A Note From Caleb Anderson


So… what’s the Christmas season without a little drama? I went in for a minor surgery last week but the result was slightly more intensive than we thought. Thus, I’ve been on my back for a full week now. Not ideal, but it could be worse. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. I’m really looking forward to being back in action!

In the meantime, even in less than ideal circumstances, I’m trying to enjoy each day. I’m so grateful for my wife, Hilary, and our growing boy, Jack (and our son who’s on the way). They bring me so much joy and love. God’s greatest gifts are right in front of us. Sometimes we just need to be slowed down enough to really appreciate all that we have.

Take a breath. Take inventory. Whisper gratitude for your many blessings. Even if your life is physically uncomfortable right now (like mine), or emotionally painful these days, you can still trust that God is good. All the time. And He loves you.

Make sure you join us TONIGHT (Dec 11) between 6 and 7:30p at Bella Terra for a very special Christmas Tree Lighting. Seriously. This is probably the coolest event we’ve ever done. Don’t miss it. Bring friends, family, and neighbors with you. Most of them will be very open to your invitations this time of year.

God bless you, and may you know His peace… His hope… and His joy this special season. See you soon…


P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


I will sing for joy in God, explode in praise from deep in my soul! He dressed me up in a suit of salvation, he outfitted me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom who puts on a tuxedo and a bride a jeweled tiara. For as the earth bursts with spring wildflowers, and as a garden cascades with blossoms, so the Master, God, brings righteousness into full bloom and puts praise on display before the nations. – ISAIAH 61:10-11 (MSG)

We have a massive advent calendar. It’s wall-sized — no less than eight feet square. It’s the artful combination of a silk-screened Christmas tree on a cotton sheet from IKEA with homemade pocketed enhancements courtesy of Pinterest (the “craft-cult”). Each morning, as you might expect, there are little treats in the calendar pockets and a Bible verse detailing a part of the Christmas story. Yesterday, I had to navigate through this most awkward of all Christmas verses: “But [Joseph] did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son…” I read it quickly so as not to welcome any questions about the significance of what Joseph didn’t do from my eight year old daughter. Rather, mostly out of fearful parenting, I admit, I put the emphasis on what Joseph did do: “And he gave him the name Jesus.”

The name “Jesus” means, roughly, “God rescues.” People at the time of Jesus’ birth were longing for a rescue. They had known captivity and pain. Their parents had known it. Along with their parents’ parents’ parents and so on…  They had felt the sting of cruel and selfish dictators. They were trapped. In exile, God’s people cried out for a time when God’s rescue would arrive. They were certain when God did show up, it would look like a cosmic display of military power. At the outset of God’s rescue, the whole world would be forcibly and rightly reset — the way God intended it. They waited and waited. They were the people of the first advent. Finally, God’s rescue did arrive, but in a surprisingly unmilitary, unsophisticated, gradeurless package — a baby.

But, in all fairness, maybe it (God’s rescue plan) didn’t work. The world isn’t exactly a shining example of peace and harmony, after all. It’s as if God, through Jesus, started a project He decided not to finish. Surely, there have been great things that have happened:  addictions have been broken, greed can mysteriously become generosity, anger curiously can become compassion, backbiting can morph into affirmation, and all the “-isms” that divide people are occasionally overcome in Jesus. But, the world is still the world — often cruel and heartless.

So, we wait. We’ve been waiting. In waiting, we’re no different than the people longing for God’s rescue operation to begin in Jesus. We’re in a different kind of exile. But, we’re longing nonetheless. We’re advent people, advent for the second time. We’re waiting for the day when God completes the work He started as He “brings righteousness into full bloom.” That day will come. It will come when Jesus returns to complete the work He started.

So, how do people-in-waiting live? We live, as one scholar puts it, “in anticipation of God’s intended future.” We get to proclaim God’s good (unfinished) work by living in the reality that will one day be. We are the people of God’s future-world now: compassionate, joyful, selfless, courageous, righteous, peaceful, and clothed in love. That’s how we wait during the season of Advent.

This Sunday, we’ll take a look at the single most important definer of Jesus’ mission on earth in our current message series, “CHRISTMAS IS _________.” We’ll talk about the most compelling feature of Jesus’ ministry. If you’ve been thinking about bringing friends to church, this Sunday, will be ideal. I can’t wait to meet the friends and neighbors you bring.

See you Sunday,

A Note From Jeff Pries


This is such a great season and while it can feel a tad crazy, it is always my favorite time of year. I hope you enjoyed our Tree Lighting last Sunday night. I saw so many of you who brought friends and it looked like the kids had a lot of fun playing in the snow. The twelve days of Christmas was a big hit, as well as our “north star fly-over.” Of course, we have to thank the three wise men who played their part to perfection. And remember, we have many more great events planned to celebrate the Christmas season.

