A Note From Caleb Anderson


What a great Sunday last week! It was encouraging to have Mike Foster share with us, and even more encouraging was the reminder of how GENEROUS our church is!

We bought ALL of Mike’s Freeway kits, thus supplying some 80 people in prison with the material for their own journeys. I love our church!

This week we launch EPIC: Heroes and Villains of the Bible. This will be a fun series—every week is a new character and an important life-lesson. To maximize your summer, you need to be with us on Sundays.

But, when you’re traveling, you can catch up on recent messages here.


P.S.: Buy your Angels tickets on the patio this week

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

Volunteers Needed!


Interpreters for Worship Service
We are seeking additional qualified ASL interpreters for our 11a Sunday service to interpret for our Deaf and hard-of-hearing attendees. For more info contact Jennifer. 

Safety Team Volunteers 
We are looking for medical professionals to volunteer! If you have training in nursing, law enforcement, EMT, fire fighting or care counseling, and have a heart for our community, we have a place for you! Contact us to find out how you can serve our church in a unique way. For more info contact Brenton.

Mexico Faith Adventure


Join us on an Overnight Faith Adventure to work alongside our church partners and for a weekend of fun! The weekend will include: basic roofing on the church’s cafe/thrift store building; playing baseball with kids in the neighborhood and other kids’ activities! Sunday, we will join our friends for church in El Niño, followed by watching the World Cup final game with them! This is a family-friendly weekend with opportunities for all to serve and see the love of Jesus in action!

Saturday, July 12, 7a – Sunday, July 13, 7p (overnight)
El Niño, Mexico
$75 adults / $40 under 18

Contact Monica with questions. 

JHM Summer Fridays


Summer Fridays: Join us for our biggest event of the summer leading up to JHM summer camp! Get ready to be a part of Team Hammerhead and Team Barracuda because challenge points are back!! Game time starts at 7p. Movie and hang time happen afterward until 10p. Be there for some or all of the night! We can’t wait to see you! And make sure you bring your friends! Click here for more info, contact Ryan Fleming with questions.

Fridays, July 11 – August 15, 6 – 10p
Mariners Church Student Center
Free, (dinner optional, $5)

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Hopefully you’ve seen or at least heard about what’s been happening on our campus this week…over 2,100 kids and over 1,200 volunteer leaders (800 of which are students!) all coming together to celebrate and worship Jesus at our annual Vacation Bible School. It’s been awesome watching them move around the campus through the different stations where they can develop relationship with one other, and begin to see, understand and experience the gospel from their leaders. They get to learn about missions and what the gospel looks like in Sri Lanka, raising money to support our church partner there. It’s been unbelievable seeing the love and message of Jesus being planted deep into the hearts of so many kids and families in our community.

And get ready, because this weekend you are going to get a glimpse of the fun and power of VBS week during our weekend experiences! In addition, Kenton will be teaching from our What If series and extending an opportunity to say “I Believe,” taking a courageous step of faith to trust Jesus with their whole life and follow Him. If you are far from Jesus or have friends that you have been praying for, please invite them to come with you. This weekend promises an amazing opportunity to encounter Jesus and the power of the gospel on display, giving everyone a chance to respond in the most profound way possible…I Believe!

Looking forward to being with you this weekend.



A Note From Jeff Maguire


Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it. – Proverbs 4:23

I spend a lot of time and effort trying to “control” my heart. I suppose I spend even more time trying to control other people’s hearts – my kids’ hearts mostly. Emily Dickinson famously said, “The heart wants what the heart wants…” So, if she’s right, “control” may not be the best way to deal with our heart.

The proverb says “guard your heart.” Not control it. Guard it.

How is a heart guarded? Presumably, we’re supposed to put up some kind of soul-gatehouse restricting the visitations of unscrupulous trespassers. We are to evaluate all the things that might corrupt, ruin, damage, or poison the neighborhood of our souls. For my kids’ hearts, I’m hyper-vigilant. Granted, I can’t control everything for them. Hopefully, I’m giving them the tools needed for constructing their own guardhouse. But, I’m watchful for everything that ought to be prevented access. At my worst, I catastrophize about all the potential evils that could corrupt their innocence – worrying about an intruder, intent on scaling the walls and running roughshod all over the good work I’ve tried to accomplish as a parent. The guard I imagine at the gate of my kids’ hearts – the one who works for me – is on constant alert. He’s probably a bit overzealous with his walkie-talkie and his flashlight. He’s overly suspicious of everyone. He’s annoying. No question about it. I like that guy.

Now, about my own heart and the manner in which it is guarded: I am far more permissive in handling those same villainous infiltrators that threaten my kids. Sometimes, I give special passes and back-door entrances to the things I know will poison my heart. I make excuses and justifications for things that could endanger, not only my heart, but those I love. In many ways, the things I’m most often worried about for my kids are the unprocessed issues in my hidden life – things I’m not willing to deal with for myself, things I’m hoping to spare them from experiencing.  But, the person hired for the protection of my own heart: He’s been working a long time. He’s watching the World Cup on his computer. Occasionally, he takes a nap. He’s really not being held accountable for the job for which he’s been hired. I would never hire him for my kids. Though, I’m pretty OK with him watching over my heart.

Recently, I had “the talk” with my oldest. I came face-to-face with the reality of how important the work of heart-guarding is. I’m transitioning him to become a person who can staff his own guardhouse. Right now, he wonders about stuff. He’s curious. Soon, very soon, he’ll start wrestling with desire. At that point, and for the rest of his life (ours too), the “heart wanting what the heart wants” will primarily be an issue of what kinds of things have been allowed to pass the guard-gate to take up residence there. Because, with regard to the heart, “everything you do flows from it.”

This Sunday, Doug Fields will join us. Continue to be the great inviting community that you are. Invite some people to come with you. It’s going to be a great weekend.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Caleb Anderson


I’m so excited to introduce Mike Foster to our church on Sunday! You’re going to love Mike’s creativity and authenticity. God has used him in amazing ways already, and he continues to point people toward a God of grace and second chances.

You can learn more about Mike and his ministry here.

Also, I hope to see you on the parade route on the 4th of July! Our church comes out in force—pancakes, sausage, and fun times. Bring a friend who thinks Christians are lame.

Love you… praying for you…


P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

A Note From Jeff Pries


There is nothing like a great barbecue, and last weekend was no exception.  It is so fun to partner with our sister church, El Buen Pastor, they can really cook some great carne asada.

After being gone for two weeks, I look forward to being there this Sunday as we conclude our series titled “What If.”  We will be seeing that God has called us to live a way that is counter to society. You will see that we can find God sometimes in the most unlikely of places. As we dive into summer, we want to be intentional about reaching our community, our neighbors, or people who need to be invited into something, so be thinking of who YOU can reach out to and invite to church.

