A Note From Jeff Maguire


“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.” – Jeremiah 17:7 (NIV)

This past weekend, Mariners held an all-campus Men’s Retreat. I heard story after story of people whose lives were impacted by the experience of being away together. Church men’s retreats over the years have garnered a few stereotypes. On the one hand, men’s retreats have a fearsome reputation for being a kind of primal hyper-masculine departure from civilization complete with pugil-sticks and raw meat. On the other hand, men’s retreats get stereotyped as a “churchified” version of a Downy commercial where men sit together making doilies and crying about unrequited love from their high school years. But neither describes this retreat.

This was guys – regular guys – taking a moment to put back into focus the most important things in their lives: faith, family, and meaningful friendships. Having been a part of a number of retreats over the course of my life, I was confident that these things would happen. I knew that once regular guys with great intentions who (like me) occasionally get distracted from the most critical things, could get to a place with spotty wifi and poor cell reception, they’d find what they were truly looking for. What I didn’t expect was how the retreat “sounded.”

As a speaker at a retreat, I can only prepare myself for what I assume will be there. I can envision how people will come into a room. I can know where I’m supposed to stand. I can test a microphone. I can make sure the A/V tech has all my presentation slides. I can talk to the worship team about the order of songs they’ll lead people in. But, I cannot prepare for how the room will sound immediately before I get up to speak.

It turns out, that a few hundred men away on a retreat sing – really sing. This wasn’t, as Walt Whitman described, a triumphant and “barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world.”  While there may be times where a “yawp” is appropriate, this was a chorus. No, it wasn’t the voices of trained vocalists in harmonic perfection (which is something I can’t understand, nor participate in). It was a choir of regular guys who really needed God. I understood that sound. I realized, only moments before I was to start teaching, that I needed that sound. For some of us, it was the sound of desperation. For others, it was the sound of joy. For still others, it was the sound of something entirely new. After all, men aren’t supposed sing like this. Are they?

What I have come to understand, a few days after the retreat is that this is what it sounds like when men truly seek a life of “confidence in Him.” In so many words, it is the sound of blessing. Worship. I’m honored to be connected to such a great group of guys. I’m looking forward to a great Father’s Day Sunday: child dedications, bacon, mac ‘n’ cheese and a celebration of dads.

See you Sunday,


Father’s Day @ Mariners


Dads, we want to thank you for taking us on the crazy road trip of life. Through bumps, curves, twists and turns, you lead our families on an amazing and unforgettable adventure. So to honor you on Father’s Day, we’ll have lots of ‘man food,’ fun family activities and an inspiring message. It will be a great ride you won’t want to miss!

Weekend of June 14/15
Huntington Beach
Irvine (interested in volunteering? Click here or contact Stephané.)
Ocean Hills
Santa Ana

Father’s Day @ Mariners


Dads, we want to thank you for giving us memories and adventures to last a lifetime. You’ve spent countless hours constructing everything from the latest new toy to tree houses for us, so to honor you on Father’s Day, we’re having lots of ‘man food,’ fun family activities and an inspiring, relevant message. It will be a day you won’t soon forget! Hope to see you there!

Sunday, June 15, 9 & 11a
Click here for directions and more info

Widow’s Walk


Widow’s Walk Support is a group of women living out the challenging experience of widowhood together in community. We offer an encouraging and learning environment where recently widowed women can learn to live productive lives as individuals, and embrace the unexpected opportunities brought on by this new situation. Click here for details.

2nd and 4th Friday of the month
meets in local homes

Contact Andrea for more info and location.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


But God helped them anyway, commanded the clouds
and gave orders that opened the gates of heaven.
He rained down showers of manna to eat…
-Psalm 78:23-24 [MSG]

Psalm 78 retells the story of the rebelliousness of God’s people. At best, they’re merely distracted and forget God. At worst, these same people eagerly exchange their allegiance with God for the pseudo-gods of empty promises and shallow religiosity. And, when in the midst of discovering that these other gods fail to deliver at the most critical moments of their lives, the people remember the roots of their faith and unceremoniously blame God for abandoning them, wondering where He’s been all along. Yet…

…He “helped them anyway…”

This is everyone’s story. It’s definitely mine. Admittedly, I’m among the most distracted, blame-oriented, fear-driven, self-focused people I know. When life – the life I’ve chosen for myself – turns out to be less-than-wonderful, I immediately wonder why God has marooned me to my own selfish desires. I blame Him. Then, I cry out to Him. I cry out to Him without the purest of motives. I pray for God to rescue me while my loyalties are still very much divided. My soul starves for His sustenance while I complain about the paucity of menu options. I want my life without God. Yet, I need His rescuing power. I know I won’t be able to live up to my perceived end of the proverbial bargain. I’m afraid God might not want me as I am. But, because He knows me already and loves me…

…He helps me anyway.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Have you been resting in your relationship with God this week? Are you finding ways to create space and listen to God’s voice reminding you of who you are as His child? Leading you, guiding you, healing you…giving you wisdom and strength for the journey? What a powerful time we shared together last weekend as we celebrated Jesus as the author of our Sabbath, remembering His sacrifice for us, making peace with God our Father, and inviting us to rest in our relationship with Him. I love the series we are going through as a church family and I love the invitation you are extending to friends and family to join you. Every week it’s an honor to say hello to you on the patio and meet the people you are inviting to be a part of the journey with you. As life continues to pull at your heart and time, fight for the space to join with your church family. It is so important we come together to celebrate and remember who God is by responding and becoming more like the fearless world changers He created us to be.



A Note From Jeff Pries


It was so much fun being at church together Sunday, and then when those with young kids went over to Ballpark Pizza and we just hung out, it felt like what church is all about – being in community and sharing life together. The kids had a blast, and naturally, the guys got involved in a good battle of air hockey, which Jon Ramsay won!

The gifts for the Military Baby Shower are really piling up, thank you so much for being part of blessing these women with these gifts. There is still time to bring diapers, wipes, or Target gift cards if you would like. The shower will be held this Sunday on our campus.

Please be praying for the Men’s Retreat, as over 20 guys from Mariners Ocean Hills will be attending. We will be part of over 200 guys from all of the Mariners Campuses. It should be a great weekend!

Speaking of guys, we are beginning to get ready for Father’s Day. We will have a work day (Friday, June 13), to help set up for Sunday, so if you can spare a couple hours, sign up this Sunday at the Welcome Center.

I know summer is a busy time, but we have a lot of things planned for you. Do your best this summer to keep your connection to church as part of your weekly rhythm. Often times, we think summer is vacation time; it doesn’t have to mean a vacation from everything in life. It’s fun doing life and ministry with you.



A Note From Caleb Anderson


Is there a television show that you are focused on? Something you’re addicted to, or just “find compelling?” 24 perhaps? So You Think You Can Dance?

Sunday, I’m going to continue the ongoing drama that is the ministry of Jesus. It’s ramping up… New characters will be introduced… New challenges made… Minds blown.

Don’t forget to check the summer calendar for upcoming events.

Parents of students, remember to join me for 10 minutes following each service in the overflow room. I look forward to sharing fresh excitement and vision with you on Sunday.

This is going to be a great summer! (For different reasons than what you wrote in your high school yearbook).


P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here