their own encounters with their Creator. Join us Sunday as we continue the conversation and talk about perhaps the most mysterious aspect of prayer–the Holy Spirit.

And, as always, remember that God loves you…Other people do too…And there’s a unique contribution that only you can make–in our church, and in the world.


PS: You can set up STEP IN contributions here

PPS: You can listen to past messages here