A Note From Jeff Pries


Wow, VBS is in full force and it is amazing to see 400 kids on campus, singing, playing, dancing, learning and having fun, all centered around Jesus. What an incredible time! Our children’s staff is doing an amazing job and none of this would be possible without all of our extraordinary volunteers. It’s so fun seeing the campus all decorated in this year’s theme, “Shipwreck Island.” I don’t know how things were when you were a kid, but this is sure a huge upgrade from the flannel graph board I experienced. And the fun just keeps coming as tomorrow may be the best day of all…Water Day! Oh to be a kid again (I feel like I say that a lot).

If you joined us last week, you know we are in a new series titled EPIC. We talked about the over-arching message of the Bible and learned that the Bible is an epic story about God’s redemption, His love for us and His incredible pursuit for mankind. If you look at the world and wonder why so many things go wrong, why things don’t seem to work in the world or in your life and where God is the midst of it all, then this week is for you. Remember, these aren’t just questions you have, but questions everyone has. So be thinking of someone in your life that needs to hear this and invite them this weekend as we look at one of the most foundational concepts of God and life.

Don’t forget, Beach Day this Sunday afternoon at Doheny.  Come and barbecue, hang out and play. It will be a low-key time of being together.



A Note From Jeff Maguire


“Come on, let’s go back to God…” – Hosea 6:1

There are few people in the world who have never heard of LeBron James. He’s a 4-time NBA most valuable player. From the time he entered high school, the experts were already touting him “King James.” And, now that he’s ripening with age (he’s old now – 29), there’s a lot to consider. After appearing in the NBA finals four times in a row and amassing a couple of championships, the king will return to his first NBA home in Cleveland.

LeBron’s first major contract announcement, declaring his decision to notoriously “take his talents to South Beach” (the home of the Miami Heat) garnered a massive amount of largely negative media attention. His latest announcement, however, came with a far more mixed reaction. As James released a statement about coming home to his native Ohio, the cynics decried his heartfelt emotion another “decision” media stunt. But, the fans in Cleveland, once burning James jerseys in effigy, have clearly embraced what they consider their own lost son’s homecoming.

We have a natural affinity for people who, regardless of their missteps, find their way back. We like the idea that there is a home – no matter where anyone might wind up. I recall that verse from the hymn, Come Thou Fount: “prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love.” It seems that no matter how much we might pretend otherwise, we wander. And, yet, no matter how far we get, there will always be a seat at the table – a place for wanderers like us.

Where has your heart begun to wander? What do you do with those who have wandered (or are wandering) from you? What do we do with those people who aren’t yet aware that they’ve wandered at all? How do we tenderly invite people to return to a place they may not know they need?

See you Sunday,


A Note from Jairus Williams


Hey Mariners HB!

Hope you guys enjoyed week one of EPIC! I loved seeing all of the superheroes on the patio! My favorite superhero as a kid was The Hulk! Lou Ferrigno was the man! I had a special pair of Hulk pajamas that I would put on and then run around picking up and throwing chairs while growling loudly. HAHA! (No….I will not share pictures of that!)

I learned something this weekend that stuck with me. All of my strengths come with inherent weaknesses that I need to be aware of. My gifts and talents can lead to arrogance or laziness, or when I don’t feel I measure up, they can lead to feelings of insecurity and isolation. I’ve been praying that God would protect and lead me this week to rely on HIS strength and not my own. I hope you have too.

This weekend, we continue in our EPIC series and you do NOT want to miss it. We’ll tackle another great person in the Bible and learn from their story. Also, we have many great ways to connect this summer that are coming up, so join us and be sure to bring a friend with you!

Hang with us THIS SATURDAY at the Angels game! Contact Ericka or purchase tickets at the MCHB office.

Also, Diane is going to be hosting a movie night in the park on Thursday, July 31 at 7p. Come out and enjoy some free snacks and watch a great movie with your family. Click here for more info.

I am so excited about what God is doing in our church! Show up ready to worship together this weekend. I’ll see you there!


Military Ministry

military ministry-01

Military Ministry Volunteer Needed
Volunteers needed for the 1st Regiment BBQ.  There will also be a chosen Reservoir Vet speaking at the Regimental Chapel.
July 18th, 10:15a – 1:00p, Camp Horno Chapel

Movie night for the 5th Marine Families
July 18th, 6:00 – 9:00p, 5th Marines Parade Deck

A Note From Jeff Pries


I love looking out my office window and seeing all of the activity going on here at Mariners Ocean Hills. We have 50 Marines and their wives going through a marriage seminar in the worship center. We are busy starting to set up for VBS, and the women’s ministry is kicking off their Thursday Bible Study in the café for the first time. At the same time, the high school ministry is unloading their surfboards from a morning surf outing at Doheny. So fun to see so much activity, because activity often times means ministry is happening and lives are being changed.

