A Note From Kyle Zimmerman



I loved last weekend as we came together and launched our new weekend series, Love Where You Live. It was amazing being together Saturday night after the service at our Pumpkin Patch, welcoming our neighbors as they were able to experience the gospel on display through our relationships and joy.

It’s been so fun to see all of the pictures with the #LWYL “pins” on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter this week. I love to see you and your friends, family, co-workers and classmates out in your communities, loving not only the locations, but the people that God has placed in and around you.

I loved how Kenton launched us into this series, remembering that we are each uniquely placed with a purpose and given His power and strength to love the people around us. I believe that God is going to unleash love and kindness through us in a profound way this month as we lean into this series together. I’m praying for you, believing that God is going to speak to you and give you unique opportunities to Love Where You Live.

Check out some of the great opportunities below to be in relationship and live out the gospel together, and join us again this weekend. Invite your family and friends as we gather once again and spend time celebrating who God is, reflecting on His truth, becoming more like the people and the church He has called us to be. I can’t wait to see you guys this weekend.




Car Ministry


For 15 years Mariners Church Car Ministry has been impacting local and global communities through your donated vehicles!

By donating your car, truck, motorcycle, boat, trailer or RV to the Car Ministry, you’re being a world-changer and helping transform the lives of those in need. Contact us to find out more. Volunteers are also a key component in this thriving ministry and we’d love to talk to you about joining our team.

Email us or call 949.769.8478

Upcoming Events for Women


Women’s Prayer Connect
Monday, October 27, 6:30-8p
Join us for an evening to connect our hearts to God and each other as we share our praises and needs with the Lord. Snacks provided.
Contact Jennifer.

Women’s Coffee Connect
Saturday, November 1, 8-10a
Looking for a fun way to connect with Mariners HB women? Please join us as we share our journeys over coffee and muffins! Hope to see you there!
For location contact Beth.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”  JEREMIAH 29:4-7 [NIV]

Remember when you were younger and you were made to sit in a bus, a minivan, or in a school assembly next to the one person with whom you swore you’d never associate. That person was mean. That person said and did things, at times, that may have crossed the line from teasing into outright bullying. So, whether it was a field trip, a long car ride, or the 3rd grade production of The Little Engine that Could, you were going to have to figure out how to live with that person made to sit next to you.

The two worlds you intended to keep separate now overlapped, spilling onto each other. Your noble rightness and that other person’s vile unkindness breathed the same air. With a quick cost benefit analysis you weigh the merits of taking the opportunity for a quick and unexpected attack on the evil-other before they get to you (It’s only a matter of time, after all, before they get you), versus your usual pattern of kindly goodness. Such is the dilemma: Attack and become the person I hate, or, sit and wait to be attacked.

During the time of the Babylonian exile, a time when God’s people were taken captive into a far away place by an “evil other,” God gives his people the most surprising instruction. He doesn’t say: “Attack them.” He doesn’t say: “Roll over and silently suffer.” Instead, he tells his people to build a life and “seek the prosperity of the city… because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”

In other words, it is better that everyone would prosper – wherever that might be – than the suffering of all those who have done wrong. What the Bible records, in Jeremiah, is not that everything the captors did was good, rather that the response to to being held captive  isn’t retribution, nor is it hidden isolation.

“Seek the prosperity of the city.” In short,

We live in a world that is, clearly, far from kind. We have been mistreated, at times. We’ve been the mistreat-er at others. What might God be saying to his Church (the people who belong to Him) about how to live in a complicated world? Over the next few weeks we’ll take a look at the idea that God has given to us a unique responsibility to seek the prosperity in whatever place we find ourselves in a new series we’re calling: LOVE WHERE YOU LIVE. It will be a great opportunity to bring friends as we talk about how the church ought to be (despite its somewhat checkered reputation) in the communities we live.

See you Sunday,

P.S.: Reminder: for those of you in life groups, those actively serving, or those who have recently joined a volunteer team, THIS SUNDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 12 AT 5-7PM IS VISION NIGHT AT MARINERS MISSION VIEJO. Spots are filling up quickly, so RSVP here. It will be a great night of dinner, vision-casting, and worship. Vision Night will be a critical point in the life of our church. If Mariners MV is your church, you won’t want to miss it.

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I love how we were able to celebrate the end of our You Make the Call series by inviting people to receive Jesus and choose to trust Him with their whole life. So many people stood to declare their faith at all of our Irvine experiences. It was beautiful to pray with those after the service and to see the emotion, freedom, joy and forgiveness sweep through their lives. I can’t wait to see how it impacts not only them but our community as we continue to become all God has created us to be.

This weekend we launch our new series, Love Where You Live. Join us as we turn our hearts toward our neighbors, friends, family and co-workers, learning more about how Jesus calls us to love and serve those around us. This is a great time to invite people in your life that you’ve been praying for and having spiritual conversations with – that they would get to see the heart of Jesus and His Church and what it means to love people right where they are.

I can’t wait to see you all this weekend. I’m praying for you as you finish this week strong.



A Note From Caleb Anderson



Our new series, Love Where You Live is really Instagram-able (and Facebook-able). So….. we want to make sure that everyone is playing along with us on both Instagram and Facebook. (Click to follow).

And let’s take a moment to celebrate the 30+ people who stood up and said “I Believe” on Sunday. What an amazing day! Such amazing things God is doing among us….. and it’s only getting better.

I’m grateful for you.


P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Jeff Pries


This week you would have thought we were at a college football game and there was a major upset because we tore down the goal posts. Our You Make the Call series has ended but I am excited about our new series, Love Where You Live, a way to learn how to live and love in our neighborhoods.

Exciting things are happening here at Mariners Ocean Hills. I left the campus last night and thought, “this is what church is all about.” There were adults meeting in Rooted groups, the High School Ministry had more kids than they ever have, there was a group of special needs kids meeting for a Bible study, and Cole was preparing for a men’s Bible study for the next day. The campus was “buzzing” and I felt like I’ve been praying for nights like this for a long time. It is so fun to see our church grow and make a difference in the community. You are making a difference, whether it’s your participation, or your leadership, God is using you to make a difference in the life of our church.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Invite a friend, someone who needs to see that God can make a difference in their lives and that they are loved.
