A Note From Caleb Anderson


What a Sunday!! Beyond record attendance, we launched a new series–You Make the Call: Winning with Wisdom–and a new service at 6p! The patio was electric, the people we energized, and the passion was obvious.

THANK YOU to those of you who are serving and helping new people in our community find a spiritual family… And helping regulars in our church take their next steps of faith.

If you missed last week, listen to my message online and come this Sunday for another incredible step into our church’s future. I have a fun video to show you and a message about building a “team” for your life. Don’t miss it!

And a bonus for 6p service people: more FOOD after the service. Invite someone to join you.

Love you… And praying for a fire in your soul but a breeze on your skin. (Because, let’s be honest, I’ve been sweating my face off.)


P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


…a world rolling in wealth,
Stuffed with things,
no end to its machines and gadgets,
And gods—gods of all sorts and sizes.
These people make their own gods and worship what they make.
ISAIAH 2:7-8 [MSG]

Tonight, people will camp. Tomorrow, sales records will break (some already have been broken). The world will be ostensibly “remastered” once again. Apple will release its latest world-altering, culture-defining, universe-creating device. The early adopters and the have-to-have-its will be out in full force, determined to get ahold of the latest thing and all that it promises.

What’s being sold isn’t a phone, it’s a connection to a network of other people who have aligned themselves with a set of identifying values: “We are the creative misfits and social outliers that shape the world. We ‘think different.’” At least, that’s what Apple is attempting to sell. The product, then, is a symbol of something deeper to which people long to connect.

I realize, for most of us, the iPhone is merely a really cool phone. There isn’t anything overtly right or wrong about owning one. This isn’t an indictment against Apple. But, in the midst of the inevitable hysteria of this “newest, most revolutionary, ‘bigger than bigger’” device, pause. The iPhone promises to deliver, like so many other buy-able things, what it cannot. The iPhone is simply the latest example of what we already know: we live in a created world, where created beings create things that start out as objects of admiration and can occasionally become objects of worship.

Whether it’s a phone, a car, a pair of shoes, a house, or a garden hose, it’s worth questioning the unthinking consumption that can go into buying helpful, even great things. Remember, at the end of the day, the thing(s) we have to have today will likely become tomorrow’s paper weights.

Join us this Sunday as we continue to talk about navigating the sophisticated, market-savvy world around us in our series: YOU MAKE THE CALL. This week, we’ll talk about breaking from old habits that keep us stuck while cultivating new ones that take us where we intend to go. It’ll be a great opportunity to invite people who are wrestling with some of these questions.

See you Sunday,

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Last weekend was so fun as we celebrated and welcomed Kenton back and our staff led us in worship through the choir. Witnessing the freedom, joy and expression of worship throughout the room, I was overwhelmed hearing the stories of transformation and seeing God stir, provoking and inviting all of us into a deeper relationship with Him and more honest community with one another. It’s been humbling to see so many of you bringing your friends and family to experience the beauty of Jesus and His church on display this fall!

I love that we have one of our largest fall Rooted classes ever as hundreds of you have said yes to discovering more about God, His church and your purpose and living that out with one another. I love that we get to continue our journey this weekend. It’s not too late. If you’ve been through Rooted, it’s a great time to jump into a Life Group. If you’ve never experienced either Rooted or a Life Group, I want to encourage you to consider serving. Serving is a great way to get connected, learn more about other people and about who we are as a church. It also gives you the opportunity to get to know other people and also be known by others in our church community.

I can’t wait to see you guys this weekend as we continue advancing God’s Kingdom together.


A Note From Jeff Pries


You know it’s been hot when the thing I’m most looking forward to is that it’s not going to be 100 degrees. (That, or I need to get a life.) Hopefully the hottest days are behind us and all we have to look forward to now is that electric bill that breaks the bank. And, because the heat is supposed to be over, the barbecue is on! So join us this Sunday as we continue our series on Proverbs and then celebrate with a barbecue. It’s a great weekend to invite a friend.

Last night was so fun as we kicked off our fall session of Rooted. It is a group of people just like you who are looking to be in community and grow closer to God. We still have a few spaces left if you want to jump in. Interested? If so, email Cole Beshore.

Some of our other ministries will be launching soon as well. For women, we’ll be starting: Women of Passion, MOPS, and Holy Yoga. All are great ministries designed to move you into community, point you to God, and help you navigate life. Our men are kicking off their Tuesday night and Thursday morning Bible studies with a Men’s Breakfast, so be sure to check out our website for more information.

As you can tell, there are a lot of easy ways to get plugged in here at Mariners Ocean Hills. As great as Sunday morning may be, it is that other point of contact that will help you grow in your relationship with God and with others. I hope you are having a wonderful week. I look forward to seeing you Sunday!


You Make The Call


Do you ever feel like you’re making bad calls in the game of life?

We’re blowing the whistle on bad decisions. Join us for this empowering series about victory through God’s playbook of life so you can win through wisdom.

A couple good decisions could change everything.

during the weekend service, Ocean Hills Campus
Sunday, 10a

Mothers of Preschoolers – MOPS

If you are need of encouragement, wisdom, new friendships, or just a chance to sit down and drink hot coffee with adults, MOPS may be the place for you. MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, and that means mom of children age infant to five years; expectant mommies are welcome too! Click here for more info and to register.

Thursdays and Fridays, September 18/19 – December 4/5
Port Mariners Room 221, Irvine Campus

The Well – Refresh Your Marriage

Join us at The Well for a 5-week journey to “Refresh Your Marriage.” Whether your marriage requires a major overhaul, some minor adjustments, or just some healthy tune-ups, Refreshing Your Marriage will provide a powerful starting point! For details and to register, click here.

Every Saturday from Sep 27-Oct 25
5-6:30p, Life Development Bld, r208, $10 pp, childcare provided at no cost