HSM Mid-Week & JHM Life Groups


HSM Midweek
Wednesdays, 7-8:30p, Mariners Church Ocean Hills
Hang with friends, ask tough questions and go deeper in your faith! This is a great opportunity for high school students to connect to a community and to Jesus.

JHM Life Groups
Tuesdays, Sep 30-Dec 9, Mariners Church Ocean Hills room 226
Our JHM Life Groups exist to give junior high students a place to connect with other Christians and to grow deeply as authentic followers of Jesus.

Contact Rob for info.

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Where has Jesus been leading you this week? Have you been allowing Him to take you through your “Samaria,” reaching those who are the most difficult for you to love, to engage with the heart of Jesus? I love this series, Love Where You Live. I love the passion it’s igniting in us as a church for our friends and neighbors. I love seeing the expressions of joy and relationship through freshly-baked cookies, helping kids with homework, taking walks together, throwing parties in our streets. I love that we’re going get to express our love and care for our neighborhoods and communities in a profound way together tomorrow night as everyone emerges from their homes and pours out onto our streets. Let’s be people who are known for our smiles, our generosity and for our love.

This weekend is going to be a spectacular conclusion to our series and you are definitely going to want to invite someone. We will put the church and gospel on display in the most profound, yet simple way. We’re going to look at the truth and what the church should represent in the world. I can’t wait to live this out with you guys. Looking forward to seeing you, your friends and family this weekend.


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Two awesome things that have happened since last week:

1. Trunk or Treat was a wild success. THANK YOU to those of you who dressed up, decorated cars, served, or brought your friends. It was so much fun, and our turn-out doubled from last year.

2. This morning a small team of our staff and volunteers served breakfast to all of HB’s city employees! We partnered with our friends at the HB Police Dept and we fed about 300 city employees. People dressed up, there was a live band, and our city was GRATEFUL. It was a privilege. Plus, the city employees donated a bunch of goods to our Mariners Outreach Ministries going on in the city. A great relationship is developing.

And here’s one NEW thing that’s coming…

NEW HOME NOVEMBER: I asked you this past Sunday to be praying with us about a new door that God seems to be opening for us. This would be a space we could occupy 24/7 in the center of HB that would allow us to do more ministry and serve more people in our community.

So, over the course of November, I’m going to update you each week about the process and give you more information as it becomes available. Please continue to pray with us, because as Moses said to the Lord, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.” (Ex 33:15) This must be a God-thing or it’s nothing.

Lastly, regarding this Sunday… If you have ever asked yourself, “Is this a good week to bring my friend or family member to church?” The answer is YES!

In fact, 95% of our Sundays are great times to bring people to our church—because we’re intentional about welcoming and being accessible to them. But this Sunday is special.

This Sunday is “Outreach Sunday,” where we put on display some of the many things we do as a church in our community. We ARE the kind of church that your friends and neighbors think “the church” should be. So invite them to come and see!

Enjoy the rest of the week. Use Halloween as an excuse to meet new neighbors and LOVE WHERE YOU LIVE.


P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16

My youngest son is learning to comb his own hair. He’s insistent that he do it himself. Sometimes he opts for a slicked back semi-Pacino. Other times he mats all of his hair down over the front of his forehead, then enhances it with enough gel to insulate a spacecraft on re-entry. Whatever kind of hair shape he chooses, he’s always proud to show it off. He has (brilliantly) mistaken the word “handsome” for the word “famous.” So, he’ll often tell me, as he’s getting ready for kindergarten, that he’s decided “to look famous today.” He does. He loves to show it off. Personally, I’m a bit wounded by all his hair. Perhaps, it’s because I’m experiencing the increased insecurity that comes with a rapidly receding hairline. We send him to school —  proudly his own man with a ton of hair to show-and-tell.

What is it that a church ought to show off? (I realize, I have to tread lightly here. Arrogant pride has a way of cannibalizing the people who employ it.). To put it another way: What is it that ought to “shine before others?” Putting good deeds on display — showing them off — works when it is not for our sake, but for God’s: to “glorify your Father in heaven.” This Sunday is one of my favorite of the whole year. It is a perfect opportunity to put on display what God has been doing in our midst — through us. We’ll talk about Mariners’ on-going ministry to the poor, the disenfranchised, the abandoned, the forgotten (That ministry is called Outreach). It’s a time unleash courageous generosity above and beyond what we already give.

If you ask non-church people what the church should be concerned with, they’ll tell you: care for the poor. If you’ve ever thought about bringing someone skeptical about church, this is the Sunday to include them. This is the clearest expression of how Jesus’ life and ministry continually intersects with the plight of the poor and those forgotten by the world. It is very easy to get excited about a God who moves people to courageous acts of generosity and compassion.

See you Sunday,

A Note From Jeff Pries


What a great weekend we had last Sunday. I am finally getting over my loss in the chili cook-off, but putting that aside, it was an incredible Harvest Carnival Sunday.  Thank you so much to all of the amazing volunteers – God is using you in amazing ways to make the church thrive! As I sat there and watched all the kids playing, and the adults talking (and eating) it just struck me that “this is so much of what church is all about.” We have another great Sunday planned for this weekend. Yes, church is about community, but it is also about reaching out to the poor, the needy, and the marginalized. Last weekend was a great opportunity to invite a friend, because it was so fun. This weekend is another great weekend to invite someone to because they will get to see the Church at work, making a difference in the lives of those in need. It will be a great time to celebrate how God has used all of you at Mariners Ocean Hills this past year and we will be challenged to continue making a difference in the lives of the poor and needy in our community and around the world. We all have the desire for life change. Come this weekend, learn what is means to be “neighborly” and you will find that it will change not only the lives of others but your life as well.
