Homeless Ministry


Saturdays, February 21 & 28, 5:45 – 7:30p (818 E 3rd St, Santa Ana)

The Homeless Ministry is dedicated to caring for the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of homeless at the Santa Ana Hospitality House. Come be a part of sharing stories, dessert and board games. Our desire is to create relationships, provide an opportunity to get to know Jesus, and take steps to get off the streets.

Sun, Feb 22, 12:45-2:30p, Upper Room

If you are interested in getting involved in the Homeless Ministry or have attended our events before, please join us for this special training. Learn about the many ways to get involved and hear from a local professional in this ministry. Lunch will be provided.

For more info or to signup Contact Danielle at danielle.libring@railpros.com

Volunteers Needed


Welcome Center
Be a friendly face to someone coming to Mariners for the first time! Greet people, answer questions and assist with next steps to help them get connected. We have volunteer opportunities available at the Welcome Center and Info Center after every service, Sat, 5p and Sun, 9 & 11a. For more info, contact Denise, deniseflamma@yahoo.com

Safety and Medical Team
If you have training in law enforcement, EMT, or fire fighting and have a heart for our community, we have a place for you! For more info, contact Brenton, MarinersSafety@gmail.com

Parent Cue

Join us for a parent learning experience where we’ll talk about 10 of the most popular but potentially dangerous apps and why they can be problematic for your child. Click here for more info.

Tuesday, February 24, 7-8:30p
Student Center Room 1, free
Hosted by JHM but all parents are invited.

A Note from Jeff Maguire


Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her…

I think it was about four or five years into being married where I began to realize something. It was subtle, but nonetheless, significant. My love wasn’t waning. Neither was hers. I think, like so many other habits in our lives, however, I had drifted into a kind of steady stillness in my marriage. There was no crisis. No one
was yelling or threatening. No ultimatum was issued. But, something that used to be there all the time, appeared to be hiding in the routine of everyday living. That early marriage euphoria of new love didn’t appear to be able to bear the weight and sustaining power of a deeper kind of companionship in marriage like I’d hoped. I knew then, I’d need more than pheromone-electro-chemical brain pyrotechnics to build the next portion of our lives upon. Only, I wasn’t sure what that looked like.

Paul describes the way a marriage ought to look in his letter to the Ephesian church. In Roman society, wives were supposed to take care of the house and children as the man’s property. They were little more than servants. They were a necessary component of civil life. But, there wasn’t any expectation of love. When Paul says to the church — to the husbands in the church — “love your wives,” he’s already stating something completely counter-cultural. It might have made sense to say: “watch over” or “look out for” or even “protect.” But he says “love.” Even more so, the love he describes is completely absurd: “…just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

Jesus’ love for the church (His bride) isn’t ecstatic temporary elation. It’s not nervous flirtation, nor clammy hands, nor fumbling speech. His ministry wasn’t about amorous fireworks and chemical impulse. No, Jesus saw the church as His beautiful and eternal bride. In that sense, a season of “feeling it” would never cut it.

I discovered something in these words that I have yet to fully grasp — that the essence of a lasting and “radiant” marriage had far more to do with what I was willing to give up than what I was hoping to get. I realized something in that understanding — that in even the most beautiful marriages: MARRIAGE IS REALLY HARD. In the marriages I respect the most, where the couples appear to have the deepest and most compassionate love for each other, all of them speak about the unending trial of learning the art of sacrifice for the other. In other words, like everything else in our faith journey, marriage is a work in progress. Everyone can always use a tune-up no matter what stage or place they’re in.

This Friday night, February 13th we’ll host our own version of that tune-up:
“DATE NIGHT.” $15/couple. Bring your friends. It’s always a hit. Online registration appreciated (required for those needing childcare).
Here’s the run-down:
6:30-7p, Pre-date appetizers
7-8p, Program led by Doug Fields
8-9:30p, Leave to go on a date with your spouse
9:30p, Pick up children from Mariners MV

See you Friday night,


A Note from Kyle Zimmerman


john  Meet John. John has served our community through Mariners Irvine for the past five years. He tutors people in English and other subjects through our Learning Centers in Santa Ana, and volunteers in our Irvine Resource Center every week. As I listened to John share his story with me today, he was overwhelmed talking about the relationships that have been built and how he’s seen God move. While I was talking with him in the Resource Center, a lady came over with tears in her eyes and said, “John is my hero.” She went on to describe how John had served her through the Resource Center when she was pregnant, getting her everything she needed for her and her family. She finished by saying, “I am so grateful for this church, this Community Center and for John.” I love the story God is writing in our church. I love that we are writing a beautiful story in Orange County – one of love…redemption…kindness…and compassion – showing what the Gospel looks like lived out as followers of Jesus. I’m so grateful to be on this journey with you and I can’t wait as this year unfolds to see what God will do through each and every one of us.

This weekend, we’re continuing in Pursuit of Happiness. As Kenton mentioned last week, a good friend of ours from our own community, will be here sharing about the joy of generosity and how it has changed his life and how it can change yours. I love his heart and I believe his infectious joy and creativity for giving will continue taking us down the path of being a relentlessly generous community.

Lastly, I want to remind and invite you guys to join me and others from our church family at the Saturday night service instead of the 11a Sunday service. Our parking lots are full and the service is well over 80% full which sends a message to people that there is no room for them. Would you please join me by serving and loving our community and come to our Saturday night service? It’s one tangible way we can love people by making space for them when they are looking to come and experience all we share together here at Mariners.

Love being on this journey with you all and looking forward to all that God is doing.



A Note from Caleb Anderson


Join us this Sunday as we continue our series, Pursuit of Happiness. We’ll be talking about a topic that’s extremely relevant, a little scandalous, perhaps offensive, and definitely scary. You won’t want to miss it.

Next Wednesday is the official start of Lent, a season to prepare our hearts for the journey of Easter. More info will be coming soon about ways we can turn our focus toward Jesus and the transforming power of the cross.


P.S.: Catch up on past messages here.
P.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note from Jeff Pries

I hope you are having a great week. Boy, summer really snuck up on us. If you join us this weekend, you will be part of a fun moment in the life of our church. You will be able to say you were at the church for the last time we were one service. This is because on February 22nd we will be moving to two services. Service times will be 9 & 11a. The response to volunteer at a service was incredible, and we will be giving you more opportunities to sign up this weekend.

This Sunday, we will continue in the series The Pursuit of Happiness. If you are wondering what one of the big happiness “stealers” is, I will let you know this week. And the fun part is, Jesus has a lot to say about it. We look forward to seeing you Sunday. Join us! We will have the A/C pumping.