This Saturday morning is the Women’s Christmas Brunch. It will be a wonderful event for the women in our community as they celebrate the Good News and have an incredible morning together. If you are looking for a festive Christmas concert, every year we host A Christmas Together. It’s such a fun way to hear the songs of Christmas as they are performed by talented artists and musicians. We will pack out our auditorium with this festive event (yes, I said festive event). And of course our Christmas Eve services will take place on December 24 at 3:30 and 5:30p. It will be a special service to attend with friends and family.

Finally, Crystal Lewis will be leading worship on Sunday, December 21 and singing so many of the songs we love this time of year. As you can tell, there is a lot going on. The wonderful part of this year is not only that it’s a time for us to enjoy all of the things that are a part of Christmas, but it’s a time to give back. Thank you all for the generosity you provided with so many meals and gifts to people in our community who need it most. You continue to be such a generous church and you give back in amazing ways. Also, thank you for your gifts for Tree Lighting. Because of your donations and money, the event was free, and fully paid for. Once again, thank you.

Continued Blessings,

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Are you enjoying this Christmas season to its fullest? Are you finding the peace and hope that the arrival of Jesus at Christmastime brought to this world and into our lives through a relationship with Him? I hope you’re finding the time to embrace all of what He has in store for you this holiday season through the relationships and parties we get to experience.

Yesterday, I was with the staff from all of our campuses. It was so much fun laughing together and reflecting on all that God had done this past year. There were new relationships He brought to us, new ministries, and the excitement of a new season we can now begin because of His presence in the world.

I love the Christmas Is Advent series and the idea that we’re waiting – that we’re people who wait and anticipate the arrival, not just of Christmas, but of Christ’s return. You are not going to want to miss this weekend as Doug Fields will be back teaching on joy. There will be a great surprise with some of the kids from our church. It will be a weekend you won’t want to miss. It will aim your heart at joy this season.

Look forward to seeing and being with all of you as we continue to walk out this Christmas season together.


Tree Lighting


Join MCHB for a Tree Lighting and a fun filled night of Christmas Cheer! Bring your family for snow, hot chocolate, crafts, glitter tattoos, photo booth, caroling and more. Festivities from 6p, Tree Lighting from 7-7:30p at the Bella Terra Amphitheatre (in front of the movie theater). More info here.

Thursday, December 11, festivities begin at 6p
Bella Terra Amphitheatre

Celebrate Differently


We are so proud to be a church that truly Celebrates Differently! We want to take this moment to THANK YOU for all that you have done this holiday season. During a busy time competes for your time and resources, you chose generosity! Because of your radical love, lives across Orange County are being changed. Together we have been able to give hundreds of gifts and over 6 tons of food to at-risk youth and families. As a church, we have reached out to hundreds of homeless folks with “you matter bags” and challenged ourselves to love without limits. Words cannot express the excitement for what God continues to do in and through us and I’m so grateful to be surrounded by such loving people who are working together to usher in God’s kingdom.

Jon Ramsay – Outreach Ministries

Celebrate Differently


What would it look like to Celebrate Differently this holiday season and make it less about us and more about Jesus? Celebrate Differently is our opportunity to radically love one another – our families, our communities and ourselves – without reservation. Instead of spending away our time and money this holiday season, let’s give of ourselves on behalf of the hungry and the oppressed and reclaim what it means to truly love the world.

Celebrate Differently this holiday season as we invite people to experience Jesus.

Here’s how you can help:

Give a Gift – pull a tag from the patio and celebrate the joy of Christmas by providing gifts to a family in need. (supporting 150+ families in the Oak View Community & single moms at Goldenwest College)

Serve at least once
YoungLives Christmas Boutique, Dec 18, 2-6p or 6-10p
Oak View Christmas Extravaganza, Dec 20, 12-2p

For detailed serving opportunities visit celebratedifferently.org

Advent Devotionals


The season of Advent is one of waiting for the Lord’s arrival as a baby in a manger. The story of His birth, His coming is miraculous, beautiful and sometimes hard for us to understand. Often, the beauty of the miracle gets lost in the hurry and distractions of the season. Let’s not miss it. Let’s wait with anticipation for what the Lord promises: comfort, joy, wonder and unfailing love.

Every day until Christmas, we’ll send you a devotional about Advent. They are reminders to tune our hearts toward God, the One who gave us the best gift ever: Jesus Christ. They’ll help us pause and remember why we celebrate.

Let’s walk through this season with hearts full of wonder and joy at the thought of the birth of God’s Son.

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You may also visit the Advent Devotionals blog at marinerschurch.org/advent/