A Note From Jeff Maguire


God formed Man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life. The Man came alive—a living soul! – GENESIS 2:7

Where there was once only raw dirt, God breathed and the man was animated. God’s canvas: the soil of His own creation. His inspiration: Himself. Humankind was to be His great masterwork: a self-portrait crafted from the dusty particulars of a freshly ordered earth.

This week, I met briefly with a Disney animator at his office in Burbank. He’s been giving direction to pencil lines on paper for several decades. His role is unique among the artists housed in the whimsical Fantasia-inspired studio. His job is to ensure that any drawn character making it from sketch to computer to screen retains the emotional subtlety that almost imperceptibly yet critically gives the character a “soul.” The only way to better convey the soul of a line-drawn figure, is by making adjustments to the lines themselves.

He froze an image from an upcoming Disney movie on his computer screen and picked up a stylus. Then, looking at the image on his screen, he drew three bold black lines directly on the image: he moved each of the character’s eyebrows only a fraction of an inch in either direction and then he re-curved the corners of the mouth. That’s it. Everything and virtually nothing was different. But, right before us: the soul of the character came to life. What wasn’t there before, was now unmistakably present.

Then, he motioned us over to his drawing table. It was as you’d expect: a few pencils on a drafting table and a moveable incandescent desk lamp illuminating a stack of blank pages. The area around the desk was crowded with initial sketches from Disney movies. He showed us a few of them, flipping quickly through the pages, setting the characters into motion. Then, he turned back to his desk, grabbed a pencil, and clicked on the light. I don’t think he realized all of the impact of what he was about to do.

He drew three iconic circles on a page: a round head and elliptical ears. Within seconds, the master had begun his creation. Subsequently, he drew three more of the same image in slightly different poses. He separated all four pages between each of his fingers and flipped quickly between them all — back and forth in rapid sequence. Where there was previously nothing, a character-in-motion emerged. Four frames told an unambiguous story of surprise. Whimsical pencil scratches were drawn to life. He signed the bottom corner of the top-most drawing and handed the stack of four to my son. It was as if he had entrusted a ten year old with life itself — a life crafted by the hands of a master.

I couldn’t help but think that ours is a sacred trust: to uphold what has been created — for us, for everyone else. The implications flickered forward at 30 frames per second: every earthly character, regardless of how rough or polished we may imagine their sketch to be, is still a work of the Master, sprung sacredly to life and given to dignity.

– Jeff

A Note From Joe Hays



How have you been spending your summer? I hope you’re making the most of this season, enjoying time with friends and family, rest and fun. I’m seeing God’s goodness in new ways this summer as my two boys, Deacon and Theo [ages 3 and 18 months] are starting swim lessons, looking for bugs at the park and spending many hours digging holes in beach sand.

Family beach

What are some of your favorite summer memories so far?

This last weekend, we were reminded of the Victory we are offered through the work of Christ – that negotiating with God for our own victory always leaves us wanting. I loved celebrating communion together – creating space to reflect and hear God’s voice of salvation, encouragement and hope.

As I looked around the Worship Center last weekend, I became very aware of how many great volunteers it takes to pull off a weekend with excellence… the ushers, greeters, parking and shuttle, tech and production, the volunteers of Children’s and Student Ministries are continually making me grateful for the people who make Mariners such an incredible church.

This Saturday and Sunday, be sure to join us as Steve Carter, Teaching Pastor from Willow Creek Church in Barrington Il, teaches a message called Riskology – a study on three heroes from the Gospels. Steve is an tremendous communicator and good friend. Before moving to Chicago, Steve was a Pastor at Rock Harbor Church in Costa Mesa and I know he’s happy to be in Orange County again. Also, after the service Saturday night, we have a fun surprise that you won’t want to miss!

See you this weekend!

Joe Hays
Experience Director

PS. Don’t forget, Kenton’s 30th anniversary as Senior Pastor is coming up! Please affirm him and Laurie, or share how you’ve seen God use Kenton by visiting the link here as we celebrate God’s story through Kenton’s journey. Don’t forget… it’s a surprise.

A Note From Jeff Pries


Even though I am still away studying, please know that I am praying for you all – that God is pouring into you in this season of rest. I miss being with you each week and I hope that you are enjoying our guest speakers. I remember 18 years ago I received my first opportunity to speak in the main service. I was a young youth pastor given a chance to learn what it takes to speak to the whole congregation. That’s I why I love this summer; I am now able to give some great guys the opportunity to gain the experience I received long ago. And not only is Cole getting the opportunity, but in two weeks we are going to let the high school students share about their camp experience, and Rob, our Youth Pastor, will be speaking. I have no doubt that these are services that will speak to you in powerful ways.

As I return, we will be moving into fall and a new weekend series. We will be talking about Life Groups and Rooted and great ways for you to grow in your faith and jump into community. It’s going to be a wonderful time for our church family. As always, be thinking about those in your life who you can invite. We all need to hear the Good News that Jesus brings.

Take care,


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Did you do the Jeph test this week? Religion puts others on the alter…and puts on a show of flowery prayers and prescribed formalities. But God just wants YOU.

Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice… (Romans 12:1)

This week I’m talking about another ancient story with striking implications for our lives today. Be there!

Ladies: join me, Hilary, and other wonderful women at the Women’s Connect event Monday night at the library.


P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

EPIC Weekend Series


EPIC. It’s a word that conjures up images of larger-than-life stories and legendary adventures. The Bible tells stories of epic heroes and villains battling for victory while revealing their own honest story…and perhaps our own. Come with us this summer for an adventure of biblical proportions.

Irvine Campus service times and directions.