Jewish Roots


In this follow-up to Jewish History and Culture (part one), we look at the cultural setting for the New Testament as the apostles took the gospel “to the ends of the earth.” Learn about the culture in which the Bible writers lived and wrote. Explore the Bible in its cultural setting and see God’s amazing message through fresh eyes. Click here to register. Questions? Contact Embry. 

Tuesdays, May 27 – June 24, 7 – 8:30p
Life Development Bld, r205, $5

Also, join the conversation at

A Note From Jeff Pries


If you came to church this past Sunday, you got to experience what it is like to sing and worship in Kenya. I learned last weekend that I cannot stomp my feet and clap my hands at the same time, but it was sure fun watching the worship team show us how to move and shake to Kenyan music. Don’t worry, this weekend we’re back to normal, where we can sing and clap and dancing is optional.

We’ll be continuing in our series called What If? Following Jesus is easy when He is doing everything we want Him to do. It is during those times that we feel like “God is working” and life is coming together. But, what if things change and it no longer feels like Jesus is “working.” What if God isn’t doing what we want Him to do? How does that impact our view of God, and what does it mean regarding God’s feelings about us? Join us this weekend and find out. Don’t forget, we are a church of “inviters,” so is there someone in your life you can invite to church?

Also, we had a great time celebrating Mother’s Day a couple weeks ago, and Father’s Day planning is in full swing. It will be a fun day to celebrate all the things that guys love. So put Father’s Day on your calendar as a day you won’t want to miss!



A Note From Jeff Maguire


Jeff is taking a few days to be with his family this week, so we hope you enjoy this note from MCMV High School Pastor, Jordan Maslyn.

Hello Mariners family!

We are rapidly approaching Memorial Day Weekend – a weekend often characterized by vacations, barbecues, and time spent with loved ones, but it is also a weekend rooted in remembering. Our country has set aside this day, and this weekend, to take time from our busy work schedules to remember the men and women who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom as a nation.

As citizens of Jesus’ kingdom, this day can also serve as a beautiful reminder of a specific man, Jesus, who laid down His life for our own eternal freedom. So as we gather for church this weekend, and as you gather with friends and family for barbecues and parties, let us be a people who celebrate! Let’s celebrate the freedom we have been given while also remembering with gratitude the lives that have been laid down to maintain that freedom.

See you Sunday!

Jordan Maslyn

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Last night was open house at my kids’ elementary school. I loved seeing their classes, their artwork, their writing and their stories. I loved meeting their friends and their families. I loved seeing the diversity in our community… And I was reminded of the opportunity we have as Christ followers to bring hope and love into the world around us. This Memorial Day weekend gives us a great opportunity to intentionally get to know and love our neighbors. Be on the lookout for a new friend or family God may want you to engage with His love and kindness. This weekend at church we’re continuing our What If series, looking at a life of freedom and joy that a relationship with Jesus brings. I can’t wait to see you all and meet your friends and family this weekend.



A Note From Caleb Anderson


Good News… The HB Library Theater has air conditioning!! So get out of your melting house for an hour and join us for church—8:30, 10:00, 11:30am.

This will be a special Sunday. We have a musical guest that you won’t want to miss… and I have a message that I’m really excited to give.

Adjust your plans, set your DVRs, delay your beach outing and be there Sunday!

In unrelated news—and just for fun—here are 5 lessons I’m learning from Jimmy Fallon and the Tonight Show—you’re welcome:

1. Do the show WITH the people, not for the people. (Engage, don’t perform)
2. Make others look good. (He engages guests in favorable ways)
3. Don’t take yourself too seriously. (He laughs at himself)
4. Make things fun. (Everyone likes to laugh)
5. Be who you are. (Jimmy builds the show around his strengths)


P.S.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

A Note From Jeff Pries


What a fun weekend we had last week, celebrating moms and all that they do (I’m still trying to get the fondue out of my shirt). Thank you to all of you who volunteered to make it a great Sunday. And don’t worry guys, we are already talking about ways to make Father’s Day just as special! Speaking of guys, I wanted to remind you that we have the Men’s Retreat coming up on June 6 -8. It will be a great weekend at Forest Home, and we will be partnering with all five Mariners campuses. Our entire staff of guys will be up there to be a part of this great weekend, and I will be speaking on Saturday night.

Please make sure you check out the summer calendar, as we have a lot of things you will want to be a part of coming up! Blessings to you, and stay cool in this heat!


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I hope you are reading this in a cool, air-conditioned space…wow, it’s hot! I love that the heat hasn’t dampened the spirit of what God is doing here in and through Mariners Church – I’ve been hearing stories all week how families (and, more importantly, women in our community) were blessed and encouraged by our Mother’s Day weekend experience. We were able to welcome and celebrate with the most people we’ve ever had on a weekend…amazing! I believe it’s evidence of your journey with Jesus – that people are seeing the way you love and live differently, and the world wants to experience the same joy and peace in their relationships.

My prayer for you today is that you would continue to walk fearlessly into all God has for you, trusting Him to give you the Spirit, power, and the words when necessary to put on display the power of the gospel in your life. Isn’t that what the current weekend series “What If?” is all about? It’s a great reminder that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is alive and within us. We can wholeheartedly trust and depend on His spirit and His strength to lead us, guide us, protect and provide for us. This is the message our friends, neighbors, OC needs (and wants) to hear. Be on the lookout this week for the people God places in your path and invite them to join us on this great adventure of faith.

