Church Verse


Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom.
One generation commends Your works to another; they tell of Your mighty acts.
They speak of the glorious splendor of Your majesty–
and I will meditate on Your wonderful works.
Psalm 145:3-5

Pick up a copy of this year’s church verse at the Welcome Center, or download from our website.

Life Groups

In community for community! Have you been through Rooted and are looking for your next step? We would love to help you get connected into a life group. We have groups for everyone, both life-stage specific and mixed. Two groups with space right now are young married couples who are looking for connection and mentoring, and families looking to learn and grow together. For more info, click here.

New Service Times Begin This Weekend!



Starting this Sunday, we are so excited to have our first week of two services. We’ll be celebrating over the next few weekends with fun surprises after each service – starting with kettle corn and root beer floats this weekend! It will be a great opportunity for you to connect with all your church friends between and after services and enjoy delicious treats. As we continue to respond to what God wants to do through our church in our community, I would love for you to join me and pray about who we can be inviting.

See you Sunday at 9 & 11a, and if you forget and show up at 10a, enjoy some kettle corn and stay for the 11a service.


A Note From Jeff Maguire


Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. – MARK 8:34

We use the expression, “cross to bear” to encompass a number of things:
sciatica, poor math skills, night blindness, a sweet tooth, a trick knee, or any unfulfilled desires. Only, a cross to bear in the first century was hardly trivial. To see a person carrying a crossbar atop their shoulders would have provoked few questions. A cross-bearing person bore the condemnation of one convicted of only the most heinous of crimes. So extreme was this style of execution that Roman citizens were exempted from it.

As we enter into the roughly forty-day season leading up to Easter, called Lent,  Christians worldwide will deny themselves various things in an effort to connect themselves to the sufferings of Jesus. But, the challenge in Lent isn’t in finding some luxury to go without for a few weeks. It is, however, in connecting whatever that thing is from which we willingly abstain with the true notion of bearing a cross. The apostle Paul describes it like this: “I have been crucified in Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” So, bearing a cross is about putting to death an old nature (crucified with Christ) with the hope and power of living in a new kind of life (resurrected with Christ at Easter).

To aim our hearts at Easter, join us for our Ash Wednesday service at 7p. In it, we’ll orient ourselves at the truth, the tragic beauty, and the glorious irony of the cross. We’ll consider how our journey toward Easter begins intentionally and deliberately. No child care is provided. But, bring kids of any age you deem appropriate for such an experience.

See you Wednesday Night,


A Note From Mike Myers


Ash Wednesday is here, which means Easter is on the horizon. Easter is one of the biggest celebrations for the church. But, how do we experience the joy, celebration, power, and resurrection that Easter promises in our own lives? To find out, let’s take a journey…

We live in a world that tells us our wants and desires are the most important things and are what define us. Not only that, these wants and desires are what culture promises will bring us joy, power, and life. If we have a hunger, then it should be fed. If we have a desire, then it should be filled! However, Ash Wednesday and Lent communicates a radically different message. This season uniquely points us to Jesus and re-shapes our hearts and lives around the power of the cross. The Lent journey teaches us that our wants and desires are not what define us but rather we are defined and given life through Jesus and the life-giving work of the cross.

You see, we will never experience the joy, celebration, power, and resurrection that God promises through Easter, if we never take the journey.

I found this to be true in my own life. Last year, I decided to say “No” to myself at the Ash Wednesday service and gave up TV (which included Netflix!) for the journey of Lent. The purpose of giving up TV was to create intentional space to be able to connect with God and with others in a deeper and more profound way. It was pretty difficult at first but the margin helped me to create some new rhythms that shaped my heart and life.

Then, on Easter, I was able to celebrate in a more powerful and meaningful way because I had a deeper understanding of what it means to deny myself and in its place be defined by God’s joy, celebration, power, and life. But, this experience was possible because I responded to the invitation of the Lent journey.

So, will you say “YES” to this season and journey of Lent? If so, I believe you will see and experience the resurrected new life that God has and wants for all of us.

God bless you as we journey together…

Mike Myers

A Note From Caleb Anderson



Today is the start of what many refer to as the Lent(en) season. Lent—approximately 6 weeks prior to Easter—is kicked off by “Ash Wednesday” and is used by many as a preparation period leading up to Easter. Some people fast—going without food, junk food, media, etc. Some people pray—at specific times each day. Others participate in disciplines or behaviors that serve them.

But the point is simple: prepare your heart for a very special time of the year—Easter.

So I want to invite you to ask yourself, what can I do differently in the next six weeks? Is there some basic sacrifice you can make… or step you can take…? Is there something new you want to try? Or something old you want to go without?

Who knows how God might use this commitment. But you can know this: He’ll do something. And I’ll be praying for you. (For daily expressions and prayers for Lent, you can download our Lent Journey card here.)

I’m also really excited about THIS Sunday. If you have ever had questions about PRAYER—how to do it, why it matters, what to expect…—don’t miss this Sunday!

See you soon,


P.S.: Catch up on past messages here.
P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Jeff Pries


I am really excited about this Sunday, it is a huge step for our church as we move to two services (9 & 11a).  This is happening because I really sense God’s blessing upon our church. A major step in the process is because you are great at inviting and you are great at serving, so thank you for your commitment to the church. This week, we will see you at a new time – and I know this may be challenging – but maybe even a new seat. I know you are going to want to be here to celebrate our big step, but I have to say this weekend’s service is going to be special. If you have ever wondered how to take a major step in your relationship with God, we will find that out together this weekend. And you are going to have to just trust me, but we are also going to have a moment in the service you are not going to want to miss.

Also, today is the start of what many refer to as the Lent(en) season. Lent—approximately 6 weeks prior to Easter—is kicked off by “Ash Wednesday” and is used by many as a preparation period leading up to Easter. Some people fast—going without food, junk food, media, etc. Some people pray—at specific times each day. Others participate in disciplines or behaviors that serve them. But the point is simple: prepare your heart for a very special time of the year—Easter. So I want to invite you to ask yourself, what can I do differently in the next six weeks? Is there some basic sacrifice you can make… or step you can take…? Is there something new you want to try? Or something old you want to go without?  Who knows how God might use this commitment. But you can know this: He’ll do something. (For daily expressions and prayers for Lent, you can download our Lent Journey card here.)

See you this Sunday at either 9 or 11a…Blessings,