A Note From Kyle

Don’t you love a great movie? A great story always has characters you fall in love with, who overcome adversity, narrowly avoid pitfalls orchestrated by an evil adversary and a daring rescue…

As we’ve been journeying through our summer series The Bible, I’ve been reminded how each of us are taking part in the greatest story ever written. We’ve been invited to play significant roles in the story of God’s redemption of His creation. Last week in the weekend experience, I love the way Kenton gave a unique blessing to each life stage and how we, as a community, blessed him before he left on summer break to rest, refresh his soul and hear God’s voice. This week, I’m looking forward to the turning point of the story – the arrival of Jesus, God in the flesh, ushering in the Kingdom of God. Invite your friends and family to join us as we continue to learn and live this story out together.



Don’t forget our Summer Saturday Nights, when we gather to celebrate and build relationships over a meal and fun activities on the patio. This week, Tyrone Wells will be with us…you’re not going to want to miss out!

A Note From Caleb

Hi friend!

I’m on my study break, and here’s how I’m spending my time:

1. Resting, enjoying Hilary and Jack
2. Preparing for the Fall
3. Listening to what God might say
4. Praying for you and our community

Please keep your eye on the Summer Calendar and the different ways you can stay connected to our church family over the summer. Contact the other members of our staff team if you have questions or ideas…

Have fun!


A Note From Jeff

It is so good to be back home. It’s always good to be away. But, it’s great to be back.

As the Maguires spent the last 10 days in Texas with Amanda’s family (and the mosquitos… and the suffocating humidity), I spent time praying and dreaming about the future of the Mariners MV community. What kind of impact will we have in the surrounding neighborhoods? How many people will find repair for their troubled marriages? How many estranged friends will find reconciliation and forgiveness? How many people might be released from the power of addiction? How many people will discover a community overcoming the cynicism of the world with a vibrant hope in Jesus? My time away has given me such a powerful sense of optimism about the next season of life and ministry together.

I am so excited to be back teaching this weekend. We’ll get a tangible look at one of the most compelling pictures of the Kingdom of God. We will give people an opportunity to come forward to receive prayer for healing — emotional, psychological, physical, spiritual, relational. This is a weekend requiring the triumvirate virtues of courage, humility, and faith. Consider in your own life what might require healing. But, also consider the people in your life who are in need of healing. What might it look like to include them this Sunday at Mariners?

Then, after church we’ll celebrate together at our 39th annual Mariners MV beach day on Sunday afternoon at Doheny. What a great opportunity to bring, not only your own family, but also your friends and neighbors who are looking to find a way into the church. Let’s surf together. Let’s get a sunburn together. Let’s be clever, ambitious, and winsome about the ways we enfold people from our community into life of the church.

Grateful to be home,


Muslim Outreach Lunch

Learn about the encouraging Christian movement among Muslims in India after the 11a service. Hear from our global outreach partner who moved with his family to India two years ago to immerse himself in the community to show the face of Jesus. Lunch will be provided.

Sunday, July 28, 12:30p
Upper Room

A Note From Caleb

Hi friend!

Couple quick things you need to know this week:

1. Guest Worship Leader. Sunday is going to be a special day. I have my brother, AARON ANDERSON, coming to HB to lead our band. He’s talented and he’s my little bro. You won’t want to miss it. (Here’s a little sample).

2. Temptation. We all face temptation. The questions are, what is temptation about, and what do we do with it? Sunday, I’m talking about how Jesus was tempted and what we learn from Him.

3. Summer Calendar. Keep up on everything we have going on at Mariners HB this summer! Glance at the events here in this email, and pick up a Summer Calendar on the patio Sunday. (If you’re bored or disconnected it’s your own fault).

See you Sunday!


Encourage someone you love by sending them a link to our recent Sunday messages here.