A Note From Jeff Maguire


Last week, I broke something. It’s something I’ve held onto, counted on, believed in, and needed. It’s something we all have. There’s nothing wrong with it, generally. In fact, finding a good one is a worthy practice. But, I broke mine last week.

I broke the rhythms of my daily life for 5 days. I went on vacation… without my kids. Whatever I usually do, I didn’t do on vacation (even some of the good things). I fell asleep when I was tired. I woke up when my eyes opened. I got out of bed when I was truly ready. I ate when I was hungry. I stopped eating… when I was tired. I went for a “run” (read: all-out mountain trail death sprint) with Amanda. She, who happens to be a runner, is convinced this our new “thing.” My body is firmly convinced it is not. I turned off all alarms, alerts, beeps, tones, keyboard sounds, and reminders of my usual rhythm. I changed the way I read the Bible. I talked differently to Amanda. I talked differently to God. Perhaps, because I was less hurried or less anxious or maybe, because I was free of the pressure to manage things, I felt a newness I desperately needed.

What is so surprising for me, most likely because I don’t do this enough, is that breaking any pattern is so very difficult. Even when I need to break the cycles that cause me harm, I find myself holding on to them with an uncommon protective vigilance. Summer is almost here. Kids in school naturally change their rhythm. We don’t. Perhaps, even without a really great vacation, a small change in the “way we do things around here” might be worth the effort.

I realize I can’t always break my rhythm with a vacation (my 15th anniversary was a great time for me to do so). But, in the rare and tiny pockets of time that offer an unexpected respite from the familiar cadence of my daily life, perhaps I’ll live differently within them: a cancelled meeting, early arrival at carpool pick up, someone else taking care of carpool altogether, accidentally leaving the phone in the car, or even a whole day off. Maybe, I’ll even learn how to actually carve out moments for that ever-elusive “margin” we’ve heard so much about but so rarely, seize…

…That is, until I hear my phone chime a predictable and timely reminder.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Caleb Anderson


I’ve been reminded this week that even though the sun is warm and the earth is spinning, many of us are in difficult seasons of life. For you, or for someone you care about, this is a tough week. And I want you to know that you’re not alone. And I hope that you tell the struggling person you care about that they are not alone either. We need each other. Even if you don’t know what to say… just show up. Even if you’re not sure you can relate… just be caring. And if there’s anything we—as a church—should be aware of, please let us know.

Sunday: I’ll be sharing a biblical concept with you that you probably haven’t considered lately—if ever. It will be another great weekend, so don’t miss it.

Parents of Jr/Sr High School students: I want to meet with you for 10 minutes following each service NEXT Sunday (June 8), so please pencil that in.

Peace to you,


P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

A Note From Jeff Pries


We had a great Sunday last weekend. It was powerful to intentionally take time out of our worship service to honor those men and women who gave their lives for our country. In the spirit of honoring our military, we are putting on a baby shower for the pregnant military moms from Camp Pendleton. This is an opportunity to bless the women (and little babies) whose husbands are off serving our country. We’re asking for diapers/wipes/$10 Target gift cards. Please consider jumping in and blessing these families by bringing any of the mentioned items to church this Sunday. We’ll have a bin available to collect all of the diapers and wipes. You have always been a generous church; lets continue to shower these women so they may feel loved by Mariners Ocean Hills.

There is a lot going on here at Mariners Ocean Hills. First of all, it’s not too late to sign up for the Men’s Retreat. We will be leaving Friday the 6th and coming back on Sunday the 8th. It will be a great time to connect with men and enjoy the great surrounding of Forest Home. Secondly, we are planning some fun events for the summer, check out the information on Framly Summer Sundays starting Sunday June 29th with our Super Summer Sundays: BBQ! These Sundays are designed around our church family inviting friends to Mariners Ocean Hills. And, there’s no better first step than inviting a friend to one of our summer events. Also, VBS is just around the corner – you or someone you know will not want to miss this event. It is easily one of the greatest weeks of summer for young kids (and parents).



A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Overwhelmed…that’s how I felt as I watched many of you respond and come forward in our experiences last weekend, acknowledging you were letting go of comfort and safety, and stepping into a life wholeheartedly trusting Jesus. Overwhelmed…by conversations with you on the patio where I witnessed authenticity, transparency and new beginnings. Overwhelmed…because of the humility and dependence put on display through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, using you to change the world through relationship.

I believe that this week God has been whispering to each of you about who He is – a loving, present, powerful Father, and who you are – His loving child, created and uniquely designed by Him. And, as He whispers I know the world is screaming at you, feeding you deceitful lies and calling you names – failure, worthless, unlovable. The only way we can make it through this gauntlet of deception is together – trusting and centering our lives around God’s Word and our relationship with Him.

I can’t wait for this weekend as we continue in What If? and consider what God truly wants from us, or more importantly, for us. Invite your friends and family to join you – I promise it will be a gift to you and them…



Cash Mob

We wanna’ be a church known for being IN and ABOUT our community! One way we do that is through CASH MOB! We want as many people as possible from our church to swarm a locally-owned business and show that we support them!! Let’s meet at AOSA Coffee on June 1st at 1 p and show the community we care. There are great places around this coffee shop for lunch as well! Contact Scott Snedeker for details.

AOSA Coffee
16821 Algonquin st HB 92649

Free OC Medical and Dental Clinic

Join us to provide a Medical & Dental Clinic for the community in Garden Grove. We need medical and dental providers, as well as volunteers for spiritual care. This promises to be a great outreach to the community! Volunteers must be at least 18 years old to participate. $20/volunteer. Sign up here.

Saturday, May 31, 7:30a – 4p
Concorde College in Garden Grove
12951 Euclid Street
Garden Grove, CA 92840

Questions? Please contact Chris.


VBS: Shipwreck Island


Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a 4-day summer camp for kids entering kindergarten through 5th grade in fall 2014. The campus will be transformed as kids come and experience SHIPWRECK ISLAND. It’ll be an exciting week of games, drama, crafts, fun surprises and live music by Jana Alayra. Join us at our ADVENTUROUS summer camp as we discover the ultimate treasure. For more info or to register click here.

June 30 – July 3

Registration closes Sunday, June 1st at midnight