A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I love the way we are walking into 2015 together, pursuing happiness by pursuing God…following Jesus, being salt and light in this world. I love our weekend experiences and the practical wisdom we’re gaining from Jesus and His Sermon on the Mount. It’s been so fun reconnecting with you and one another, meeting the friends and family you’re bringing to go on this journey with us. Join us again this weekend as we continue in our Pursuit of Happiness series.

Also, as a valued part of our church family, I want to invite you to help us learn and improve the way we communicate the heart and mission of our church to the world around us. This is an important endeavor for us over the next year and it all begins with feedback from you. Would you help us by clicking this link and filling out a brief questionnaire about who we are as a church? I would really appreciate your input as we continue to become who God has called us to be together. (The deadline for the questionnaire is Friday, January 30.)

Hope you’re having an amazing week. I’m praying for you and our community…


A Note From Caleb Anderson


The sun is shining, the air is breathable… it’s a good day to be alive!

Bonus: No rain in the forecast for Sunday!

If you are someone who has been a follower of Jesus for a long time, you want to hear Sunday’s message. If you are someone who isn’t sure if they like people who follow Jesus, you definitely want to hear Sunday’s message.

Join us for the third installment of The Pursuit of Happiness. We’re uncovering the secrets of the universe that unlock the “good life” that God wants for us. Bring someone you love.

If you need to catch up on the either of the first two messages, listen here.

We have an extra opportunity for you today. We are completely overhauling our website and online presence across the Mariners Church Network. If you’d like to help us shape the future of our website, please participate in this brief survey by clicking here. (The deadline for the questionnaire is Friday, January 30.)

See you Sunday,

A Note From Jeff Pries


It was so great last week to be able to stand in front of you and celebrate your generosity to God and to the church. Your giving over the year, and specifically at the end of the year was amazing. We are a church of people that trust God with our lives and our finances and it’s exciting to see the direction our church is going – You are jumping in in a powerful way. This weekend we are going to give you another opportunity to jump in. Rooted is getting ready to launch so NOW is the time to sign up! Rooted is a such great way to take your next step at Ocean Hills. If you haven’t participated in Rooted, it is a must, and the 10 week journey will not disappoint.

Last week we said goodbye to Allison. It was a great way to celebrate her, and launch her into the next step of God’s calling on her life.  Allison has an incredible heart to be a part of a ministry that works to end human trafficking. What an amazing task God has put on Allison’s heart. If you wish to follow her journey, Allison will be blogging at: kenyakenyakenya@blogspot.com

As a valued part of our church family, I want to invite you to help us learn and improve the way we communicate the heart and mission of our church to the world around us. This is an important endeavor for us over the next year and it all begins with feedback from you. Would you help us by clicking this link and filling out a brief questionnaire about who we are as a church? I would really appreciate your input as we continue to become who God has called us to be together. (The deadline for the questionnaire is Friday, January 30.)

Finally, this is an exciting weekend. Over the past three months we have been on a search for a new Worship Pastor. The week we will be introducing Andrew Tremblay, who will be leading us in worship. Please come and join us this Sunday as we welcome Andrew, his wife Holly, and their three beautiful children. God continues to bless us here at Mariners Ocean Hills.


A Note From Jeff Pries


I can’t believe that we are already through the holidays; it goes by so quickly. I hope that you had a great Christmas season. If you are like me, you probably made some sort of New Year’s resolution, and statistically speaking, by now you have blown it. But remember, we live under an umbrella of grace, so jump back in and keep it going.

I want to start the new year by saying thank you. As we stated all through December, it is a critical month in the life of the church. Approximately 25% of the church budget comes in during the month of December. This is not just our church, but churches in general.  So we talk about our financial needs and help communicate how important it is to our church and you responded in such an amazing way. You gave 30% over the amount budgeted for the month of December. You have no idea how remarkable that is. Thank you for your incredible generosity. Let me say that again – thank you for responding to all that God is doing and being so incredibly generous. I hope that you can feel the sense of momentum and excitement in our church. God is doing great things and using you in amazing ways. God is good.

A couple things to be reminded of: Rooted sign ups kick off this weekend. It’s a great time for you to jump into community and grow closer to God and to others. Also, our yearly read is called Streams in the Desert, if you haven’t done so already, pick one up in the bookstore this weekend. It’s a great way to look at God’s Word every day. And like I stated last week, I am sad to say that our worship leader, Allison, will be leaving us. Please join us this weekend as we honor her and say goodbye.

Blessings to you all. I pray that you are having a great start to this new year. See you Sunday.


