Q Commons: Stay Curious. Think Well. Advance Good



Join us Thursday evening, October 9 from 7 – 9p as we gather at Mariners Church to learn and consider how to advance good in our communities. The evening will combine nationally broadcasted talks with local, in-person talks, for an evening of vision, learning and engagement on the cultural issues and topics that matter most.

Local in-person talks include LA Galaxy President, Chris Klein; Therapist, Speaker & Author, Dr. Jenna Flowers; and OC Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Al Mijares.

Learn more and register for Q COMMONS at Mariners Irvine

Q Commons: Stay Curious. Think Well. Advance Good



Join us Thursday evening, October 9 from 7 – 9p as we gather at Mariners Church to learn and consider how to advance good in our communities. The evening will combine nationally broadcasted talks with local, in-person talks, for an evening of vision, learning and engagement on the cultural issues and topics that matter most.

Local in-person talks include LA Galaxy President, Chris Klein; Therapist, Speaker & Author, Dr. Jenna Flowers; and OC Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Al Mijares.

Learn more and register for Q COMMONS at Mariners Irvine

Life Groups


We know you want to be in community with one another and it is our desire to help you accomplish this and make this as convenient as possible. There are a number of groups available for you to join:

  1. Wednesday night (with pastor Denny Belessi)
  2. Sunday, 8:30a (with Dave Finely: Tough Questions of Faith)
  3. Tuesday evening or Wednesday evening (Women’s Life Groups)
  4. Friday evening group (Families with young kids)

Any of you that have not yet connected and see a place that sounds right for you feel free to sign up at the Life Group table in the foyer after service or email Cole.

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I can’t…God can…He can through me.

I hope this has been resonating in your soul all week as we face the adversity of this world remembering God has given us the power through His Holy Spirit to persevere and experience His strength in and through our lives.

This weekend, we’ll be concluding our You Make The Call series. Kenton will be inviting people to stand and say, “I Believe,” declaring their faith and trust in Jesus. So please be praying for this weekend. Invite your friends and family to come and experience the truth and power of a relationship with Jesus.

As a church, we are totally committed to being in the world for world, living out the profound calling God gives us to be ministers of reconciliation, bringing and advancing good in the world around us. We have an amazing opportunity next Thursday night to hear from some thought leaders, pastors, businessmen and women on what it looks like to live out our faith in the community. I have heard all of these people and I want to invite you to join me as we are challenged and invited to become the kind of people and church God wants to use to change OC and the world. So, join me next Thursday night at Q COMMONS as we go on this journey together.

Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend and can’t wait to meet your friends and family.



A Note From Jeff Maguire


Later, King Zedekiah sent for Jeremiah the prophet and had him brought to the third entrance of the Temple of God. The king said to Jeremiah, “I’m going to ask you something. Don’t hold anything back from me.” Jeremiah said, “If I told you the whole truth, you’d kill me. And no matter what I said, you wouldn’t pay any attention anyway.” Jeremiah 38:14-15

We often say how we wish we knew the truth — that ambiguity is where we suffer the most. Kids at the doctor’s office worry far more about the shot they’re going to get than the shot they actually get. But, sometimes the shot DOES hurt as much or more than we anticipate. The truth, can be difficult, sometimes so difficult we deny it altogether.

Jeremiah, the prophet, has been telling the truth to God’s people throughout his life. Generally, he winds up beaten, attacked or thrown in jail not for ambiguity, not for vagaries about the mystery of God. He’s punished for revealing God’s truth to God’s obstinate people.

Whether it’s medical results, relational conflict, or news about work that might not be positive, I tend to run. Sometimes I deny. Other times I question the veracity of the findings (whatever they may be), or the integrity of the source, itself. I find myself doing this more often than not with God himself. My own response to whatever not so comfortable thing to which God might be directing me (however He does that) is denial, fear, and hesitation. But, it is the truth I need and it is as the Gospel of John records, the truth that enables us to live “free, indeed.”

To what is God calling you? How is He nudging you? In what areas is He confronting you with the truth, however disquieting it may be?

This Sunday we’ll wrap our our YOU MAKE THE CALL series as we look at something to which we can all relate: perseverance. I can’t wait to meet the people you’ve invited to join us this week.

See you Sunday,

A Note From Jeff Pries


We are heading into the last weekend of You Make the Call and have been looking at how to live a life of wisdom. It’s been a great series, and of course, any excuse to have a big screen on the patio playing football, I’m all for.

We’re also in our third week of Rooted. Thank you to the 55 people who have bravely jumped into community here at Ocean Hills through this experience. Rooted is such a great opportunity to be in community and learn about your purpose in life. Four times a year we offer Rooted, so if you haven’t done it yet, ask about the next opportunity to jump in.

It’s not too late to get in a Life Group! We have five great Life Groups starting up – look for your opportunity this weekend to step into a group. We have a saying around here, life change happens in circles not rows. So as great as a Sunday morning maybe be, and certainly it has an impact on your life, real life change happens when you do life with other people and talk about the complexities of life while bringing God into the equation.

Every week I am reminded of the incredible volunteers we have that make this church happen. Thank you for all you do. It’s a great week – Women’s Ministry has kicked off Women of Passion and MOPS, and Men’s Mnistry has their Men’s Breakfast this Saturday at 8:00 am. If you are a guy, I look forward to seeing you there.

Blessings to all and have a great week.
