A Note From Kyle

Do you want to get well? The power of Jesus succeeds when the power of man surrenders…

What a beautiful time we shared last weekend as we gathered together to consider this question from Jesus–and then lived it out in community together. I was completely humbled and overwhelmed at the willingness of so many who came forward in faith to pour out their areas of brokenness, and ask for prayer and healing, Each week, we gather as a staff to share stories of God moving in our ministries, and this week, we took time to pray for all of you who courageously came forward. And for those of you who filled out cards, we asked that you experience the presence of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit as you continue walking in your healing.

There is so much happening in our church community this summer – ways to connect in relationship with one another, as well as serving those around us.  I invite you to scroll down through the opportunities listed here in The Compass and see how God prompts you to jump in.

This weekend, we’re continuing our Saturday Night after-service parties, where we get to be with one another and hang out with the friends and family we’re bringing to church. We’ll continue our series, The Bible, where we’ll follow the life of Jesus, and talk about the most dangerous place in the world. You won’t want to miss it. Invite a friend to join you as we move forward through our healing, becoming the people and the church God has called us to be, bringing light and hope to OC and the world!



A Note From Jeff

Over the past few weeks we’ve seen God powerfully at work in our church community. People came forward courageously seeking God’s healing power two weeks ago. For a lot of us, our experience with healing, at least as it pertains to the church, is mostly negative. We’ve seen and heard about “healing services” that were little more than gimmicky sideshow acts relying upon group dynamics and mass hysteria. But, despite the occasional negative press, we believe God heals–not in every instance, not always in the ways we expect, nor in the timeline we’d prefer–but, God calls us to come to Him that we might seek His restorative power in our lives.

Here’s an example (I’ll leave it purposely anonymous) I prayed with someone whose marriage of several decades was crumbling. His wife had left him several weeks earlier. This past Sunday, seeing him at church, I mentioned that I had been praying for him throughout the week. After a brief embrace, he said that on the previous Monday (the day following our service), his estranged wife called, wanting to reconcile their marriage.

No matter how it happens, God’s restoration power still amazes me. He’s at work in this church transforming the ordinary lives of hurting people.

Then, this past weekend, we talked about the agony of Jesus’ anticipation before the cross in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus, looking into the specter of the cross was neither stoic, nor Hollywood-heroic. Instead, he wept, pleading with God for another way. But, ultimately Jesus said, at the end of his harrowing prayer: “Yet not what I will, but what you will.” What marked Jesus’ life was his willingness to carry out the most difficult tasks before him, not because he thought they made the most sense, not because they seemed to give him the greatest fame, but because they were what His Father wanted.

This week, what does it look to like to say, courageously, “not my will, but what you will” to God? What decisions, challenges, trials, confrontations, or conversations are in front of you that are not at all comfortable, easy, peaceful, or even clear that require your obedience?

Ecstatic about all that God is doing in our midst,

A Note From Kyle

Didn’t you love the partnership of generations on display in our services last weekend? I heard so many great compliments about the experience–the willingness of Stan to empower and bless–the beauty of Valentina to sing and lead with courage–and the message of truth and hope Jared brought to us through the baptism and temptation of Jesus. So many of you are bringing friends and family to enjoy the gift of time and relationship on Saturday nights! If you haven’t already, please join us. We’ll be there with food and music, as well as fun activities for the kids.

I am anticipating this weekend as we get to lean into one of the most profound questions Jesus ever asked…”Do you want to get well?” We’ll consider the depth of this question as we look at the story from John 5, and perhaps, more importantly, we’ll walk it out together as we take part in one of our powerful worship expressions: a healing service.

These services are a beautiful expression of trust in the power of Jesus and the willingness to be cared for in loving community. So many of us, or those close to us, have deep wounds–areas of brokenness that even perhaps we have given up on ever changing or healing. You are not going to want to miss this weekend…and be sure to invite those around you, as we anticipate a powerful time together.



A Note From Jairus

Hey HB, it’s Jairus!

I am so excited to be back with you from all of my travels! It was great to be able to see the world, to see how God is doing amazing things and raising up amazing leaders in Africa, but being here and worshipping with my church is where I love to be! The summer is a time for so many of us to travel and get away from our daily routines and recharge for the fall. If you are anything like me it is great to get away, but it can leave you feeling a bit disconnected. I know it did for me!! I felt disconnected from friends, church and even my own family. We always want you, our HB family to feel connected to God, each other and to the community around us. So, I wanted to make a couple suggestions as the summer is winding down. There are two words that can help us ALL in this arena….BE INTENTIONAL!!

1. First, be intentional to connect with God.  Whether it is on a walk at the beach or somewhere else in nature, surfing, listening to good music, finding a few quiet minutes during your day to read the bible or even setting an alarm at a certain time of the day to pray to God for certain people and situations in your life, FIND A WAY TO CONNECT! 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says “pray without ceasing” so if that’s the case, maybe its small prayers, like a conversation with God, all throughout your day. There is always something to bring to talk to God about!

2. Be intentional to connect with those around you! Your family and friends need time with you! Maybe there are people on your street or close friends that you have been meaning to talk to but you have not found the time. The summer is a perfect time to roll out the grill, BBQ some burgers or chicken and spend time with people and get to know each other better. We believe in this so much that we are asking Life Groups and any groups of people at Mariners HB to throw a house party or BBQ for people at work, or in your neighborhood, or school…WHATEVER!! If you do, we will kick in gift cards to help with the cost of food. We just took away a big excuse people! Get out there and connect!! Contact Ericka for more info!

3. Be intentional to connect in worship! Now you knew something about worship was coming right? Worship at Mariners HB is something we do with PASSION!! People who visit from other campuses ALWAYS comment on how much this church loves to sing, praise, and worship our God!! But it does not stop on Sundays! Worship on Sundays should simultaneously be the cap on top of a great week of worship and the beginning of worship for the next week. What do I mean by that? We should not only pray without ceasing but worship without ceasing!! Intentionally look for ways to worship. Look up at the stars and worship Him for his creativity! Look at the wind and waves and praise Him for His power! Look at children playing and laughing and praise Him for His gentleness. Look at all we have and praise Him for His provision!! Worship is a lifestyle that you should come in on Sunday READY to do because it is something you do continually. When those weeks come where you just don’t feel like singing, and they will come, bring your pain and hurts to Him honestly in song and watch Him connect with YOU through the words you sing.

I can’t wait to see you Sunday! One of my favorite people at Mariners, Christian Mungai, with be teaching us this week. He is a powerful speaker that you will NOT want to miss… I PROMISE!! Get there early and meet someone new and get connected! That way your will not miss ONE NOTE of the journey we have planned in worship either! LOL! See you there!!
