A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Ephesians 3:20, 21

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

I love this promise and how it speaks to a loving Heavenly Father who is not just able, but desires to surprise His kids (us:) with transformation beyond anything we could ever think to dream or anticipate. I believe we are experiencing this truth together in powerful ways this season through our Beautiful Mess series. Each week we’re hearing stories of healing, reconciliation, and hope through the power of Jesus. If you missed last week (or any of this series) you can always listen online here. And make sure to invite your friends and family to join us for the last couple weeks of Beautiful Mess – they will be forever grateful that you loved and cared enough to bring them.

Also…Happy (almost) Valentines Day! I know we’re all looking to affirm and express love for those we care about, and if you’re searching for a last-minute gift idea consider inviting someone to join you at Fight Night on February 28. Fight Night is a fun event for couples of any age or stage. Filled with humor, fresh insight, and new strategies for turning conflict into a means to more intimacy, Fight Night is for everyone wanting to make a good relationship great! To find out more and register click here. 



Beautiful Mess: Parenting Meltdown

parenting meltdown_Compass

In a world of relentless distraction and conflict, we invite you (parents, caregivers, coaches, aunts & uncles, neighbors, friends), to let out a collective sigh of relief and join us to hear marriage & family expert Doug Fields share what makes kids come alive, and sets them in the direction of character, confidence, convictions, compassion, and competence. You won’t want to miss this…

Saturday, 5p and Sunday, 9&11a
February 15&16
and 22&23
Worship Center, Irvine Campus

Annual Read: Reflection, Week 6


This week we finished the Book of Exodus and have now started the Book of Acts. The story of the Israelites’ exodus from Israel is central to the Israelites’ faith. Even the decalog (the Ten Commandments) begins with God reminding them that He is the God that brought them out of Egypt freeing them from slavery and therefore they should worship no other Gods. It is always amazing to me to read how the Israelites complain to God even after they have seen God do so many miraculous things. It just feels like they do not trust God.

Every time things get tough, the Israelites become afraid and doubt God’s intentions…“Did you bring us here to die?” “We were better off as slaves.” It’s amazing. Yet, if we take a good look in the mirror, we are just like them.

When have you trusted things other than God? What was the result?

In Exodus 14:13, Moses tells Israel, “Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and watch God do his work of salvation for you today.”

What does it look like for you to stand firm and watch God work out His salvation for you today?

As we start the Book of Acts, Read chapter 1:1-11 again. Notice that this book is the sequel to the Book of Luke, where Luke, the writer of both books recounts the life and works of Jesus up until His accession. The Book of Acts is the story of how God continues to work through His followers in accomplishing His work. It is the story of the first church. If you have fallen behind in your reading this might be a great time to jump up to the current day and start in on the Book of Acts with us. Keep at it!

Care Ministries


For those in need of help or simply searching for hope and healing, we invite you to find support and community in an upcoming Care Ministry Group:

Women’s Abuse Support
Thursdays 6-8p
Life Development Bld Conference Room 3rd floor

Divorce Care
Thursdays through April 10, 7-9p
Port Mariners 221, $25

Career Support Network
Thursday, February 20, 5:30-7p
The first topic in this six session career transition workshop is Establishing a Transition Plan.

For more info on upcoming groups and classes go online.

A Note From Jeff Pries


Question for you – What kind of person do you want to be?

That is what we have been answering in our recent weekend series called Heroes. Not only has it been a great series on what it looks like to be heroic, but we are reminded how the Bible is so remarkable, full of amazing stories that were relevant thousands of years ago as well as today. This week, we will be looking at a story that was a defining moment in my life, and I’m praying that it will be powerful for you as well.

Also, it is an exciting weekend because we will be welcoming back Jon Ramsay. As you know, Jon went through surgery for a brain tumor four months ago, and has been sharing his journey with his wife Deanna on her blog. We are thrilled to have him back, and look forward to hearing from Jon and encouraging him as he continues on his journey toward healing.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


When the people realized that Moses was taking forever in coming down off the mountain, they rallied around Aaron and said, ‘Do something. Make gods for us who will lead us. That Moses, the man who got us out of Egypt—who knows what’s happened to him?’” Exodus 36:1

I read this passage this week in the Daily Message (We discovered, incidentally, that the mobile-app version of the Daily Message finishes the year of reading 16 days earlier than the paperback version. In case you’re wondering why I read Exodus 36 this past week). But, this hit me. At some level, it’s a passage about impatience. It’s more than the feeling of not getting stuff when we want it. It’s a passage about this – WHAT WE DO when we don’t get what we want when we think we deserve to have it.

To recap: God’s people have been miraculously rescued from captivity in Egypt. They’ve walked through the Red Sea. They’ve followed a pillar of fire at night and a pillar of cloud by day. They’re standing at the foot of a mountain where God’s full pyrotechnic array has been on display. Moses has gone up to meet with God. And… he’s taking too long. God’s people reason, not only that God had abandoned them, but that they need something else — something that will capture their hearts. Clearly, God-who-rescues isn’t around anymore.

So, they create something to worship, something to which they can dedicate themselves: “gods…who will lead us.”

This is us. This is me. I suppose none of us have actually melted our jewelry into molten liquid so that it can be reshaped into a literal idol for worship. But, we do get impatient. When God isn’t operating on my schedule, when He’s decided my need for traffic abatement isn’t His priority, or that my need to have that thing everyone else has isn’t something I ought to have, I bow down to other some lesser gods who promise to deliver much more quickly. I kneel before the idols of my own desires. I bow to the gods of my own self-gratification. I lay down before the statues of my own ego — the ones I’ve built with my own hands.

For us, when our needs (so often confused for our desires) aren’t met the instant we can think of them, we find the most troubling thing about God — He tends to take way too long. Clearly, He must be confused, not only about our time table, but about what actually constitutes real need. We run to the lesser gods who give us everything, no matter the damage to our souls. We run to the gods who leave us emptier and hungrier than we’ve ever been. We keep building idols, hoping that the next one will fill us. It is in those idols that we lose our true humanity. We self-sabotage. We sabotage others.

We need a re-rescue from God. We need a rescue from the mess we continue to create for ourselves. We need a rescue from the mess we create for others. We believe God can and wants to restore brokenness. We’ll continue to look at this God who rebuilds and restores and re-rescues this Sunday morning as we continue in our relationship series: BEAUTIFUL MESS.

See you Sunday,

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Will you join me in loving OC?

I want every single person who interacts with kids – parents, teachers, coaches, friends, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles (you get the idea) – to know that the next 3 weeks at Mariners Church are going to be amazing! Doug Fields will be here to give biblical wisdom and practical insight in the most relevant way that promises to bring healing, hope, and transformation into our relationships as we walk with the next generation(s). I gathered our team earlier this week and we prayed that every family in OC would hear about this, believing that God is faithful and when we show up, He shows up in powerful and surprising ways. Please pray with us and invite your friends and neighbors (you can forward an invitation from the link below) to be a part of the story God is writing here.

Also this weekend – I would love for you to join us this Sunday Night as we worship and pray together as One Church.  God is at work, and the way we join Him is through prayer and worship. Central to the heart of God, worship is our way through this world as we celebrate all that He is doing, and as we seek Him to meet us in our places of need.

I can’t wait to see you and meet your friends and family this weekend as we journey together…

