A Note From Jeff Maguire


“And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” – Romans 8:11

These next few days mark the culminating event of Jesus’ life and ministry. The gospel accounts of Jesus move at a relatively brisk pace through their initial chapters. There are baffling miracles, incendiary confrontations with religious leaders, radical teaching, and tear-filled moments of compassion. But, at the final week of Jesus’ life, the whole story slows down. Details get richer. Emotion is more clearly on display. There is real pain. There is unmistakable fear and loneliness.

And… There is victory. There is hope.

The hope of Jesus is best on display at Easter. It’s also when the church (the community of people, bound together by a common belief in Jesus’ death and resurrection) welcomes investigative friends and skeptical neighbors. It’s a time when the whole idea of Jesus is evaluated not only on the basis of His claims and the events surrounding Easter, but also on the basis of how the people connected to Him behave.

I heard a story of a couple from Mariners MV who, after moving out of state, was looking to land at a new church. Their plan was to intentionally arrive early at a prospective church and stand in the lobby waiting for someone to talk to them. In none of the churches did anyone ever approach them to extend the warmth of a welcome. Church people were happy to chat, so long as the visitors took the first step. I understand the idea of not wanting to be pushy or overbearing. But, warmth is warmth. It broke my heart. I think often about how much Mariners MV is gaining a reputation for genuinely welcoming people. If ever there was a time for our church community to live this out, it’s this weekend.

Many people you are inviting to Easter will courageously “test the waters” at our church this weekend. They’ll have the same attitude as the comedian, John Fugelsang who said recently,  “I view Jesus much the way I view Elvis. I love the guy, but some of the fan clubs terrify me.” Let’s delight people with the warmth of our community. Look people in the eye. Spot people who are mystified by our bizarre architecture. Smile. Learn to utilize the phrases: “Happy Easter,” “Good Morning,” without fear.

If Mariners is your home church, “own the welcome.”

Own the welcome during the Good Friday Experience (12:30-6). Own the welcome during the Good Friday service at 6. Own the welcome for Saturday at 5p. Own the welcome at the Peep Roast. Own the welcome on Easter Sunday at 9 and 11.

Happy Easter,


Good Friday


Join us for a time of reflection and expression as we consider His sacrifice for us on the cross.

Irvine Services – 12, 3, 4:30, 6 & 7:30p (Volunteers needed, contact Denise for info!)
Mission Viejo Service – 6p, the campus will be open from 12:30p on for a self-guided Stations of the Cross experience.
Ocean Hills Service – 5p

Passover Seder


Experience the Jewish roots of the Last Supper and get a better understanding of communion. We will be sampling the elements of the Passover meal; a full dinner is not included. Click here for more info and to register.

Friday, April 18, 7p (doors open at 6:45p)
Community Center, $25/adult, $15/child