Your Opinion Matters


We’re beginning an exciting new phase of our brand and digital strategy at Mariners. As someone who is part of our church, your insight is invaluable as we consider how best to communicate the heart and mission of Mariners Church to our community in the future. Would you help us by clicking this link and filling out a brief questionnaire about who we are as a church? Your input will help shape our messaging and future strategies as we move into an exciting new season. Thank you for helping us become who God has called us to be. (Due by Friday, January 30.)

Men’s Breakfast

Are you living the life you’ve always wanted? Are you the person you hoped to be? Join us for a breakfast with speaker and discussion. Listen to stories on how our extraordinary God is bringing about some powerful and compelling changes to people’s lives…maybe to yours!

Saturday, January 31
8a, MCMV Lobby, $10

Super Bowl House Parties

Super-Bowl-Sunday-Compass (1)
On Super Bowl Sunday, there will NOT be a Sunday night service at 6p. Instead, we will meet in houses all over the city to watch the BIG GAME! Let’s be in our community by throwing or attending a Super Bowl party! Invitations are available at the Welcome Center for hosts or if you would like to attend a party, we’ve got you covered! For more information, contact Neil,

Sun, Feb 1

Junior High Ministry

Life Groups
We want to TEACH STUDENTS TO HEAR FROM AND WALK WITH GOD, so we do LIFE GROUPS with committed leaders that care about our jr. high students in a setting where they can build depth in their friendships and connect even deeper with Jesus. Click here to sign up or to find out more.
In homes on Mondays starting Feb 2, 7-8:30p, $60 (Covers all 3 sessions)

First Wednesday (for parents)
Parents and guardians of junior highers, stop by for a free cup of coffee and meet with Graeme, the JHM Pastor.
Wed, Feb 4, 7-8a, Panera Bread, 19461 Main Street, HB

Women’s Bible Studies

James: Mercy Triumphs by Beth Moore
Begins Wednesday Feb 4, 9:30-11:30a, childcare available, $5/child/day

1&2 Thessalonians: Children of the Day by Beth Moore
Begins Monday night Feb 2, 6:45-8:45p, at the church offices

Mentoring 101
Sundays, Feb 8-Mar 15, during the 10a service
Learning to walk with someone: how to share your story, experience and heart during this six week study. For more info and location, contact Julie.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


There is no music during a musical rest, but the rest is part of the making of the music. In the melody of our life, the music is separated here and there by rests. During those rests, we foolishly believe we have come to the end of the song. God sends us times of forced leisure by allowing sickness, disappointed plans, and frustrated efforts. He brings a sudden pause in the choral hymn of our lives, and we lament that our voices must be silent. — excerpted from Streams in the Desert

Rest has a peculiar role in my life. I want it desperately. I know it’s what my soul needs. But…

Apparently, there’s an art in resting I have not yet found. I’m envious and in awe of those who seem to possess it with any kind of facility. The prospect of rest, real rest, is unnerving for me. I know rest is vastly different than laziness or its twin, procrastination. Rest is purposeful and restorative. Yet, I panic when I actually encounter it. I’m uneasy in stillness. I’m troubled by the idea that nothing is produced in rest. Rest might be the most difficult of any discipline I’ve come to know.

This week I got sick. Not terribly sick. I had a cold. I was sick enough, however, to warrant spending my day-off on the couch (Monday) and an additional day off of work (Tuesday). In both cases, I could produce nothing. I slept a lot. I drank tea. I slept more. I took my “forced leisure,” as the writer says so painfully well.

Now, I’m back. I’m at work. I’m thinking about all the great and innumerable things that have to be accomplished in the now shortened work-week. Somehow, I’m beginning to understand something:  the world still functions, people manage to live their lives, kids grow, paint dries, trees conduct photosynthesis…  despite the fact that I missed a day of work this week. Perhaps, I’m a bit less of a big deal than I’d have myself believe. Maybe some time in the distant future, I’ll stop missing the days I miss. Who knows? Maybe, I’ll even find a way to be grateful for them.

After all, God is UNLEASHING the IMPOSSIBLE.

Join us this week as we continue in our series, UNLEASH the IMPOSSIBLE. Don’t forget, we’ll also take a few moments to honor Ethan Hulse, our beloved ultra-cool hipster worship leader who is moving on from his full-time job here at Mariners. If you’ve been a part of the Mariners community for any length of time, you know two things:
1) that Ethan, with his leadership, talent, and commitment to Jesus has shaped our church worship culture indelibly and 2) that our love is often best expressed in mockery. Said better, “We mock because we care.” So, to show your love, dress a little like him. If you already fall into the same sphere of coolness as Ethan, well then, just ratchet it up a notch. Click here for some inspiration on how the “cool ones” dress.

See you Sunday,

A Note From Jeff


We had a great weekend last week as we introduced our new Worship Leader, Andrew Tremblay. After three months of searching for a new worship leader, it was great to finally have Andrew on board. I loved the picture of the elders praying over him and his wife Holly and their family. Please make sure you say “hi” to Andrew when you see him on Sunday.

Well, we put out the call to jump in to Rooted, and you did in a powerful way. On Tuesday night 50 came to the campus and began their Rooted experience. We look forward to hearing the stories of how God will move in the lives of all involved. There is a lot going on here this winter. In Women’s Ministry, Mops is kicking off this week. It is always a great time for mom’s with young kids to get together and grow and learn and have fun together. Women of Passion will be kicking off next week, which is a great study lead by Christine Digiacomo. Our Men’s Ministry is back and running with their Bible studies on both Tuesday night and Sunday morning.

Finally, JHM Winter Camp was a great success. It was fun and connecting and meaningful. Rob, our Youth Director will be sharing more of the stories in the coming weeks. We look forward to seeing you this weekend as we continue the series, “Pursuit of Happiness.”  We will be answering the question, Why am I here? You won’t want to miss it.


A Note From Caleb Anderson


The next three weeks we’re talking about RELATIONSHIPS, and how they are central to our happiness–and the abundant life God talks about.

anger | sex | porn | marriage | divorce

Don’t miss this… And don’t let your friends miss this.

PANCAKES! Following all services this Sunday. (Nothing wrong with breakfast for dinner 6p!) If you want to help serve pancakes, email Neil. Otherwise, come hungry.

SUPER BOWL! Everyone watches the Super Bowl (almost everyone). But no one should watch it alone. Invite your small group, neighbors, co-workers… Remember, you’re blessed as you bless others. Don’t insulate and isolate. Invite and include!

If you can’t host a party we have numerous awesome families who are opening their homes to anyone in our church. People will be on the patio this weekend with invites. Grab one and show up. Our church is full of fun, friendly people. You can be connected if you want to be–but it’s up to you. (6p service is canceled for our in-home-parties, 2/1 only.)

See you Sunday,

Catch up on our series The Pursuit of Happiness here.

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


January is well underway…2014 is in the rear view mirror and we are settling into the rhythms of our life for this year. I love how the Pursuit of Happiness series is continuing to shape and mold our thinking and our hearts as we become who Jesus has called and created us to be. I love the focus of the passage last week and how it gives us a lens to view the rest of the Sermon on the Mount. You are not going to want to miss any of these weeks as we continue to unpack the truth and freedom that Christ invites us into, recalibrating us from the law into a grace-filled relationship with Him.

Speaking of relationship…don’t neglect community or one another. In the busyness of life, make sure you find time, not only to be with Jesus, but also one another. Just this week, we launched hundreds of you into our Rooted experience. I love that we are finding our way into becoming who God is calling us to be as individuals and as a church. Looking forward to seeing and being with you guys this weekend.
