A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Who is your Jethro? I loved the wisdom we received from God’s Word last weekend and Moses’ father-in-law who taught us that we need to seek out people in our lives who can give us Godly wisdom and wise counsel, and challenge us to be more like God designed us to be.

This weekend, we’ll come together for our final weekend of Obsessed as the world continues to shout at us about Christmas, surrounding us with sales, music, decorations, lights and things we’re convinced we need to buy. This message will give us the antidote we all need to avoid being pulled into the rush and craziness of the holiday season.

Be sure to add our special Thanksgiving service to your calendar, next Wednesday, November 26, at 6:30p, in the Worship Center. This is one of my favorite services of the year as we let God’s people tell His story about how He is working in the lives of our church family. We get to see the power and presence of God expressed in and through our lives. I can’t wait to be with you guys these next two weekends as we aim our hearts at gratitude and thankfulness.

Looking forward to seeing you guys. Bring a friend and join us.


A Note From Caleb Anderson



Did you know that Black Friday is the busiest day of the year for PLUMBERS? According to Roto-Rooter, the nation’s largest plumbing service, the day after Thanksgiving is the most “backed-up” day of the whole year. And someone has to unclog the overwhelmed system.

Did you know that TV dinners were born as a result of Thanksgiving? In 1953, someone at Swanson misjudged the number of frozen turkeys it would sell that Thanksgiving…by 26 TONS! Some industrious soul came up with a brilliant plan: Why not slice up the meat and repackage with some trimmings on the side? Thus, the first TV dinner was born.

This Sunday is one of the more important Sundays of the year to be at our church. The 40 days after Thanksgiving are typically filled with high stress, massive distractions, and daunting debt. We want to help you prepare—like the calm before the storm—so that you can actually enjoy this holiday season.

And, we’re supporting a local business in our community with a Cash Mob:

CASH MOB: Main Street Waffle, following EVERY service this Sunday (8:30, 10, 11:30a, 6p). They are staying open late just for us…so plan on joining us. This is a simple, yet powerful way we can Love Where We Live.

See you Sunday!


P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. PSALM 100:4

Everything requires a password. Now, we’re being asked to utilize a “pass-phrase.” Presumably, the pass phrase gives us all another layer of security. We’re supposed to frequently change our passwords. I do (allegedly). Experts tell us not to use the same one in different places. We’re told that every password (or pass-phrase) ought to be memorable, but not predictable. So we create lists (old fashioned-written-on-a-post-it and taped to the underside of a desk kind of lists) of pen and pencil to help us remember how we gain entry into the cyber-vault holding our most valuable stuff.

I forget my passwords all the time. My passwords are neither memorable, nor predictable. I spend a disproportionate amount of time trying to gain access to my things, rather than actually interacting with them. The greatest and most valuable things are always insulated by passwords. God is no different.

The password into God’s presence — beyond “his gates” and into “his courts” is memorable and not predictable. It has the power to turn the wanderer’s heart back home. It’s a phrase we use often. We say it to the barista, the anonymous door-holder, and to dear friends. We wave it to strangers who let us merge in traffic.  We try to mean it when we say it… mostly. We expect to hear it from other people. We tell people to “lighten up” with they don’t hear it from us. We demand it from our kids and apologize for them when they don’t deliver under the pressure of our watchful eyes. While there’s no room for magic in following Jesus, this phrase gets pretty close to having surprising soul-impacting and mystical properties.

Thank you.

Entering into God’s presence — that inexplicable nearness of God necessitates a password. Put another way, it is our ability to give thanks that not only grants us access, but ushers us into God’s presence.

We’ll gather this coming week and we’ll make a point of being grateful. Sure, Thanksgiving is in danger of being subsumed by the shopping melee that follows it. But, we’ll be glad we paused and said “thanks.” Somehow we know it. Thankfulness matters. Gratefulness to God repairs our broken-down soul.

This week, as we wrap up our OBSESSED series, we’ll spend some time orienting our hearts toward gratitude. For the beleaguered and tired, for the lonely and lost, for the bitter and exasperated, for the close to Jesus and the far from Him, and for the joyful and the generous, we could all use a refresher on thankfulness.

See you Sunday,