A Note From Kyle


“Tag, bag, and serve”…I love the way we finished our Love Where You Live series last weekend, reflecting on God’s heart for the poor, the needy, the marginalized, the broken, and the forgotten of our society. I love that as a church, we are choosing to Love Where We Live and step into the messiness of the world and the brokenness of people’s lives, bringing God’s love and kindness to the world. I love that you guys took home over 4,000 bags to fill and help replenish the food banks of OC. (btw, don’t forget to fill the bags and bring them back :-)

This weekend, I’m incredibly excited as we get to celebrate God’s faithfulness to our church. Our senior pastor, Kenton Beshore, has been serving Mariners Church faithfully for 30 years and now we get to celebrate God’s faithfulness through Kenton’s story as we remember all that God has done. This will be a great weekend for your friends and family to come and see how God writes beautiful and amazing stories over time. Join us as we laugh, look at God’s Word together and celebrate all He has done, all He is doing and all He will do in and through Mariners Church. Can’t wait to be with you all.


A Note From Jeff Maguire


Investigate my life, O God, find out everything about me; Cross-examine and test me, get a clear picture of what I’m about; See for yourself whether I’ve done anything wrong—then guide me on the road to eternal life. – PSALM 139:23-24

Halloween is over. It was fun. We’re throwing out all our candy remnants tomorrow. Sorry kids. We’re looking at pictures and sharing stories. But, as we start the month of November, I feel like a sprinter in a starting block. I’m tense. My blood is coursing with adrenaline. I’m focused on steadying my breathing. Suddenly, I’m at odds with the world. It almost feels like people next to me are hoping to instigate a false start, enabling them to find some kind of unseen advantage in an unwelcome race in which we’re all expected to be psyching ourselves up.

I saw an ad today (from what is clearly a “race sponsor”) who mentioned that we ought to “Beat the holiday crowds for the pre-Black Friday sales.” Oh no. Has the race started? Did we not hear the starter’s pistol? With messages like this, a looming feeling of being somehow behind the proverbial pack starts sneaking up on all of us. What we discover during these months isn’t really all that surprising anymore: there’s only a limited amount of stuff out there and an army of people with endless appetite for acquiring it. So, we better start running. Right?

Let’s consider a shocking thought: this material race to better and greater stuff IS NOT a corrupting factor in us. You read that right. The constant bombardment of advertising and price-slashing deals that are “going fast” is NOT the issue. What if all of that nonsense is merely a litmus test for what’s already within us? How much anxiety we feel, how much money we’re willing to spend, how many people we’re willing to trample — all of that stuff — is already within us. Which means: WE might be the issue we’re trying to solve. Our culture is one blinded by an obsession with, as one scholar described it, “acquisitiveness.” Ask anyone and they’ll tell you: this isn’t the kind of life they intended to live, nor, the kind of person they ever intended to be.

People are looking for a different kind of life than the one that can be bought in a holiday rush. They want a life where they’re able to give ample time to the people they love. They want to live generously. They want to move from selfishness to selflessness. But, as a people, we don’t really know (or we often forget) how.  This Sunday, Doug Fields will start us off on a new series called, OBSESSED. It will be a great series to invite friends who are looking, like all of us, for how to make sense of a world gone crazy with it’s obsessions.

See you Sunday,

A Note From Jeff Pries


This past weekend was a picture of what the Church is all about, making a difference in the lives of people in the community. Your generosity was overwhelming. Thank you. We grabbed all of the food bags, nearly all the Christmas tags, and you were incredibly generous with your Outreach offering. Please join us this week as we begin to celebrate all that God did through you last week. Also, we will be giving you an another opportunity to experience an easy and fun way to play, while making a difference in the lives of the poor in our community.

This weekend, we will be kicking off our new series, Obsessed. Ever feel like you’re trying to keep up with what everyone else is doing, yet can’t? Or you feel like you’re trying to squeeze in one more thing? Or do just one more thing? Or feel like you really need something right now and don’t care about the cost? Of course, we all experience those things on some level which is why this is a great series for all of us – especially as we head into the holiday season.

Speaking of the holidays, don’t forget, Christmas is fast approaching and we will be celebrating with Tree lighting. We had a blast last year (yes, we’re bringing in snow again), and of course our Christmas Eve service where you’ll have the opportunity to invite someone to experience what Christmas is really about. Mark your calendar – you won’t want to miss either event.

Have a great week…see you Sunday…bring a friend.



A Note From Caleb Anderson


We have such a generous church! Thank you to all of you who are Celebrating Differently by buying gifts, filling food bags, and serving our community in a variety of ways. You are making a difference in people’s lives. And you’re part of a bigger movement that is changing our city. Let’s keep going!

As we prepare for another great Sunday, pause…take a breath… and consider these three questions for a moment…

– If you were going to write a thank you note to one person for giving you the gift of TIME, who would that be?

– As you look back on your most enjoyable memories as a young person, what/who did they involve?

– What PLACE, or whose home, has the best memories for you?

Maybe you should write that thank you note.

And you should DEFINITELY join us on Sunday for the next installment of the Love Where You Live series. I believe God will speak to you. And I believe that He has MORE for you than you yet realize.



P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

Safe Families Orientation


When a crisis strikes, many of us rely on relatives and friends for support. But for some families, there is no safety net. Join us in response to our Outreach Weekend ask for you learn more about becoming a Host Family or Family Friend (providing support for a Host Family) and how to get your Live Scan completed. For more info, contact Maher.

Sunday, November 9, 12:45-2p, Upper Room, Lunch provided

The Walk/Foster Youth Group Thanksgiving Feast

The Walk Compass Graphic-01
Deliver food or join us for an afternoon of giving thanks at our annual Thanksgiving Feast at The Walk! This year, we need volunteers to help by providing your favorite holiday dish (turkey, potatoes, stuffing, etc.) to create a family-style Thanksgiving and an environment of thankfulness for our foster teens. For questions contact lstrauss@marinerschurch.org. You must be at least 21 years old in order to volunteer at this event. Register here.

Sunday, November 9
deliver food
from 1:30-2:30p and/or volunteer between 1:30–6p), Mariners Church Student Center

Mexico One-Day Faith Adventure


We recently broke ground on the new church campus part of the Lo Mejor Del Trigo network, partnering with Pastor Manuel Vargas and his family as they begin building a church for the community of Union Antorchista. Come and be a part of this awesome community as we work with our hands in the drywall phase and build great relationship! For more info contact Derek or visit the website.

Saturday, November 15, 6a-9p
Antorchista, Mexico, $40 adults/$20 under 16 yrs

Conflict Resolution Night

Join Pastor Eric Heard as he offers a bonus night to our recent Well series on “Conflict Resolution.” We want you to have the right tools to learn how to have great communication and conflict resolution in your marriage! For more info, click here.

Saturday, November 8, 5-6:15p, Life Development Building, r208, free
childcare provided at no cost in Port Mariners