A Note From Jeff Maguire


“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…” -Hebrews 10:24

As the US Men’s Soccer team advances into the knockout stage of the World Cup, there is a lot of conversation about the early rounds’ surprising upsets, fulfilled hopes, and dashed dreams. The soccer pundits – some of whom are eating their previous words regarding the US’ chances to make it out of the dreaded “group of death” – are speculating now about what it will take for any team to be crowned World Cup champion.

What is being proved out in this World Cup tournament is this:
Superstars do not a great team make

Yes, players with great flare do make an impression. Last minute heroics and moments of remarkable skill by the game’s greats notwithstanding, the team that will likely win it all will be the one placing team success over individual achievement. Reports of in-fighting and division all but ruined Ghana’s high hopes of moving into the round of 16 (two players were suspended by the team prior to their match against Portugal). Spain, the team loaded with the world’s best players, and dubbed by many: “the greatest team ever” imploded spectacularly on the globe’s biggest stage. Individual players sell jerseys. Teams win championships.

Last Sunday, as a team of nearly 1,000 volunteers from Mariners MV joined to support a local elementary school in a massive community service effort, the aim, clearly in focus, was about helping the school win. Some people painted. Some dug holes. Some served lunch. Some pulled weeds. Some watered plants. A pregnant woman stapled workbooks together. While I heard a lot of enthusiasm about how we were living out our oft-quoted mantra of being “in the community, for the community” and the mutual admiration for what were able to accomplish with this kind of partnership, not a single person said anything about how much more important their role or their work was than someone else’s work. In so doing, everyone was “spurred on toward love and good deeds.”

We (the school, the community, Mariners MV, the neighborhood, the teachers, the students, and the faculty) won. We all won. Take a look at some of the event photos on our facebook page.

Join us this Sunday as we share photos and stories from the SERVE DAY event. We’ll hear from Kenny Luck, long-time men’s pastor in South Orange County and founder of Everyman Ministries. This Sunday is a great one for inviting people – guys, in particular – who are looking for a fresh start with God.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Have you been wearing your golden rule glasses this week – looking and seeing other people the way Jesus would want us to see and engage them? I loved the message and reminder from Kenton last week about who we are called to be in this world as we are changed by the power of the Holy Spirit and respond through our relationships.

Summer is here! Kids are out of school, the weather is changing, we’re making summer plans, and our campus is being transformed to host over 2,000 kids for VBS next week! We’re so excited to share the gospel and the love of Jesus with these kids and their families.  This weekend, we’ll be praying for the hundreds of volunteers that will be serving the kids and families at VBS, and Kenton will be teaching on one of his favorite passages from the Bible. (Hint: It’s about God’s heart of generosity towards us, and the way we can not only receive, but also share that same heart with the world around us.:)

Looking forward to seeing you this weekend and spending time together this summer!



A Note From Caleb Anderson


Join us Sunday morning as we wrap up our What If series with a message about the future of our church.

I’m also making a big announcement you’ll want to hear–just say’n.

Lastly, we are co-hosting a Matt Redman concert at the Irvine campus Friday. Matt has written many of the songs we sing on Sundays, so, if you’re free on Friday, this will be a great event!


P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

Women’s Summer Prayer Gathering


Letting Go to Take Hold

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.
Phil 3:13

Gather with us in the cool of the summer morning before the heated race of your day gets underway. Experience the privilege of worship and prayer; leave refreshed and ready for what is ahead.

Saturday, June 28, 8:30 – 10a

No registration needed. Please contact Sharon with questions or for more info.

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Bacon of all flavors, maple, jalapeño, peppered and sugar-cured… over 500 pounds of it, that’s what the Men of Mariners consumed on our campus last weekend. What an amazing time we had together. It was so fun to meet you and your families and to worship together with you. We laughed, we played, and listened as Doug Fields challenged and invited us to take our next step of faith – becoming the kind of men God wants us to be for our families and this world.

I’m so excited this week as we continue in our What If message series. Kenton will be here, teaching on one of the most famous passages in the Bible. If you’ve ever wondered one of the things that Jesus wants us to care deeply about, you won’t want to miss this message.

Summer is rapidly approaching which means there are some great opportunities just around the corner to be God’s family together. Here are two great opportunities… this Saturday night, come to our United Worship Experience where we will experience unity in diversity as we worship and pray together. Then, next Friday night, June 27, we have the opportunity to worship with our friend, Matt Redman. Matt is a gifted musical artist and worship leader. It’s going to be a special evening as he leads us in remembering, celebrating and honoring who God is. Be sure to join us.

I can’t wait to see you guys this weekend and look forward to spending this summer with you.
