A Note from Caleb Anderson


Whoever coined the term, “dog days of August” didn’t live in the HB area. What a beautiful week… what an amazing place to live, and an incredible time to be alive!

Just think… you’re probably reading this note on your cell phone or iPad—things that didn’t exist when I was baby Jack’s age (that’s my 1  1/2 year-old-son, if you didn’t get the memo). Not to mention, our US Open of surfing was on Sports Center and riot-free, while the Angels and Dodgers could very well play each other in the World Series. Come on….

As if you needed more to get excited about, you’re part of a church where God is speaking to people every week, lives are being changed, and life-long relationships are being formed.

And… we’re just getting started!

AND… as Graeme taught last Sunday, God is orchestrating a symphony, and YOU have a part to play!

I hope you join us for one of our services this Sunday—8:30, 10:00, 11:30am—as I talk about a controversial character in the Bible. This message will be considered PG-13 by some, so make sure to take your younger kids to our children’s programs (led by  the ever-fabuous, Diane Hodgkins).

Bonus: Food Trucks. So come, stay, eat… We’ll have fun.


P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here



A Note From Jeff Maguire


I’m ready, God, so ready, ready from head to toe. Ready to sing, ready to raise a God-song: “Wake, soul! Wake, lute! Wake up, you sleepyhead sun!” (‭Psalm‬ ‭108‬:‭1-2‬ MSG)

Now, in the heart of the summer, when the sun seems to be fully awake (coupled with a dose of rare humidity) it’s hard to imagine the sleepy sun of the other seasons. The sun, of course, stands in stark contrast to my own children who, without the necessity of school attendance, rise at what seems to be only minutes before noon.

The Psalmist writes of his own readiness to rise, to sing, to celebrate. This is the quintessential “Good morning, God!” kind of person. Admittedly, the idea of this kind of early morning worship energy seems largely foreign to me. I’m barely able to see straight without coffee — the universally accepted stimulant of the weary work-worn masses. But, there have been a few moments this summer that gave me that unmistakeable feeling of  readiness — readiness to raise a God-song.

Yesterday morning, on the beach, I walked alone — a little solo time. I watched families of tourists trying to navigate California surf on rented boogie boards. I watched scores of waves frothing over the tiny tide pools teeming with life. I saw the vast ocean and felt the heat of sunshine. This — all of it — is what scholars refer to as “common grace.” It is all those things that tell a little piece of God’s story without using words. The apostle Paul writes that “since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood by what has been made…”

Maybe what Paul is saying is that in looking all around — really looking — God’s story will become a bit clearer. When He and his invisible qualities come a bit more into focus, it gives us reason to “raise a God-song.”

This week, as we  continue in our Epic series, Doug Fields will be teaching. Don’t forget: After the 11 o’clock service, we’ll head to the beach. Bring a friend and some sunscreen.

See you soon,

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Are you stepping into the impossible…out of the boat and into the presence and power of Jesus? I love getting to see what God is doing in your lives and in our church each week. I love the conversations with you on the patio about the courageous steps of faith you are making in your lives and in your relationships. I believe that God is unleashing a powerful movement of kindness, forgiveness and generosity in our community and He is doing it through you. It’s an honor to be part of the story God is writing here.

This week, hundreds of our high school students are away at camp. I’ve already heard that God is working profoundly as over 30 kids have accepted Christ and chosen to walk with Him. Let’s continue to be in prayer for them…for fun, joy, safety and for new relationships, and most importantly, that they would experience the power of Jesus together in community.

Finally, this weekend come and be a part of our EPIC series. Our good friend Mike Erre, Senior Pastor at EvFree Fullerton, will be here teaching. Saturday night, we’ll have all kinds of fun outside with food trucks and live music by Sam Outlaw. It’s a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to come and see, hear and experience relationships.

I look forward to seeing you guys this weekend. Have a great week.


Safe Families


Safe Families finds volunteer families in the community to open their homes up to children for a short time, whose families are in a crisis. They act as a bridge to connect the Body of Christ to those who we are called to love and serve, namely the widows and orphans who live among us. Find out more at our upcoming info meeting.

Sunday, August 10
following the service