IF Gathering


IF is about a generation of women that believes God at His Word, that He called us to our places, and will use us for His glory and for the good of His people. We have seen God move in incredible ways already and believe it was only the beginning. We will come together around the world for this simulcast conference in a spirit of humility and unity to pray that God will work in even greater ways. Click here for more info.

Fri, Feb 6, 5:30-9p & Sat, Feb 7, 8:30a-4:30p
Worship Center, Free

Mentor Foster Youth


January is National Mentoring Month and we’re asking you to prayerfully consider becoming a mentor. Kids in the foster care system are some of the most at-risk in our nation, oftentimes lacking basic life skills, a loving community and even hope. Find out how you can become a mentor – visit the patio after services this weekend or get more info online.

Foster Teen Mentor Training
Sat, Feb 7, 10a-1p or Feb 28, 12-3p, Life Development Bld r205
If you are currently volunteering with foster teens, or have interest in doing so, please join us for Mentor Training hosted by Teen Leadership Foundation. To register contact Laurie.

Mariners Outreach New Frontlines


EattoHeal Nutrition Classes
Thursdays, 6-7:30p, Port Mariners r242
Taught by Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Jaime F. Nappi.
Topics include: Where it all went wrong, how history changed the way we eat, digestion: the foundation of health, the sugar and processed foods crisis, and how to properly prepare foods. Contact Jaime for more info and to register.

Holy Fitness: Surrendering one workout at a time
Mondays starting Feb 16, 6:30p, in the Worship Center Foyer
Join us for our first series “My Battle, My Wall,” based on the Book of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho. This 7-week series will culminate with a fun, first 7K. In Holy Fitness, you’ll: Strengthen your faith through fitness; Build your mind, body and spirit to be ready to tackle anything; Be a part of something new, fun and rewarding; Have professional athletes lead your workouts; Be part of Pray60 (our way of talking to God while exercising) and more! All fitness levels welcome. Contact Greg with questions or to register.


MOPS: Be You, Bravely

If you are in need of encouragement, wisdom, new friendships, or just a chance to sit down and drink hot coffee with adults, MOPS may be the place for you. MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, which means moms of infants to five years; expectant mommies are welcome too! More info here.

Fridays through May 1, 9-11:30a, Ocean Hills Campus, room 226, $80
childcare provided: $100 first child, each additional child, $50

Questions? Contact: djones@marinerschurch.org

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30

I love how the Pursuit of Happiness series has been leading us to find rest in Jesus. Everything we want to become and hope to be – the will and the strength – it’s all found in Him. This week, I’m so excited as Doug Fields will be back to teach us about how to prepare for, and have the kind of marriage that God designed for us. This is a great opportunity to invite your friends – family – neighbors – parents from your sports teams and your schools – everybody you know… because we all want great marriages! Doug will do an amazing job aiming our hearts at how that can happen and be real in our life.

NEXT WEEK – we have two incredible opportunities coming your way. As a follow up to this weekend, we’re hosting the Father Factor Conference. This is a great way to invest in your marriage and the relationships we are called to value most. Specifically for guys, it’s a great way to invest and become the kind of men/fathers/husbands God designed us to be. Also, next Thursday night, February 5, we’re hosting An Evening with Chris Broussard and Friends. Sports is a primary influence and language of our culture and we have the unique opportunity to host some prominent athletes from a variety of sports. We’ll hear from them about integrity, perseverance and team unity, and how their faith has sustained them in the midst of their journeys. This is a great opportunity for you to invite someone to come and experience the gospel and see the church on display in a very cool way.
Looking forward to being with you all again soon…




A Note From Jeff Pries


Last weekend was amazing seeing God move in powerful ways and how He uses us to care for people around us. Ali’s story is one of heartbreak and redemption and through her vulnerability, she is a light in this world. My hope is that this week has sparked something within you, knowing that God has specifically placed you where you are to be a light to those around you. We are continuing to keep the families affected by the fire in prayer and have been meeting with some of them this week. We are committed to supporting them as they work to start over with their homes, but in this time of “unknown,” would you continue to pray for them… pray for healing… pray for peace… and pray for hope as they step forward toward a new beginning.

