A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


TREE LIGHTING! That’s right! Our annual tree lighting is back and better than ever this Friday night. God designed us for relationship with Him and others, and we’re taking that seriously as a church family as we look for ways to know and love our neighbors. Tree lighting is a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to see and experience the freedom and joy of the Gospel through one another as we laugh, sing, and ring in the Christmas season together.

This weekend will be amazing as we continue to hear God and respond together in this season of Celebrating Different. We need these weekend experiences now more then ever as we combat the gravity of materialism in this season, choosing to put on display the generosity that God has designed for each of us. Let’s continue to demonstrate the Church as the Hope of the world, allowing God to lead and fearlessly following Him into all He’s called and created us to be. I can’t wait to see and meet your friends and neighbors this weekend.



A Note From Jeff Pries


Thank you so much for your participation in Celebrate Different. Your generosity was amazing, and you are making a difference in the lives of people in our community. We had a great Thanksgiving service where we got to hear stories of all the different ways people are thankful. This weekend we will continue our series in Luke, making our way to the Birth of Jesus.

On Sunday evening we will have our 1st Annual Tree Lighting. It will be a fun time of celebration, games, singing, and snow for the kids.  Please mark your calendar with the times of our Christmas Eve Service (3 & 5p). It will be a celebration you won’t want to miss. As always, everything we do is designed not only to be a blessing to our church, but also to be an opportunity for you to invite your friends.



A Note From Jeff Maguire


Celebration is a nearly universal longing. We hope for days of celebration when we’re in the midst of defeat. Little girls plan the celebration of their wedding day decades before their first committed relationship. Young athletes long for that end-of-season pizza party celebrating their team’s final gathering (While their parents celebrate the end of a seemingly endless stretch of shuttling kids back and forth to practices and games). When people reach the end of their lives, we gather for a memorial — a celebration of life. We were made to celebrate, to find joy, to discover our connection to each other in the shared experience of victory, memory, relief, and freedom.

We say often at Mariners MV that “Christians should be the ones to throw the best parties.” We’re in the season of so-called parties. Often, we’re dragged to them as dutiful spouses. We wear the name tags and play the games. We attend. We eat desserts. We smile. We forget the names of our spouses’ co-workers (every year). But, that’s hardly a celebration. It’s a work “function,” a “get-together.”

This Sunday night, is a celebration. We’ll sing… loudly and poorly. We’ll laugh… loudly. We’ll warm ourselves with cups of chili. We’ll eat cookies. We’ll light a Christmas tree. We’ll even throw real snow at each other. We will CELEBRATE. This is the best party of the season. Time and time again, people talk about the tree lighting as the thing that really initiates the Christmas season for them. Don’t miss it. Invite your friends. Dress warm. Sing loudly.

Looking forward to this Sunday (night),
– Jeff

We’re going to conduct an incredibly cool synchronized light show with our phones during
the Tree Lighting. To make this happen, you’ll need to download a free app called “WHAM CITY LIGHTS.” It simply allows your phone to “talk” to the other phones in the room for synch-ing purposes. We’ll remind you on Sunday night. But, downloading ahead of
time will help to make the whole event go a bit more smoothly.

Tree Lighting at MV


Festivities and family fun begins on the patio at 5p with a sled run, chili bar, hot cocoa, photo booth, and VIP student lounge. Program begins at 6p in the Worship Center. Bring some friends – you won’t want to miss it.

Sunday, December 8, free, Mission Viejo Campus

Interested in bringing your favorite pot of homemade chili? Contact Kim Or, help with the photo booth, snow play or fill in where needed.

Tree Lighting at OH


Join us as we kick off the Christmas season! There will be hot cocoa, real snow, a gingerbread house contest, Christmas carols, and much, much, more! Be sure to invite your whole family and bring your friends! Contact Jaclyn for more information.

Sunday, December 8, snow & fun begins at 4:30p with program at 5:30p

Donate to our night of fun!
Box of graham crackers (need 10)
16 oz. tub of icing (need 30)
Candy (ex: Gumdrops, Red Hots, Candy Canes, Peppermint Rounds, M&M’S, Marshmallows, Life Savors, Skittles)
Empty pint-size & rinsed out milk cartons (need 30)
Hot chocolate packets (need 100)
Hot cider packets (need 100)
Donate towards cost of SNOW! (need $400)

Drop off to church offices by Fri, Dec 6, 5p

Also if you would like to help out Sunday Dec 8 after church, we will be setting up the front lawn and transforming the area for the Tree Lighting! Contact Jaclyn for more information!

Women’s Christmas Brunch


Celebrate the Christmas season with the women of Mariners HB! After the brunch, we’ll be offering a serve opportunity where we’ll decorate baskets for single moms.

Saturday, December 7
10a-12p (brunch), $30
12-2p (optional serve opportunity)
at Huntington Harbour Yacht Club (3821 Warner Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA 92649)

Contact hbwomen@marinerschurch.org with questions.

Faith Adventure Celebration


Join us to hear stories and see pictures from the recent Faith Adventure team in Haiti. Come and hear about their experiences as well as the amazing updates on what God is doing in Haiti. Two dorms have been completed in our Glory Glory home project and 26 of the 52 kids we support have been able to move in. We will also be sharing next steps on how to be involved in the Haiti Ministry. RSVP to Pamela.

Sunday, December 8, 12:30-2p, Life Dev. Bld, r208