Thanksgiving Celebration

Help us reach out to those in need in our community through distribution of Thanksgiving-in-a-bag & turkeys while engaging in some fun holiday activities too! We are gathering this Saturday to pass out all the bags you all have graciously donated. For more info, please contact, 562.787.4433

**If you still want to donate a turkey, you can drop it off at the offices during work hours, or you can bring on Saturday when you come to help pass out the bags!

Sat, Nov 23, 10a-12p, on campus

Divine Scarf Drive

Bring in purple, pink or white scarves and help us fill Divine Outreach Bags of Love for our ministry to women in the sex industry. Silk, knit or crocheted scarves needed, not to exceed 82″ long. Drop scarves in the collection bin in the reception area of the Life Development Bldg, 3rd floor.
Donations due by Monday, December 2
Contact Breanne Morrow with questions.

A Note From Caleb


The Revolution is still on!

I’m so proud of our church. We have incredible people with a commitment to be a part of a humble revolution–joining God in the advancement of His upside down kingdom. You can join in again every morning. Jump in.

Here are a couple ideas for you, privately:
1. Pray. Pray that God would open your eyes to see what He’s doing… to see what really matters.
2. Fill a grocery bag with food for our friends in need. We’ll be collecting them this Sunday. Get more info here.

Here are a couple ideas for you, publicly:
1. Break up your routine today. Do something different. Do something that serves someone else.
2. Invite at least THREE women to the Women’s Christmas Brunch on December 7th. It will be awesome! Click here for info.
3. Come to one of our New Connection Vision Nights. We want to get to know you and help you plug in at our church. Info for Tues, Dec 3 or Thurs, Dec 5

A Note From Jeff


There are few things that build enthusiasm in a church quite like the contagious generosity of God’s people. Last Sunday, we highlighted the very real needs of people in our community, and our world, launching us into this holiday season — something we call CELEBRATE DIFFERENT.

I joked during our services that the only thing we ought to be hoarding this season (despite all the advertising messages to the contrary) is generosity. People eagerly took grocery bags for those without food during this season. In fact, people took so many, we ran out. After the service, the patio flooded with our people rushing to the Christmas trees, grabbing multiple Christmas gift tags. There was a virtual traffic jam at the Uganda Child Sponsorship table. Our church responded so beautifully to Maher Salhani’s story of how the individual generosity of people really does make a difference. Be sure to be here this Sunday as Maher will recap all of  what we accomplished as a church community during the CELEBRATE DIFFERENT kick-off. The impact — your personal sacrificial impact — is staggering. I am so honored to be a part of Mariners MV.

This weekend, we’ll look at other ways to celebrate differently and we’ll hear from Doug Fields as he teaches, continuing in our OUTSIDERS GUIDE TO JESUS series.

Looking forward to more stories of your continued generosity during this season,


A Note From Kyle


How are you “Celebrating Different”? It was so fun to see you guys swarm the patio this weekend taking full advantage of the opportunity to love, serve, and give differently this season. I’ve heard many stories this week of how our church is intentionally loving our neighbors this season: hosting cookie-decorating parties, dropping off anonymous gifts and encouraging notes, kids helping others in school with tutoring and sports. I can’t wait to see and hear how God spiritually energizes these meaningful gestures and conversations into invitations to be transformed by His power. This season gives us so many opportunities to be in the world; for the world. Let’s continue to be fearless in loving and serving our neighbors.

This weekend we continue in our Outsiders Guide to Jesus series and I’m anticipating a great celebration as we are going provide the opportunity to say yes to Jesus! It’s the opportunity to say “I Believe” that He is who He says He is, and I’m trusting my life to Him. For some of you, perhaps you’ve been wrestling with that question and you’re ready to make that declaration. For others, you know someone who has been wrestling with his/her relationship with God, and following Jesus is the next step in that journey. Either way, be praying for this weekend and love your family, friends, and neighbors by inviting them to join us.

