A Note From Jeff


“In these days he has shown his favor and taken away my disgrace [shame] among the people.” Luke 1:25

Elizabeth says these words after many decades of shame. The Bible describes Elizabeth and her husband, Zechariah, as people who were righteous in every way. They had the right pedigree. Zechariah, a priest, served the people in a clearly righteous capacity. Yet, they had no kids. Different than our world today, people living in the first century in the Mediterranean, could not possibly understand how someone righteous couldn’t have any kids. Having kids marked God’s favor. The inability to have offspring marked God’s curse. Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous, old (also a sign of honor), but they were without kids. They had come to know this constant public shame as their “normal.”

But, what is normal anyway? For so many of us, normal is simply how we have come to expect things to be. Normal is the less-than-ideal way things are. Normal is what we have come to accept as the de facto condition of our lives. Normal is our way of explaining that, while we may have the experience of pain, suffering, or shame, it is somehow legitimized by the fact that it is always there. Normal can become (in its most insidious form) the condition of shame and despair we believe God intends for us to have.

This past weekend, we saw that God hears us and longs to grant us His favor and lift us from our shame. Clearly, we don’t always understand His timing, nor His means. But God, as we read from the Gospel of Luke, is unveiling His intention to enter into our shame with us. This weekend, we’ll continue in our series: THE OUTSIDERS GUIDE TO JESUS. It will be a great opportunity to invite people who have questions about Jesus, who are uncertain about the Bible, who are tired of their normal lives.

See you Sunday,

P.S.: This weekend is PUMPKIN FEST. I’m told that, in addition to $5 pumpkins, there will be a giant slide, and a patio full of treats. Bring a friend.

A Note From Caleb


Fall is upon us! Kind of. At least the air is a little brisk in the mornings and night.

But to be sure that you have the full fall experience, we’re hosting TRUNK OR TREAT night this Sunday, 4-6:30p! Don’t miss this. It will be awesome. Your kids will love it–so will your kids’ friends. If you don’t have kids, then come and just act like one. Dress up, sugar-load, and enjoy a safe and encouraging environment of games, food, and fun.

See you Sunday!

Listen to past messages here.
Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Kyle


Can you feel the excitement?! Right now, (as you read this), our campus is being transformed into one of the best fall celebrations in OC–Harvest Carnival! It’s our annual community celebration where kids in costumes come from all around Orange County to play games, ride fun rides, eat tasty food (& candy!), and listen to great music. It’s our opportunity to share the gift of relationship with our friends and neighbors, and the joy we find in Jesus and one another. You will not want to miss this night of fun. So be sure to come, and invite a friend to join you.

Are you loving our weekend series, The Outsider’s Guide to Jesus? How have you been responding to God’s voice this week – with a Zechariah-like posture of disbelief that says, “God can’t…He won’t…”? Or, with a posture like Mary, believing God can and will do what He says, but wonder…how will this happen?

So many questions are stirred up when the promises of God collide with this world, and seemingly contradict the circumstances of our lives. This weekend, we’ll dive deeper into these questions, and look closer at what it’s like to follow Jesus and trust God’s voice and promises in our lives–even when it doesn’t seem to add up. It will be a time of encouragement, as we navigate this world together with Jesus, finding hope and truth even in the most desperate and confusing circumstances. There are people in our lives – friends, family, neighbors, classmates, co-workers – who are searching for the message of truth and hope…the message of Jesus.  Invite them to join you this weekend as we become the community God designed us to be. Looking forward to seeing you guys…



Harvest Carnival

harvest carnival
A night of fun for the whole family! Free attractions include petting zoos, cake walk, candy & crafts, face painting & more! Food from Chick-fil-A, Sharkey’s, TK Burgers, and food trucks, available for purchase.

Fri, October 25, 5-9p, free admission
$5 all attraction wristbands include Ferris Wheel, giant slides, games and carnival rides. Free fun zone for kids 4 and under. Wristbands can be purchased at the door.

To get more details about Harvest Carnival, or sign up to volunteer, click here.

Questions? Contact Stephané

How to Live When Life Changes: Coping with Medical Crisis

How to Live When Life Changes: Coping with Medical Crisis
Has a medical crisis caught you by surprise? Have you or someone you love been diagnosed with a life-changing or life-threatening disease? Has an accident taken vitality from someone close to you? Join us for support, prayer, and information. You don’t need to be alone.
Mon, November 4, 6-8p, Life Dev Bld 200C
Topic: New Traditions & Celebrations Before Life’s Passing

Visit the website for details. or contact us to find out more.

HSM Pumpkin Carving


All pumpkin, all the time. Bring a pumpkin, dress like a pumpkin, carve a pumpkin, bowl with a pumpkin – it’s a real pumpkin fest.

Entry Fee: One friend, bag of candy to share, pumpkin, or all three!

Purchase a pumpkin after morning church services (the Sunday before) and bring it with you!

Tuesday, October 29, 7-9p

Contact Hilary with questions.
Open to all high school students.