
Kindergarten through 5th graders are invited to join us for a night of carnival booths, balloon artists, donut kabobs and a performance by the Foothill Force Jump Rope Team! This is a great way for your child to get connected and spend time with new friends and old. Encourage your child to invite a friend…we can’t wait to see you there! Cost is $12. Register online.

Check-in at the second floor Welcome Harbor of Port Mariners.

Friday, May 2
6:30 – 8:30p, $12
Port Mariners 2nd Floor

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Be Fearless! How have you been fearlessly giving and serving this week?  Have you taken the opportunity to share with someone your story of Being Fearless? Our staff has been serving in a variety of ways each week, and it’s been amazing to be a part of the avalanche of generosity being released in the world as we give ourselves away. As of last weekend to hear that over $715k had been donated (with over $415k already distributed:) and thousands of hours given to build relationship and serve those in need. The responses have been overwhelming and it’s not too late to jump in. Visit 

Last weekend, we discussed temptation and were reminded that satan is always on the prowl with “bait” just for us…he’s relentless in his pursuit to destroy relationships with God and others. There is a way through. With the power of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit, we can withstand the temptations and continue our relationship with God and others. Don’t miss this weekend as we continue in our “How to Start a Revolution” series, embracing and taking part in the revolution of transformation Jesus started thousands of years ago…Freedom!



A Note From Jeff Pries


Well, we had another great weekend of being Fearless as you continue to be generous with your money and your time. We are making a great impact in the community. Way to go!

This week, we are doing our first baptism at Mariners Church Ocean Hills, and we will be using our new baptismal by the playground. We are so excited and have around 20 people already signed up to be baptized. If you have a desire, yet didn’t sign up, it isn’t too late! Contact Cole at and he will be able to give you all the info you need! We also will have a barbecue accompanying the baptism, so we invite you to hang around after the service. It is a great time to get to know one another and spend time with our church family! Also, it’s a great week to invite friends, we will enjoy a fun BBQ and get to see a picture of what Jesus does in people’s lives. As we think about inviting friends, we know Easter is coming soon and we want to be a church that reaches our community. Seventy-five percent of the people who don’t go to church said they would go if someone just asked them. So I challenge you to start thinking and praying about who you could invite to Easter, or for that matter, church.



A Note From Jeff Maguire


“When you happen on someone who’s in trouble or needs help… don’t look the other way pretending you don’t see him. Don’t keep a tight grip on your purse. No. Look at him, open your purse, lend whatever and as much as he needs. Don’t count the cost. Don’t listen to that selfish voice…”  — Deuteronomy 15:7-8 MSG

Generally, when I come across a portion of Scripture like this, I tend to feel a cold dose of shame. I wonder if I’ve really done all I can – I haven’t. We all are aware of the reality of our world – a broken world. Certainly, we have all felt the tinge of responsibility for our own moments of inaction. But this week, as I read this passage in the “Daily Message,” I saw it in a far different light. I saw the passage through the lens of the work our church has been championing in the surrounding neighborhoods and communities.

I can’t help but be encouraged by the people of Mariners MV and the intentional steps being taken to put an end to our feigned blindness at the plight of the poor. Despite all of what I know the Bible says about the incomprehensible joy in gratitude and generosity, I continue to be amazed by how much fun these past few weeks have been. While we haven’t put an end to the systems and powers that cause poverty, we’re making a difference. Every courageous act and every heroic change that ever came about in society always began with small steps of radical revolutionary hope and a vision for what ought to be. I’m honored to be a part of what God is doing in Mission Viejo and the surrounding communities through Mariners MV. For more information about the work being done among the poor or to find out how you can get more involved, visit

See you Sunday as we continue in our series: HOW TO START A REVOLUTION.


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Do you know why we’re talking about “How to Start a Revolution” on Sundays?

A couple of reasons…

1. We’re living one.

I was visiting our Mariners Church Lighthouse Community Center in Santa Ana yesterday. I heard an AMAZING story of a young woman who grew up participating in that ministry. Volunteers in our church helped this young woman to know the love of God, understand her value as a human being, get a scholarship to college, then come back and serve on staff at the same community center—blessed to bless others.

That’s just one story.

Friday night 100 HB friends of ours will conclude Rooted—many of whom have experienced significant life-change. Some will be baptized and many will go on to play important roles in our growing community.

We’re living a revolution IN OUR CHURCH.

2. You’re made for this.

There is something inside you that whispers that there’s more. There’s more to this life than lots of friends on Facebook. There’s more to fulfillment than the flexibility to surf or golf at will.

There’s more.

You know it. I know it. And that’s why we keep reminding each other that God is up to something.

He was… He is… and He will continue to be…

Will you join Him?

Will you join us?


P.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

P.S.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

Annual Read Week 13


This week, we have entered into the book of Galatians. Paul most likely has addressed this letter to be circulated among churches in the region of Galatia, a province in the Roman Empire. The main theme of the book is the truth of the Gospel and its implications for life. Don’t you love the way The Message puts it, “you crazy Galatians”? Paul is rebuking and correcting them. He is concerned that the people of these churches have lost sight of the main thing: Jesus and His work on the cross. Paul is concerned they have started to put other things in the place of primary importance. Unfortunately, this still happens today.

What types of things cause people to lose their trust in God today?

What types of things do you have a tendency to place as primary over God?

Cole Beshore

OC Social Services’ annual Foster/Adoptive Conference


Support and encourage a foster parent! Volunteers needed to serve 300 hard working foster parents visiting our campus for their annual training. Help needed for decorating, greeting, serving breakfast, lunch, parking attendants, and much more! Register online. Fore more info contact Barb 949-769-8263.

Friday, May 2, 4:30 – 6p;  Saturday, May 3, 7a – 5p
Mariners Church IR Community Center & LDB

A Note From Jeff Maguire


Last Sunday, we began our BE FEARLESS journey. We asked, “What does radical generosity (without strings attached) look like?”

Here’s what we saw: Mariners Church Mission Viejo is committed to the poor and marginalized. We raised money to help fund the efforts of great local organizations that are doing an outstanding job among the poor. Mariners people are committed to serving. Because we’re a community of people unwilling to see life pass us by as merely spectators, many of us signed up to serve, making people a priority in our lives.

Last night I participated in a serve-opportunity called “Soccer and Snacks” in Santa Ana at the Lighthouse community center. Apart from feeling my age and my rapidly diminishing soccer skills, I got a glimpse of the good that people can do when they invest their time. There were a number of committed volunteers who knew kids and families by name. There was a feel of genuine neighborliness in the midst of a community known more for its high crime rate than anything else. Serving together is one of the great joys we get to be a part of as a church community.

Below, are a number of opportunities in which the Mariners MV staff has committed to serve:

Jordan Maslyn: Father Serra Food Pantry, March 29th (9am)
Kim Alexander: Vintage Senior Center, April 6th (3pm)
Hilary McCullough: Families Forward, May 3rd (11am)
Jeff Maguire: Soccer and Snacks, March 20th (4pm)
Catherine Bair: Uganda Child Sponsorship Celebration, May 18th (12:45pm)
Mike Kenyon: Vintage Senior Center, April 10th (6pm)
Bailey May: Safe Families, April 13th (12:45pm)
Ethan Hulse: Chili Van, April 8th (4:15pm)

Serve with us. Go here to find your serve opportunity. Be Fearless.

See you Sunday,
