HSM: Boom Boom Broomball


Grab a friend, wear a costume, and let’s play some broomball! It’s gonna be silly fun for everyone! Spots are limited, so register ASAP. We will provide the food, ice rink, and equipment; you bring the people and the costumes! Contact Jordan with questions or click here for info. Open to all high school students.

Friday, March 20, 10:30p-12:45a, $20
Aliso Viejo Ice Palace

A Note from Caleb Anderson

Here’s a verse for reflection today…

You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9

This weekend we’re talking about how to be rich! This is not prosperity gospel or a pyramid scheme. And it just might change your life.

If you’ve been a part of OUTREACH weekends in the past, you know Sunday is going to be special. Come on time, and be ready for your worldview to be expanded.

Note the other things going on in our church below…

See you Sunday,


P.S.: Catch up on past messages here.
P.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


The impact of being alone with God in prayer cannot be overemphasized. – Streams in the Desert

Being “alone” and “lonely” are vastly different things. In my own mind, however, I have a difficult time separating the two. Somewhere, deep beneath any surface-level piety about the importance of solitude, I have a lingering fear that in time spent alone, the specter of loneliness is necessarily looming in the furtive shadows, waiting to pounce. That must be why I surround myself with a nearly constant barrage of noise. The radio is on. The pundits chatter away about politics and sports. The TV emanates its softly flickering visual noise — shadow puppets I can barely recall. I create endless nearly-perfected playlists of music. Eventually, all the chords and all the drums and all the voices merge into a blurry whiteness. I do things. I do “really” important things that make me feel like I matter.

Nearly all of it points to something — a hard truth to swallow: I am afraid of being alone. In the still moments of my life, who knows what will be revealed? What horror waits in the quiet?

So, against my better judgment, for Lent (the traditional 40 day on-ramp to the foot of the cross) I gave up a portion of that noise. One of the places I’ve decided to minimize my dependence on noise is in my car. Now, I drive in my car without noise. I hear all the bumps and rattles of the road in high definition. Louder still, I hear the bumps and rattles inside myself. Those are much clearer. So far, I have had no spiritual epiphany. Jesus has yet to write to me a personal message with some unseen holy finger in the morning fog of my side mirrors.

As I’ve driven, I’ve yelled, out loud, literally. I’ve had long monologues directed at unseen passengers. I’ve become quite adept at playing the steering-wheel-drums. Apparently, even when there’s no noise, I have to make noise. The stillness of solitude, despite all I may know for the better, is something I still resist. Perhaps, by Easter, I’ll find my way to see the beauty in what God wants to teach me when I embrace more completely “the impact of being alone with God in prayer.”

This weekend we’ll wrap up our UNLEASH the IMPOSSIBLE series with a heightened focus on the poor and the marginalized masses in our community and in the world. Just a reminder: immediately following both services, we’ll have a serving opportunity for you and your family on the patio. Come wearing a t-shirt and some comfortable shoes. Don’t worry about lunch, we’ve got you covered. We’re bringing a slice of last summer’s Serve Day to our patio.

See you Sunday,


A Note from Jeff Pries


We made it, our first Sunday with two services. It was an incredible Sunday on so many levels, and thank you to all of you who participated in making it work. You stepped up and served in incredible ways; you heard when we said “we can’t do it without you,” and you jumped in. And you invited! It was our biggest Sunday we have had outside of Christmas and Easter. Way to go. And of course, it was so great to have Jon and Deanna Ramsay on stage together to sing. They were incredible.

This is a Sunday you are not going to want to miss. If you go to any bookstore, you will see shelves full of books on this topic: Worry. Why? Because we all struggle with this, and we don’t know how to stop. So if you find yourself worrying, or have ever worried, or think that you may worry in the future, this weekend is for you. Here is the great thing. Jesus had a lot to say about it, so this Sunday it is about learning what He has to say. See you Sunday. Don’t forget, either 9 or 11a.



A Note from Kyle Zimmerman


For those of you who are married, on a scale of 1-10, how’s your marriage? When was the last time you went out on date with your spouse? What about your friends and neighbors – how would they answer these questions? We all need to create space to encourage one another, laugh with one another, and invest in our marriages which is why we’re hosting Date Night! Join Holiday and me as we gather together with hundreds of other couples this Friday night to remember the beautiful gift of marriage and enjoy each other. We’ll have fun being together for about an hour then you’ll have two hours to enjoy all to yourselves, all the while knowing your kids will be well cared for and having fun at Port Mariners. I’d love to see you join me and make this investment in your marriage.

Then, this weekend, I’m so excited as we get to put into practice all that we’ve been learning in the Pursuit of Happiness series. We’re going to have the opportunity to startle Orange County and the world with our love and generosity and I promise your life will be transformed. It’s the perfect weekend to invite friends and family to join you as we put on display the absolute best of what Jesus and His church are called to be. Looking forward to seeing you guys.



Unleash the Impossible


Impossible: not able to occur, exist, or be done.

We’ve heard it our whole lives: “You can’t. You won’t. Stop kidding yourself.” It’s told to us by people who see the world only through the limits of their own ability. Their world is a fixed reality without hope. What if we stopped listening to them? What if we chased the unexplainable, the untamable, the unthinkable, and the miraculous? What if our lives were no longer weighed down by the nay-sayers and the cynics? What if the greatest and most impossible hopes needed only to be unleashed?

Sundays, 9 & 11a
Directions and info here.

Date Night


Whether you are a newlywed or have been married for decades, all couples are invited out for Date Night. Enjoy an hour of socializing, appetizers, laughter and community with an encouraging message from Kyle and Holiday Zimmerman, followed by two hours of free time. Click here for more info.

Friday, February 27, 6p
Childcare, $10/child, or $10/couple with no childcare
Children’s and JHM programs available. Pizza included!