Kids Christmas Choir


Please Join us for our 2014 Kids Christmas Choir. Kindergarten through 5th graders are invited to participate in singing at the Tree Lighting on Sunday, December 7 and in “big church” service on December 14. Rehearsals are scheduled for the following Sundays, November 23, 30 and December 7, at 11:30a. Participants must be available for all rehearsals and performances.

Email Diane to sign your kiddos up!

A Note From Jeff Pries


Once again, thank you for your incredible generosity towards the poor and needy. To think we gave out 162 Christmas tags; enabling kids who may not get Christmas presents to get a gift. And we also gave out 145 food bags, helping to replenish the local food banks during the holidays. And on top of that you gave over $5,000 above and beyond our normal offering to be used to help the people in need in our community and around the world. You are amazing, and incredibly generous. Also this past weekend you filled “You Matter” bags. These are filled with items we, at times, take for granted that would mean the world to a homeless person. It’s a way for us to tell those struggling that we care about them and that “they matter,” both to us and to God. I hope that you are having great experiences as you give your bags away, and we can’t wait to hear your stories.

This weekend we will be in our second week of our series Obsessed. Do you feel overwhelmed, trying to do too much in your life (which is pretty much all of us)?  If you feel like there are not enough hours in the day and you don’t like how it affects you or the people around you, then this weekend is for you.  Join us this week as we learn from one of the central figures of the Old Testament and see how he handles what we deal with; that desire to try and do too much.

Our High School Ministry is heading to Big Bear for the weekend. Please be praying for their safety and that they have a great time with each other and with God. I love the way our youth ministries have been growing.  It is so fun to see the students step up into leadership and also to see volunteers giving of their time to make a difference in the lives of the youth.

Blessings to you this week. We hope to see you Sunday,

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Can you see it…hear it…feel it? The sights and sounds of Christmas are already encroaching with the mad rush of advertisements screaming at us that we need to acquire more stuff. But what if all of this bombardment of advertising was not the real issue? What if all of that is simply a litmus test for what is already within us? What if it simply exposes the truth of what we’re desperately longing for and the anxiety we feel about how much money we spend, or how many people we’re willing to step over just to get what we want? What if we are the issue that really needs to be solved this year and not the advertising? People everywhere are longing for a different kind of life than the one that can be bought in a holiday season.

I’m so excited to for the new series we’re launching this weekend, Obsessed, where we get to consider moving from selfishness to selflessness. As a people, we discover more joy, more hope and more freedom when the world and our stuff doesn’t own us but we get to give courageously and generously to the world around us. This will be a great series to invite friends who are looking for a way to make sense of a crazy world filled with obsessions. I look forward seeing you guys this weekend. Don’t forget to bring back all of those bags and spend some time serving as we “tag, bag and serve” together.


A Note From Jeff Maguire


God’s in charge—always.  Psalm 146:10 [MSG]

Last Friday, a friend of ours celebrated her 40th birthday. Amanda helped to decorate the party. She themed it around two seminal decades of our youth: the 70’s and the 80’s. There were hits from the BeeGee’s and KC and the Sunshine Band in one room. In another room, classics from Duran Duran and the Psychedelic Furs took us back to big hair, leg warmers, and Michael Knight. We made fun of ourselves. We also lamented a new reality: that the classic oldies radio station to which our parents listened when we were kids – that station playing tired songs from before we existed; that station that featured songs that made our eyes roll into the back of our heads –  is now playing the songs from OUR own childhood.

Of course the challenge for us who as we listened to the songs that defined us (I’m not sure, exactly, how the song “Funky Town” by Lipps Inc. did much defining. But, that isn’t really the point.) is trying to remember the lyrics with confidence. We would all look at each other with great enthusiasm attempting to recall the words that meant so much to us from so long ago. Yet, at least for me, I really only remember the chorus and a few lines in between. I can tell you specific memories about where I was when “King of Pain” by the Police came on the radio. But, basically all I remember of the song lyrics, other than the chorus, is: “There’s a little black spot on the sun today…” After that, I’m making it up, counting on my super-rad dance moves to be a distraction from what I clearly can’t recall.

Consider this question: What is the central, dominating lyric of the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament: the only Bible Jesus ever read)? If you could only recall one thing – that “hook” in the chorus that made it stick – what would it be? The answer, I think, looks something like: “God’s in charge – always” or “The Lord reigns forever” (NIV). It is in that statement that we’re confronted by a reality that may enable us to experience great hope and concurrently cause us some degree of lament:

There is a God. I’m not Him.

Join us this Sunday as we continue in our series, OBSESSED. Doug Fields will be back again, teaching here at Mariners MV. Be sure to invite someone who, among other things, hasn’t smiled at a church service in a long time.

See you Sunday,

A Note From Caleb


Our church is so awesome! You–our generous people–are stepping up, once again, and loving others in need this holiday season.

  • Over 150 families in the Oak View Community will receive gifts this Christmas, along with 34 single moms from Goldenwest College.
  • Over 125 families in need will receive food baskets thanks to our Children’s and Student Ministries.
  • Over 100 of you are serving our community in a variety of ways throughout the holidays.
  • Over 1,000 people in the Oak View Community will be celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas at gatherings where YOU are serving.

… that’s over 1,500 people in the HB community that will be blessed throughout the holiday season… thanks to you!

We are LOVING WHERE WE LIVE and it’s making a difference.

I’m very excited about Sunday’s message. It’s one of those that could really help shape the way you view yourself and your contribution to the world around you. I’m looking forward to seeing you Sunday.


P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.