Winter MV Life Group Session


Through March 23, 2014

Life Groups provide care and support for each other, while maintaining a broad view of how God wants to work through the group to bless others. What we experience In Community; freedom and healing, we live out For Community so that others can encounter salvation, freedom and healing.

Register online or on the patio to get connected into a Life Group.
Questions? Contact Mike Kenyon.

A Note From Jeff Pries


I hope you are enjoying our Heroes series where we are all learning that life can have its challenges, and we can either cower and shrink or stand up and be heroic.

There’s still time to sign up for our winter session of Rooted. It’s a unique and powerful experience I know you won’t want to miss. You can visit the patio this weekend to sign up or go online. So many of you have shared how Mariners Ocean Hills is such a great place and has become your church home. If that’s you and you’re looking for a way to find connection and become more involved at Ocean Hills, Rooted is a great way to do just that. Jump into community with a group of people for 10 weeks, and allow God to draw you into closer relationship with Him and with others.

And one final note this week, our junior high students are away at winter camp, please lift them up in prayer. Pray that God will keep them safe and bless them with a growing relationship.


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Our Beautiful Mess series is up and running!

You can always catch past messages here. And you can interact with us on Facebook here.

This week, we’ll be talking about the vast majority of our relationships – not the immediate or intimate relationships, but everyone else. How do you relate to the world around you?

There are a few keys from Romans 12 that could change your life, and all your relationships. Honor someone you care about and invite them to join you.

Don’t miss a week of this series. We’ll have different elements each week–art, food, special music, date nights, dancing… you just never know.

Enjoy this 80 degree January day! May God bless you, heal you, and lead toward healthy relationships.


A Note From Jeff Maguire


I’ve already run for dear life straight to the arms of God.
PSALM 11:1 (Day 12 of the Daily Message)

This past weekend we talked about living in the reality of being God’s “dearly loved children.” Most of us understand the idea of being children. We were once kids. Some of us have kids. But, for a lot of us, it seems, we’ve got no real concept of what it means to be “dearly loved.” Consequently, most of how we view what God intends for our relationship with Him centers around our ability to be good, do good, and generally try not to ask for too much. But, that’s not how dearly loved children live.

I had a number of conversations with people after church last weekend (as did the Mariners staff) about this idea. So many of us have broken relationships with our own dads. Because our first and most lasting impression of who God is, stems from the relationship with our own fathers, a lot of us are in need of repair. We’re longing to be understood and heard. We’re longing to live in the reality of being God’s loved children. It turns out, that is the critical component in all of our other relationships. Being deeply loved enables us to deeply love.

It is my prayer that you would know this kind of love. It is my hope that you wouldn’t settle for bland religious moralism. There are far too many people masking deep loneliness in wonderful and admirable veneers of career, beauty, parenting, goodness, and hard work. This week, consider that you are God’s dearly loved child; that in Jesus we don’t have to live as orphans, we can be known and loved the way we were intended to be.

I’m looking forward to this weekend as Doug Fields continues in our series on relationships called Beautiful Mess. Continue to be the great invitational and inclusive community that we are by bringing people who, like us, are a “beautiful mess.”


P.S.: For those of you who were here this past Sunday…
I mailed the picture to my dad.