We are in a series The Pursuit of Happiness where we are continuing to re-calibrate the ways in which we search for happiness and what we really are looking for. The next few weeks we’ll be talking about relationships, and how they are central to our happiness–and the abundant life God talks about. You won’t want to miss it! This is also a great time to invite friends, family and neighbors to come to church with you. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Love and marriage… they don’t always go together like a horse and carriage.

Love seems complex… dangerous… maybe even hopeless.

And marriage? Marriage has been under attack for a long, long time.

One thing you can be sure of: No great relationship happens on accident.

This Sunday we’re considering a teaching from Jesus that might shift your perspective on your most important relationships. There is hope. There’s help. And there’s a rich and satisfying life of love that’s possible.

As if you needed a reminder, the Super Bowl is Sunday. We’re using the national event as an excuse to throw parties Sunday afternoon. That means…

  1. Normal services at 8:30, 10, 11:30a
  2. NO 6p service—this week only
  3. Invite people over, or join one of our Super Bowl parties. Life is better together. Use the Super Bowl as an excuse to be a blessing to your friends and neighbors.

We expect our morning services to be especially full this Sunday. If possible, come at 8:30 or 11:30a. We have overflow seating (and seats for parents with infants) across the hall.

Looking forward to being with you on Sunday!


REMEMBER: Surf City Marathon is this Sunday. So enter the Library from Gothard/Talbert!

P.S.: Catch up on past messages here.
P.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


The crowds… followed him. He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing. – LUKE 9:11

The world is full of duo’s necessarily bound together for all of time. In fact, so common are the pairing of many things, you only need one to be aware of know the other:
– Peanut butter and _______.
– Macaroni and _______.
– To quote the erudite rap trio of my youth, the Beastie Boys:
“I like my sugar with coffee and _________.” (cream).

Clearly, I’ve been on a bit of health kick at the outset of this year. As such, all of the above pairings are presently prohibited. But, you get the idea. Whether it’s Batman and Robin, Ross and Rachel, thunder and lightning, or shake and bake, there is another famous pairing often overlooked in the Bible. It’s a pairing critical to understanding Jesus’ message.

The ministry of Jesus can be characterized by the dual components of announcing or, to use a more Christian-y sounding word, “proclaiming” something called the Kingdom of God and secondarily demonstrating what that Kingdom message actually looks like. So, throughout the accounts of Jesus’ ministry there is a consistent pattern: proclamation and demonstration.

For most contemporary followers of Jesus, we are fine with Kingdom proclamation, so long as it’s accomplished with some measure of skill and tact. But, we’re a little more resistant to any demonstration of that kingdom. Sure, we want it to be real and somehow tangible. But we don’t want a few things that may go with it.  After all, we don’t want to believe something that may not be true — because something miraculous, by definition, has to fly in the face of the plausible outcomes. We live in a world of rational thought, medical experts, data, and causes and effects. Additionally, we don’t want to associate ourselves with anything that may fall into the category of side-show circus chicanery at the hands of church illusionists who pray on the simple minded. And… we’re highly private people who don’t want to admit that the pressure on us to seem perfect is often greater than our very real and glaringly imperfect pain.

But, we do need God’s intervention into our lives in pointed and real ways. We have giant needs for our marriages, our physical health, our mental health, our addictions, our past wounds, and our secret lives — all of which are always inching closer and closer to that place where they can no longer be managed or smoothed over. So, despite all of our reservations, despite how foolish it might seem to us and to everyone else, we do the most honest thing we know how to do: we ask God for help. We fearfully, and faithfully look to God to powerfully re-link the dynamic duo of His Word with His deeds in us. We need healing for our brokenness.

This week, we’ll ask God to do one thing we desperately want but are afraid to publicly seek — healing. There will be no illusions. There will be no circus. There will be no fake exaggerations and made-up stories. But, we will boldly ask God to heal us with His power. In so doing, we will seek God to UNLEASH the IMPOSSIBLE in us.

See you Sunday,