Tree Lighting at Mariners MV


Festivities and family fun begins on the patio with a sled run, chili bar, hot cocoa, photo booth, and more. Program in the Worship Center. Bring your favorite pot of homemade chili, help with the photo booth, snow play, or fill in where needed and make this event all it can be for our community. More info, here.

Sun, Dec 7, Festivities begin at 5p
Program at 6p, Mission Viejo Campus, free

Contact Kim to volunteer and to let her know if you’ll be bringing chili.

For a special treat you won’t want to miss download WHAM CITY LIGHTS from the app store before you come!


Women’s Christmas Brunch

HB-Womens-ChristmasBrunch-Compass (1)

Bring a friend and join us for a wonderful morning celebrating encouraging friendships and the beauty of the season. We’ll have special music and stories from the heart, all over a delicious breakfast brunch. Afterward, we’ll gather to Celebrate Differently as we work together to assemble Christmas food baskets for local families in need. Find out more and register.

Women’s Christmas Brunch
Saturday, December 6, 9:30a-noon

Huntington Harbour Bay Club

Contact Beth with questions.
Find Mariners Church HB Women on Facebook and Instagram

Mexico Community Outreach

Join our volunteer team who will be hosting a new Community Outreach event in the Pipila neighborhood! Caravan down together in the morning and spend the afternoon with the kids at the church. Help with lunch, games, a craft and sharing the gospel. Online registration is required. Passports required for 16 and older. Those under 16 must bring a birth certificate. $40/adult; $20/child. Questions? Contact

Saturday, December 13, 6a-9p
Pipila, Mexico

JHM Elf Night


We’re hosting an original Christmas-themed Elf dinner for JHM families! Wear ugly sweaters for the Ugly Sweater contest and style in the photo booth, and get ready for a family dinner served elf-style! Bring your JHM student along with the entire family for community, fun, and food! Contact Kristen with questions.

Saturday, December 13
7-9p in the Student Center Room 2, free

A Note From Jeff Maguire


Think about this. Wrap your minds around it. This is serious business, rebels. Take it to heart. Remember your history, your long and rich history. I am God, the only God you’ve had or ever will have —  incomparable, irreplaceable…
ISAIAH 46:8-9 (MSG)

Try this brief thought experiment: Think about your earliest memory. What’s that thing you remember that precedes any other memory? Where does your own history begin its first-person narrative? Give yourself 10 seconds. Go.

You gave up after 2 seconds, didn’t you? Pretty tough to do, right? Even with more time, you’d probably not do all that much better. I don’t know how anyone is supposed to do this kind of thing. Unless there was something either epiphanal or catastrophic about your first memory, the odds that you remember it outright are likely to be pretty low. Memory apparently requires some kind of stimulus to access it. We need cues. We need a kind of spark to untether the bits of our storied past held within our minds.

Try it this way: What is the fondest memory you have of your grandfather? Describe the first wedding you ever attended. Whenever you needed to escape, where did you go? What was your first trip on a rollercoaster like? In a time of crisis, who was the first person you would turn to as a child? These questions are complicated, but they’re answerable. Most memories need prompts. In many cases, they need the help of other people to get the mental ball rolling.

If I started to tell you about my grandfather, for example, your own image of your grandfather would almost instantly materialize from out of the cloudiness of your own memory: I can recall how he whistled in nearly every story he told. He used a little toothy s-sounding high pitched tone in much the same way a written word might be underlined or bolded. So if something was amazing or unique, he’d say, “How ‘bout that!?” followed by his trademark downward sliding tooth-whistle tone. He always called me “chief.” He talked about tackling any of life’s challenges using the same expression he’d use to describe the joy of eating something delicious: “That’ll put hair on your teeth!” (This was his variation on the idea of hair sprouting on my young chest. I guess he liked whales with their “hairy” baleen filter-laden mouths and felt hairy teeth to be an apt marker of manhood). Now, think about your grandfather. Positive or negative, he is already taking shape in your mind.

This is why some stories need to be shared publicly. We talk about our histories because, as one writer put it, “in our most individual, we are our most universal.” God is constantly inviting his people to recall their history. He tells them, time and time again, to not let slip from their collective memories, the story of His rescue. He tells them that there is a reason to be thankful. Circumstances might overwhelm us. People are bound to let us down. We’re bound to let them down, too. We get sick. We get better. We get sick again. In the end, we discover the one “incomparable, irreplaceable” is God himself.

Tonight, Wednesday night (11/26) at 6:30p, at our Thanksgiving [Eve] service, we’ll share about our gratitude for the work of God in our lives. People will speak into a microphone and in 30 seconds, they’ll give voice to a piece of their history — our history. Even the most hardened of us will hear the stories of other people and their reasons for finding thankfulness. In their story we’ll remember “the only God [we’ve] ever had.” We’ll find hope in their words. Eventually, their gratitude can become ours, and our gratitude can become theirs. Come and celebrate together.

See you tonight,

A Note From Jairus Williams


Hey Mariners!

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope this note finds you ready to celebrate Thanksgiving with friends and family. Caleb’s message last Sunday was an amazing reminder of how thankfulness is key to much of our journey with God. I am praying that you guys keep this close to your heart as the week goes by. Share with us what you are up to on Facebook or Instagram.

As this new season of Christmas and Advent approaches, I want to share two words to keep in mind. BE EXPECTANT. In worship on Sundays, I’m always praying that you come with expectant hearts – ready to worship – excited for what God may do or say to us that day. What would Christmas look like this year if we applied the same principle? Christmas can sometimes be a difficult season to see past with all the commercialism, money, gifts and other distractions that can cloud our view. What if this year, we showed up expecting God to do and say something different? What if we looked for it around every corner? Remember what it was like to look at things like a child? What if we were excited? What if we expected new and great gifts from a good and loving King? I believe we might find EXACTLY what we were looking for. Lets be expectant this holiday season. Let be expectant in worship on Sundays. We will be doing a LOT of interesting, fresh things in worship this holiday season starting this week. Let’s show up early expecting something new from God. He won’t let us down!

We start our new series, Christmas Is, this week. It is going to be amazing. We also have many wonderful events for you throughout the holidays, starting with the Women’s Christmas Brunch. You can find out more and sign up here.

This is an ideal time for you to invite your friends and family to church – you never know who may need it the most during the holidays.

See you Sunday!


P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you get to spend time with family and friends, relaxing, eating, watching football and most of all, being thankful! I loved the reminder last weekend from Kenton about how Thanksgiving moves us closer to who God is and who we are called to be as His kids…so keep making your list of things to be grateful for everyday.

This weekend, I’m excited as we lean into Christmas together. That’s right, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday…the shopping season has begun! The world is going to try and steal our time, our money, our relationships and our hearts. This weekend, we’re launching our Christmas Is series. I’ll be talking about what we need in order to make sure we don’t miss the beauty, the wonder, the truth and the hope of the Christmas season. Grab family and friends and come – let’s move through this season together with God and one another.


Thanksgiving Devotion

Happy Thanksgiving! As we gather with friends and family this Thanksgiving, what would it look like to spend time in God’s Word? We want to help you create space this week to spend time thanking God for all He has blessed us with, and reflect back on this year and the ways you have seen God show up in our lives. Download our Thanksgiving devotion here.