A Note From Caleb

How’s today going?

Peaches? Pain? Somewhere between?

Could you use some support with the stress and confusion of life? An advocate to help show you the way, and to help you connect with God and be who you were designed to be…?

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever–the Spirit of Truth.  John 1416-17a

Sunday, I’m talking about the mysterious, yet knowable, Spirit of God. Some people panic when we talk about the Spirit of God, but you shouldn’t. He’s exactly who you want on your side. And He is–on your side.

Also this Sunday, I’m going tell you about our fall series starting Sept 8th and the impact it could have on your life.

Don’t forget to tell us which service you plan to attend and when you plan to serve on Sundays.

LADIES: Don’t forget the Women’s Meet and Greet Monday Night at the Library–Talbert Room, 6:30p

And click here for past messages.


A Note From Jeff

I hope that somewhere in the course of your week you experienced some measure of God’s resurrection power – that you weren’t merely looking to have certain parts of your life merely resuscitated. The resurrection is the game-changer. The otherwise fearful, confused, and disorganized band of Jesus’ disciples were somehow galvanized together after Jesus’ crucifixion. Something had changed. Something was different in them, and unlike all the other “messiah-movements” of the time, theirs wasn’t extinguished when their leader was executed. All of us have been in the place where we needed more than “getting things back to the way they used to be.” We’ve had that experience of needing something that was otherwise dead within us, to be raised to new life. This, is what Jesus does. It’s what we believe and hope to see in and through the Mariners MV community.

That’s the heart behind NEIGHBORDAY. We want to give the people you work with, or go to school with, or the neighbors you live next to, a chance to encounter not the dogma of church tradition, but the people who belong to Jesus… YOU! So, throw a great party. Invite people. Include people. That’s what we do around here. You already do such a great job at it. I get to see it every week when I see the kindness and hospitality of our church toward visitors. So, ratchet up your same spirit of warmth to your own neighbors. People love to be included – even if they have to decline. Because this Labor Day weekend is now “NEIGHBORDAY,” who will you include? What are your plans? Share your ideas using the hashtag #mvneighborday so people can get some ideas.

As we continue to be the inclusive and invitational church God has called us to be, it’s clear there’s a vital need for caring volunteer leaders who care about our kids. What a great church! Last week, we highlighted our Children’s Ministry and so many of you stepped up to take critical roles within “Port Mariners.”  If you’re still looking for a place to serve on Sundays, Port Mariners is a great place to put some of your gifts to good use. Contact Becky for more information.

See you this Sunday,

A Note From Kyle

Our 2013 church verse…

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus… Hebrews 12:1-2a

As we talked about “Generations Reaching Generations” last weekend–the story of the gospel of Jesus being passed down through generations and our responsibility to steward this story well–I was reminded of our church verse. We are part of a story with a legacy of faith that goes all the way back to the beginning of time. We’re surrounded by “a great cloud of witnesses,” including those mentioned in Hebrews 11, and they are giving us courage to live fearless lives following Jesus, becoming all He created us to be. Let’s continue to actively pursue Jesus and take our place in this “great cloud,” bringing the Kingdom of God to the world around us in tangible ways.

Invite a friend and join us this weekend (preferably Sat night at 5p or Sun at 9a:) as we encounter Jesus together, finding the hope and strength we need to navigate our journeys…



End of Summer Beach Bonfire for Young Adults & Singles


Enjoy an evening out with other young adults and singles. We’ll eat, listen to great music, and get to know each other. Bring a chair, some warm clothes, and a friend. We’ll provide the fire, food & drinks, and s’mores. It’s $15 to park in the lot, or you can park on the street for free and walk to the beach – just look for The Point flag. Feel free to stop by early, our team will be there setting up!

We’ll have fun activities and giveaways too!

Thursday, August 29
7p, free, Corona Del Mar Beach

Contact Tim Keller with questions.