A Note From Jeff Pries


What a great week last week! We celebrated VBS and had a fun time at Beach Day at Doheny hanging out together outside of church. Our final Summer Framly Sunday is coming up on August 3. It will be an enjoyable evening on campus for all ages.

This weekend I have the pleasure of introducing our first group of Mariners Church Ocean Hills Elders and their wives. For the last eight months, this group of men from our church family has gone through a training to become elders here at Ocean Hills. These are men who are committed to be spiritual leaders in our church, to pray for our church, to pray for me, and to pray for you. Please join us this Sunday and meet them and their wives.

Also, in two weeks, another church will be joining our campus. We have rented out the chapel to Mountainview Church. This is going to be a great blessing to the community, to Mountainview, and to us as a church. This will also make Sunday mornings more crowded. So I want to invite you to consider parking in the back parking lot to make room for our new friends, as we have given them the front lot near the Chapel because it is much more convenient for them.

This week, we will be continuing our series, EPIC. We will be looking at a great story in the Bible that we can all relate to. As a hint to the topic, “running shoes are optional.”



A Note From Jairus Williams


Hey Mariners Peeps….

Hope you are doing great this week!

HB-pic I had such a fun time last Saturday hanging out with so many of you at the Angels baseball game night! We had a BIG section of people in the right field bleachers and saw an extra innings game end in a loss…BUT our time out there together was a blast! Don’t forget that next week on the 31st is another time to hang out together in the park with everyone watching a movie! You won’t want to miss it. Click here for details! The end of summer is rapidly approaching so don’t waste a moment that you could be connecting with someone in your community, church or even your own home! Was Lamont great this past week or what?! I really enjoyed getting to know him and learning more about Naamen. What did it look like for you to take that next step in your journey this week?

Remember the lesson from Naamen…We have to come clean, to get clean! This weekend we will be learning from one of my FAVORITE people and stories in the Bible…JONAH! He has so many characteristics that are just like you and me so PLEASE be there this weekend to worship together and learn more about this great Hero of the Bible!

See you there!!


HSM Summer Camp


If you like meeting people, having fun, learning more about God, zip lines and water slides, you don’t want to miss this! Open to all high school students. Fore more info and to register click here.

August 4 – 8, Lost Canyon Summer Camp in Arizona.

Board Meetings


Join us Thursday mornings for your weekly “board meeting” surf sesh. Whether you are a regular surfer or just getting started, it will be a great time to connect with the men of Mariners Ocean Hills. We will gather at 6:30a in in Ocean Hills parking lot and head out.

Thursday mornings, 6:30a

For more info contact Cole.

A Note From Shelly Juskiewicz

shelly J

As the Community Life Pastor, I love summer! Summer is all about community. There are so many wonderful things happening in local neighborhoods we can be a part of, it’s the perfect time to get together with those around us and build relationships. We were meant to live in community. Our Life Groups have gone mobile this summer and are meeting around Orange County at local parks for concerts and movies. Last Saturday night, we were all at The Great Park and it was so much fun! The sun was setting, there was an array of food trucks and it felt like the whole community came out just to see a movie on the lawn together. Partnering with Outreach Ministries, we also collected school supplies to help local schools and students in need.

On July 31 we will be at Fairview Park in Costa Mesa for the Stone Soul Concert, followed by The Mike Ward Community Park in Irvine for the Springsteen Tribute Concert on August 10. And finally, we’ll be at Centennial Park in Tustin on August 21 to watch the movie Frozen. Invite your neighbors and join us – look for the Mariners Church banner. Or, find out what’s happening in your own neighborhood and jump in! I want to encourage you to get out there and meet some new people.

If you are new to Mariners Church, this summer is the perfect time to join us on Saturday nights for our Summer Concert Series. Grab dinner, bring a blanket and take a seat on the lawn. Sit back and enjoy the music and introduce yourself to someone sitting next to you. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to bring a friend or coworker. Invite them to our new weekend message series EPIC – Heroes and Villains of the Bible. Come to church, then stay for dinner and a concert. If you have not done this yet…you are missing out!

Wherever you are this summer, my prayer is that you would look at the world through a new set of glasses and look to meet new people around you to share life with and the love of Jesus.


Community Life Pastor