A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


This past week…

  • our Congo team returned from launching a powerful movement of restoration and reconciliation…
  • we hosted over 200 foster kids for a picnic…
  • our largest group of high school students ever returned from camp…
  • we sent a team to Sri Lanka to help lead conferences for pastors and teens from around the world…
  • a team traveled to Mexico to distribute hundreds of backpacks and school supplies to sponsored children…
  • and let’s not forget that each week, we have dedicated volunteers mentoring and building relationships with at-risk youth and families through our Community Centers around Orange County!

In all of these things, it’s amazing to know that God is at work, revealing Himself, building relationships and inviting us to get closer to Him and to one another. This is so encouraging to me to see how the Kingdom is advancing even when it often feels like the world is tearing apart. I want to invite you to continue standing with one another and the Church around the world through prayer and giving generously of ourselves as we partner in the story God is writing.

This weekend, I’m so excited to be back teaching in the EPIC series. We’ll be looking at one of the lesser known heroes of the Bible and the profound lessons for our lives today. Invite your friends and family to join us as we’ll also be taking communion, remembering the sacrifice of Jesus together. It’s going to be a great weekend and I’m looking forward to seeing all of you.



PS. Don’t forget, Kenton’s 30th anniversary as Senior Pastor is coming up! Fill out the card in your bulletin this weekend with a word of affirmation in how you’ve seen God use Kenton or go online here as we celebrate God’s story through Kenton’s journey. Shhhhh, it’s a surprise.


A Note From Jeff Maguire


The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you. —2 CORINTHIANS 13:4 [MSG]

July marked the 20th anniversary of Forrest Gump. Forrest, played by Tom Hanks, is a simple man who manages to undermine the systems and powers of the world with his innocent naivete and pithy wisdom. I’m sure employees at See’s candy still tire of the phrase: “Life is like a box of chocolates…” I don’t know how many times, after making a regrettable mistake, I have invoked the line: “stupid is as stupid does.”

But, foremost among the lines that Forrest employs is this one:
“I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is.”

Paul, writing to the church in Corinth concludes his second letter with a closing benediction (as he does in many of his writings). In this case, he highlights “the extravagant love of God.” So, no matter the questions, wonderings, or trembling that accompany regular people, like us, on our journey of faith, perhaps it is best to remember that the one thing we will never fully understand is the one thing we all know… Love.

See you Sunday,

A Note From Jeff Pries


I hope all of you are enjoying this summer (the weather and season of rest) both at home and here at Mariners Church Ocean Hills. This summer series EPIC has given us such a great picture of God’s love and pursuit of mankind and also a great reminder that even if we run from God, we cannot outrun Him.

Although I am in the middle of a three-week study break–dreaming for and praying about fall–I heard Cole did an awesome job last week. And we are excited for this week, as John Thomas continues in our EPIC series. John, in addition to being a great guy and friend, was a Senior Pastor at a church in Costa Mesa and now currently works on the Life Group team at the Irvine campus.

I miss you and will see you in a couple weeks.


A Note From Caleb


I was shocked this week to learn of the passing of Robin Williams. What a likable entertainer who produced such memorable characters and quotable comedy.

As we remember him, let’s pray for his family and others who have been impacted by depression. Also, let’s not forget the thousands who are dying and being displaced, right now, in the Middle East and in places like Ukraine.

…While you’re at it, LAUGH more! And trust that God is good, even when you can’t laugh.

Take a moment… Be still… Know that God is still God.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: We’re moving our 4th service launch from Sept 7 to Sept 14. Hopefully that doesn’t impact you. It really helps us—especially with parking in front of the theater. Again, Sunday night service: Sept 14, 6p.

If you’re not yet serving, we need you this fall with 4 services! Please fill out a card this weekend, or email Ericka now.

This Sunday, I’m talking about a character from the Bible you’ve probably never heard of. It will be a different kind of message…but one I think might hit you between the eyes.


P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

New Frontlines Ministries

Learn how you can be a part of these new ministries at Mariners.

Minnie Street Music meets every Friday from 3:30-5p. We are currently in need of teachers (guitar players) who can commit to meeting weekly for one year. This is a beginning class so you don’t need to be an expert guitar player. We ask for your patience and a willingness to love these kids. Guitar and string donations are welcome.

We believe art is a tool that can be used to build up kids in their faith as well as their self-confidence. The Art Ministry meets on the fourth Saturday of each month and is currently in need of art supplies and people interested in providing art lessons!

We know there are many people around the world who do not have access to Bibles. It’s our mission to provide Bibles for these parts of the world, starting with Haiti!