Children’s Volunteer Training

Each weekend children experience the fun and excitement of Port Mariners, playing, meeting new friends and learning about Jesus. Teams of staff and volunteers will bring the message of Jesus alive to children (ages birth-5th grade) in an age-appropriate loving environment. Come learn about how you can get involved. If you are already serving, come learn about some exciting opportunities that are happening. For more info, contact Diane,

 Sun, Feb 15, 11:30a-12:30p, Room 224

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I love to see and hear how we are embracing our community by inviting our friends and family to join us and be a part of the story God is writing through Mariners Church. Continue to take advantage of the opportunities we have this week and invite a friend, co-worker, someone in your life, to come and see the gospel on display in a relevant way. Tonight at 7p we get to hear from some of the most influential sports figures in culture today and how their faith has impacted their journey. Also, join us at the Father Factor Conference tomorrow night as we take a closer look at who God wants us to be as parents, husbands and dads. And this weekend, Kenton is back! He’ll be continuing in our Pursuit of Happiness series and we’ll be sharing the church verse that will aim and direct our hearts for 2015. It’s going to be a great weekend – don’t miss it!

Looking forward to being with you.



A Note From Jeff Pries


It is so fun to see all that God is doing in and through our church. We have always said that we are a church in community for community. How great it is too see we take that seriously, and you are reaching into your communities and friendships and inviting people, and the church is growing. I love that we are beginning to hear stories from the winter session of Rooted and that we are seeing people in community learning about God and growing together in their faith. Men’s and Women’s Ministries are launching, so be sure to talk with these groups on the patio this Sunday to see how you can get involved! It’s powerful seeing God at work here at Mariners Ocean Hills, moving in our hearts as we develop relationships and do life together!

As God is moving here at Ocean hills, we have been growing significantly. So, this past weekend we began talking about going to two services at the end of this month. Adding another service is exciting! I’m thrilled for the opportunities this opens up for us. Two services will ease some of the tension we are seeing in two areas: our parking lot and our children’s rooms. It will make both areas function much better. While those are some of the functional reasons, there are other opportunities two services allows. This allows people to serve and also attend church. It creates more opportunities for people to make it to church, and it opens up more space in the room (rooms at 80% capacity tend to stop growing). It reminds us that we are a church of “inviters.” God has called us to reach the people of San Juan for Jesus and making space for them is a huge piece. February 22nd will be the weekend we transition to two services (9 & 11a), and we will continue talking about what this transition means for each of us! Would you join me in prayer for this next season as we trust God with the direction of this church?

We are continuing our series The Pursuit of Happiness this weekend as we talk about relationships, a necessity for happiness. You won’t want to miss it!

See you Sunday!


A Note From Jeff Maguire


Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty— and I will meditate on your wonderful works.”
– PSALM 145:3-5

For people who have little familiarity with church parlance, the word “elder” is a little strange. Even stranger is an elder’s job description: “keepers of the vision.” So, when the so-called “keepers of the vision” go away on a retreat together, it conjures up images of a Tolkien-esque cave gathering of bearded kindly wizards holed up in a torch-lit cave. Maybe that is what they do. But, not likely. (I’ve met them. No beards that qualify as wizard-length. They do seem kindly. Though, none of them seem like they’d be comfortable in a cave.)

Each year, the elders go away together to get a direction for where God is leading Mariners Church. In many respects, the greatest gift an elder can give to the church is an ability to listen — to patiently and faithfully hear God’s voice. One of the key components of their retreat is to identify the church verse for the year. Last year, the elders identified Jeremiah 17:7-8, which reads: “…Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream…”

The church verse is always best understood in the rear-view mirror. In other words, it’s difficult to predict all of the implications for what the passage means in an anticipatory posture. Rather, looking back over the last year, God’s story in and through that verse becomes much clearer.

We can point to moments where God’s provision seemed unlikely. We have seen people’s lives turned around in the meaningful community of Rooted and life groups. Each week, new people are finding a home in Jesus that they never thought possible. Old arid voices, drought laden and life-stealing, are being washed away in fresh hope and outbursts of joy. Those in the desert are discovering they are less alone than they thought and their lives are producing unlikely and even impossible fruit.

So, the elders have come back. They have heard God speak. They have given us a church verse (Psalm 145:3-5). I can’t wait to see the story God writes in 2015. I wonder what “mighty acts” and “wonderful works” we’ll look back upon.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Jairus Williams

Hey Marines HB,
What a dynamic and amazing weekend we had this past week.  I don’t get to write these often, so I’m going to take this opportunity to affirm what I saw.

I believe Caleb brought one of his most authentic messages on marriage, relationships and honor we’ve ever had and…God moved hearts. As a result, I saw the tears of people who wanted to make a change in their marriages and relationships. They are asking for help and taking steps toward healing! I saw our church worship with new passion and expectation – arms raised, voices loud and hungry for more. As the Worship Pastor of this church, I was so proud. I believe God is doing something special here and the best is yet to come.

So what do we do with a weekend like this? Or bigger yet, when we see God do something special in our daily life…. what’s next?

Be thankful. When you remember these things during the week, say “thank you” to the One who gave it to you. Grateful hearts are close to God. Gratefulness is the gateway to joy and always orients and points us in a healthy direction. Gratitude is contagious. Try it out and watch people around you do it too!

Celebrate it. When something amazing happens, you naturally want to tell others about it. Even if it is a small glimpse of hope this week for a relationship that didn’t have it last week, SHARE IT WITH SOMEONE! Share it with those close to you. Invite more people to come to church with you…they need that hope too. This is too good to keep for ourselves. Sharing something with others that was previously hidden is like shining light into a dark room. It releases fear and apprehension…it gives you encouragement that you are not alone.

Expect more of it. James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” I love giving gifts to my kids. The way their eyes light up is priceless. How much more does God love doing that? When you show up this week for church, show up early, waiting and ready for God to do something amazing! Expect that the message is going to be life changing and that God will speak to you in a new way. Then go into the week praying, looking and expecting God to change you, those around you and to show you those you can impact personally!

I am pumped that great things are here…and great things are ahead! Don’t miss this weekend….something remarkable is going to happen!

We’re having food after the 6p service, so come hungry and bring a friend. :)

Men’s and Women’s Ministries have events coming up! DON’T DO LIFE ALONE. Women’s Coffee Connect here and Men’s Monthly Breakfast here.


Cross Training

042IR15-Cross-Training-Event-Compass (1)

An evening with Chris Broussard and friends…featuring Adrian Gonzalez of the LA Dodgers, Olympic Sprinter, Allyson Felix, and L.A. Galaxy Forward, Gyasi Zardes.

Join us for an exciting, entertaining conversation about the role that character, integrity, and faith play in the lives and careers of some prominent athletic figures in our culture today. For tickets and more info, click here.

Thu, Feb 5, 7-8:30p, Worship Center
$15 online and at the door
$5 for jr. high and high school students with ID