Last week we finished up our “What If” series, and our hope is that you had many thought provoking God moments as you thought through the many “what if” moments we experience in our lives. This week we are moving into a new series titled EPIC. This will be a walk through the Bible using some of the great stories and people from it. Our desire is that you are able to find your story as we look at God’s story. And we will see that the story of the Bible is a redemption story, it is God’s constant pursuit of man, when man runs from God.

We are in full summer mode here at Mariners Ocean Hills. Please check out all of the great things going on from Summer Framily Fun Days to VBS. It’s going to be a fun summer, so make sure you get plugged in and invite your friends and family.


A Note From Jeff Maguire


Just as you’ll never understand
the mystery of life forming in a pregnant woman,
So you’ll never understand
the mystery at work in all that God does.
– Ecclesiastes 11:5 [MSG]

When I was a kid I used to, for my own personal enjoyment, read encyclopedias.

The mere fact that I used to read encyclopedias raises a couple of question marks. First of those questions revolves around my age: I have a working memory of a time in which encyclopedias were not yet obsolete (I’m aging). Secondly, I was the kind of kid who willingly chose to read them. What kid does that!? This was in the days where video games were in their infancy and could actually become boring after a while – more boring than a lot of things. To me, they could actually become more boring than an encyclopedia.

I read about things I liked. I looked at pictures of planes and presidents. I learned about ants and aardvarks (not in that order). I perused the map of the Soviet Union and learned of the daily toil of the mythological Sisyphus. While boredom may have been an initial motivator for reading encyclopedias, it was the idea that things could be known and understood that most attracted me to the reading. I liked the idea (and still do) that whatever was not understood, could be. As a child, if I overheard an adult say something about the Carter administration or the Falkland Islands and my curiosity was piqued, I could go into the spare bedroom and get a brief summary from one of the neatly leather-bound World Book albums on the lowest shelf of the bookcase. I could know.

In junior high school, I realized this wasn’t something the cool kids were into. So, I hid my secret quest for bits of what most everyone regarded as trivia. But, I still hungered to know things. I still do. It was also in junior high school where I was introduced to Jesus. Predictably, I went to the “J” World Book Encyclopedia… Jaguars…Japan…Jesus. While I could learn a lot about His life and ministry, I couldn’t understand that He somehow knew me. I have read a lot about Jesus. I teach a lot about Jesus. But, unlike a brief synopsis on Pompeii or pteranodons, my search for understanding God isn’t satisfactorily complete after a reading or two. Would we really want it to be so?

Learning to follow Jesus is seemingly as much about the embracing, occasional agonizing-over, and joyful pondering, as it is about the solidness of the “indisputables” surrounding Jesus’ life. In talking with people who are wiser, have a longer story of life with Jesus, and who are often older than me, I am beginning to grasp the concept that we might benefit from learning not to bring an end to our wonder, but to energize it.

To this day, I’m occasionally haunted by the words from Ecclesiastes: “you’ll never understand the mystery at work in all that God does.”

…And at other, less frequent times, I’ll be provoked to awe.

This weekend, we’ll begin our series: EPIC. Throughout the summer, we’ll look at some of the most famous and notorious characters in the Bible. In most cases, they are one in the same. This will be a great opportunity to invite people looking for a place where wonder, mystery, and the phrase “I don’t know” are regarded as critical to active faith in Jesus.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Caleb Clements


Step aside Zimmerman, I’ll take this one!

To say that last weekend was unique would be a massive understatement. We got to celebrate as a church in profound ways. First, we experienced a powerful glimpse of what God did at VBS as Jana Alayra and the kids led us in worship. We were reminded of the power of God’s unending love for us, and the joy that comes in serving Him. Next, we celebrated as dozens stood in each service to say “I Believe” for the first time, receiving God’s greatest gift of salvation. I don’t know about you, but that is a sight I will never grow tired of. What a privilege we have to witness these moments together as a church family.

This week, Kenton will kick off our new summer series entitled EPIC where we will journey together through some of the most legendary adventures in the Bible. As we learn about the different heroes and villains in the center of these stories, we will be faced to consider our own journey and how God wants to use each one of us. Don’t miss this great opportunity to invite your family and friends to church.

God is clearly on the move at Mariners, let’s not settle for anything less than all of what God has for us. We look forward to serving you this weekend.

Never settle,

Caleb Clements