A Night of Healing Prayer with Mike Pilavachi

The ministry of Jesus is the ministry of freedom. What would it look like for us to encounter Him today, to be healed and to experience the freedom only He can give? Join us for a very special all-campus gathering where Anglican Pastor, international speaker, author and founder of Soul Survivor Ministries, Mike Pilavachi, will lead us through God’s Word and a powerful time of prayer ministry, specifically for those seeking emotional, spiritual and physical healing. For more info, click here.

Tue, Jun 9, 7p, Irvine Campus Worship Center

Women’s Dessert Night


Join women from Mariners MV for dessert, conversation and to hear an encouraging message from guest speaker, Sheri Rose Shepherd. A New York Times best-selling author, humorist, and Bible life coach, Sheri Rose Shepherd has been in ministry for over 22 years and spoken at over 1000 women’s events, including Women of Joy and Extraordinary Women. For more info and to register, click here.

Sunday, June 7
7p, in the lobby at MCMV, $10

VBS: Sweet Life

VBS is a 5-day summer camp for kids entering kindergarten through 5th grade in the fall. With over 2,000 kids, the campus will be transformed into a candy wonderland as kids come and experience the SWEET LIFE.

Last call for VBS registration! Registration closes this Sunday, June 7 at midnight. You can register here. (This the last weekend to sign up!)

June 22-26, 8:45a-12:30p, Irvine Campus, $60

Promotion Commotion – June 6/7


All 5th grade students and parents are invited to join us this weekend in the 4th/5th grade room for a family service celebration. We want to send our 5th graders off with a blessing and introduce parents and children to our junior high staff. Don’t miss it! For more info, click here.

During the weekend services
Sat: 5p, Sun: 9 & 11a
Port Mariners 4/5 Grade Room

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


The King still has one more move!

Last weekend was amazing as Albert Tate brought us the powerful reminder that we are never beyond God’s love – redemption – forgiveness – or His purpose for our lives. What a profound response as we were able to celebrate and rest in His power and grace as He restores each one of us back into who He created us to be.

This weekend is another great opportunity to invite your friends and family to join us as we gather to hear the story God is writing in and through our church, encountering the power and presence of Jesus to transform our minds, hearts and lives!

Looking forward to being with you all.


A Note From Jeff Maguire


“There is no greater evidence of faith than the virtue of genuine thanksgiving.”
– excerpted from Streams in the Desert

This last weekend I went camping. We camped with six families, twenty kids in all. Minivans were stuffed to the gills with unnecessary “necessities.” We kicked off the summer as so many do…in traffic. We drove to the local mountains to a campsite adjacent to Lake Arrowhead. For the duration of our stay it rained…all day, all night.

We set up our tent at night…in the rain.
We ate our breakfasts, teeth chattering…in the rain.
We scrambled to the bathroom…in the rain.

Jeff Maguire Camping

We have a tent big enough for my whole family. But, only my oldest son was willing to sleep in it with me. Everyone else slept in our minivan. In that first night, having been kept awake by the constant fear that we were going to be washed clear into San Bernadino by a rogue flash flood, and as I swore under my breath that this was the final camping trip the Maguire family would ever take, something dawned on me.

My kids were having a blast. So were the other seventeen kids. They were soaked — every inch of them: shoes, socks, pants, shirts, sweatshirts, all of it, drenched. Every kid in each of the families melted their shoes on the fire attempting to warm their feet. But, not one of them complained. All of the parents stood staring at the fire, wondering why we were there, longing for a better cup of coffee (nice try Starbucks Via). But, the kids were inventing games. They decided to hold a skit/talent show next to our campsite. They played in the tall trees. They hid in the misty fog. They laughed. They were having the time of their lives.

My kids found a thankfulness in plans gone awry. While I found the very bland practice of complaining, the kids discovered the virtue of genuine thanksgiving. They had so much fun in the rain, they believed everything went exactly as we had planned it. So, like any good father, I took credit for their joy and told them they were welcome…and to remove their now melting Nikes from the burning coals of the fire.

So, we’ll camp again. But, not for awhile.

This Sunday, we’ll launch a new series that will be great for inviting friends, especially those who are curious about Jesus, called Listen. I’m looking forward to being with all of you and meeting those you’ve invited.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Jeff Pries


What a great Sunday we had this past weekend. Nothing better than a good burger and a bluegrass band. But what made the day extra special was celebrating change in the lives of those who chose to be baptized. I love how we rallied around and celebrated with them. That is the body of Christ, our church family at work. It was also fun to tell some of the great stories of those who went down to Mexico to build a house. What a fantastic life changing/bonding experience for all involved. To see more pictures of the trip, go to our Facebook page.

This weekend we will be finishing our series, Reset. What we tend to forget is that God has called us to reset our lives when we follow Him. This Sunday, we will see what that looks like. As always, be thinking and praying about who you can invite. There are a lot of great things happening here at Mariners Ocean Hills, and you have people in your life who are looking for deeper relationships with God and others. Finally, make sure you check out our summer calendar (you can pick up a copy at the Welcome Center). There are many exciting things planned, and please mark them down so that you can join the fun.

Blessings to you,


A Note From Caleb Anderson


I was at the U2 concert last night. It was my first U2 concert, and it lived up to expectations.

There’s something about gathering with people, united around an agreement that we love something—even if it’s just a group of middle-aged musicians from the north side of Dublin.

It reminded me that there’s something even more special…more sacred…when we gather together to agree that there is a God who is not only the Creator of the world, the universe, and all creation, but He is also the RE-creator of our experience of life. He’s the one who is still giving us love, newness of life, passion for today and hope for tomorrow. He’s the one who gives us a reason to keep on going. He’s the one who gives us assurance that better things are still coming. He’s the one.

It’s a beautiful day. And it’s because there is a God who is with you…who is renewing you…And this God is a God you can know.

I’m really excited about the new series we’re starting Sunday called LISTEN. It’s about how we can learn to listen to God, and actually hear from Him. As I’ve been preparing the message this week, I have a sense that this series will be a game-changer for many of us. Don’t miss a Sunday.

It is also so exciting to see that commitments and contributions to the STEP IN campaign that are coming in from many of you. THANK YOU! The future is bright.

For those of you—and it’s still MOST of you—who haven’t yet filled out a commitment card, please do. It helps us plan and determine what we can and can’t afford to do in the new space. We need you.

I love you and I’m grateful for you…and I’m praying for you today.


PS: You can set up STEP IN contributions here

PPS: You can listen to past messages here