A Note From Jeff Pries


What a great weekend it was as so many of you took part in our Be Fearless campaign. As a church it was so fun to see lines of people as they stepped forward to be generous to our community. Please join us this weekend as we celebrate your generosity to the various organizations in our neighborhood that are making a difference.

Also, if you have the desire or know of someone who is interested in be baptized, this is the week for you. We will be talking about baptism this weekend – Is it really necessary? Does it matter if I’ve been baptized or not? Then, we will tell you what you need to do to be baptized in two weeks.

There is a lot going on, and it’s fun doing ministry with you, seeing all of the amazing things God is doing at Mariners Ocean Hills. You have “been fearless,” way to go!


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


How have you been fearless this week? I love that we are a church of people that relentlessly pursue all that God has for us; unleashing the resources God has given us to bring real change to our community and the world. I’ve heard amazing stories this week as our staff and volunteers have been distributing the money we gave through Be Fearless – partners in our community are overwhelmed as they feel valued, cared for, and loved. We have already given thousands of hours in serving the poor and needy, building relationships and demonstrating the care and hope of Jesus. I can’t wait to share some stories and pictures with you this weekend. If you were out of town or haven’t been able to participate yet, don’t worry, you can still jump in. You can give this weekend and we’ll continue serving together for the next couple weeks. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the joy of generosity in your own life and be a part of bringing real hope and transformation to the world through the “revolution” of love initiated by Jesus.



A Note From Caleb Anderson


Everyone likes the idea of generosity. In fact, everyone likes the outcomes of generosity, too. It’s just pulling the trigger—writing the check, giving the gift, forgiving the debt, serving in a humble way—that trips us up.

Sunday our church took an iPad offering… 100% of which goes to other organizations doing good in our community.


And it doesn’t just go to other orgs…it’s already gone! I delivered the checks on Tuesday. (We’re fast.) And it was amazing!!

The gratitude… the joy… the amazement… the hope… the tears…

Don’t miss Sunday. I’m going to give you a glimpse of the privilege that was mine to deliver your tangible generosity. It was a slice of heaven—heaven on earth—and you played a role.

And we’re just getting started…


P.S.: I’m excited about my message this weekend. It will be relevant to EVERYONE—at least everyone who is honest with themselves. Bring a friend.

P.S.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

Annual Read Week 12


God is continuing to shape Israel into his people as we read through the book of Numbers. He is breaking them of their desire for slavery and calling on them to trust in Him alone. However, the Israelites repeatedly forget what God has done and they turn to fear. They don’t trust that God will provide for them in the desert, and they don’t trust that God will deliver on His promises. Still, God does not abandon them as His chosen people and He continues to show them that He is good and trustworthy!

As we read further, God has now shown the people the land that was promised to their ancestors, that He delivers them into by His mighty hand. It is wonderful to reflect and to see God’s patience with such a wayward group, especially in light of my own waywardness.

Read Psalm 37 taking the words to heart.
What fears does this Psalm alleviate for you?

What is one place you can place your trust back on God this week?

Cole Beshore