A Note From Jeff Maguire


I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  PHILIPPIANS 4:11

I’m about to say something that I’m pretty sure is out-of-bounds. I teach the Bible regularly. I read it for study and for personal devotion and insight. I believe it is holy, authoritative, and inspired by God. I believe it reveals God’s story in and through the world.

What if I don’t believe the apostle Paul (the writer of the letter to the church in Philippi)? I mean, I believe him. It’s just that when he says he’s “learned to be content in all circumstances,” I hesitate a little. All circumstances? All? Really… All? This idea — unencumbered contentment — at least for me, is as amazing as the resurrection of Jesus from the grave.

I’m skilled at finding reasons to be discontented. In the greatest moments of my life, I can find a way to undermine everything good. Paul wrote a lot of his letters from prison. He knows really awful circumstances. I’m a virtuoso in the art of discontentment, I rarely need tough circumstances to become dissatisfied.

Maybe that’s why Paul wrote his oft-quoted line a few verses later, which detail the source behind the miracle of contentment: “I can do all things through him who gives me strength.” He’s not talking about personal achievement or landing that new job. He’s talking about contentment. He credits Jesus as the way in which he finds contentment. It’s as if he knows too that it’s nothing short of a miracle to find contentment.

OK. Maybe, I believe him after all. He’s not Superman. He’s like me. Apparently, he needs the very power of God to find contentment… in all circumstances.

This week we’ll start our new series called: UNLEASH THE IMPOSSIBLE. We’ll look at some of what God will do in and through our church over this next year. I could not be more excited about it. I can’t wait to get started.

See you Sunday,

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Welcome to a brave new year!

Sunday we launched a new series called, “The Pursuit of Happiness.” The response has been amazing. This series is speaking to a lot of people.

We said that HAPPINESS IS RECEIVED, NOT ACHIEVED and that God blesses people who aren’t focused on blessing themselves. Many of you asked about ways you can serve. I’m going to tell you this Sunday. You can also see an updated list of opportunities Monica has posted on our website.

Our journey to a better understanding of happiness is just beginning. We’ll be continuing through the most famous sermon ever preached—Jesus’ message called the Sermon on the Mount. If you missed last week’s message, you can listen to it or pass it along here. (You might as well subscribe to the podcast, uploaded every week.)

Did you know that our church is one of the fastest growing churches in the country? Can you believe our church has grown from 150 to 826 adults this past Sunday—in just 2 1/2 years?! Numbers matter because each number represents a life (including yours), and God has a passion for every life, and plan for each person. More and more people are experiencing the love of Jesus at our church and lives are changing. And lives will keep changing because you invite people! Thank you for loving God by loving other people. You’re making a difference.

If it makes sense in your schedule, I’d encourage you to come to a service other than 10a. The 6p service is picking up great momentum. This week we’ll have food and patio loitering after the service.

Don’t worry, we’ll always make room for your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors…so bring someone with you this week to encounter genuinely loving people, great music, and to hear a message about finding purpose in life and meaning in work. (I’m also going to give you an update on our future location.)

See you soon,


P.S.: If you haven’t signed up for Rooted, do it NOW!

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Happy New Year! I hope and pray you were able to experience the beauty of Christmas and the New Year, spending time with family and friends, having fun, laughing and enjoying one another. I love that you all made this Christmas one of the most amazing ever at Mariners Church, as almost 2,000 more people joined us for Christmas services this year than last year! You guys are loving your family, friends and neighbors well, inviting them to join the story that God is writing in your life and here at Mariners Church.

Last week, we launched into the new year together with our Pursuit of Happiness series, remembering that the pursuit of happiness begins with the pursuit of God. My prayer is that you have been looking, listening and experiencing God in new and profound ways this week. The series continues this weekend. Kenton will be back with another chapter of Jesus’ message to us out of Matthew 5, so invite your family and friends to join us.

One of the things we don’t want you miss out on is doing life together through Life Groups, where we learn to more clearly discern God’s voice and live our lives with purpose and meaning. Whether you are new to our church or have been coming to Mariners for a while – I want to invite you to join a Life Group. The starting point for all of our Life Groups begins in a couple of weeks with Rooted. If you haven’t gone on the Rooted journey with us, now’s the time. Rooted is the place to dive in and learn what God’s voice sounds like and start developing healthy spiritual rhythms in your life where you can become all God has designed you to be. And, the best part is you get to do it with others, pursuing life right where you are. Jump in!

Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend as we continue to discover all God has for us in 2015!

