Cash Mob

Please provide a description of your project and copy for piece: We will have two local food trucks on the 14th for people to buy lunch and dessert from Kala Truck and The Scoop on Cookies!  We want to bless these local businesses with an out pouring of business.

July 14th, after both services

A Note From Kyle

VBS is unbelievable!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words but in this case, I don’t think it even comes close to the power of what’s taking place on our campus this week: Over 1200 volunteers (including hundreds of students) gathering each morning to focus their hearts and attention on Jesus as they serve over 2300 kids; large group gatherings with singing, worship, and creative storytelling offering space to celebrate and respond to God’s love; recreational time building relationship and trust with one another; and missions, where kids are cultivating a heart for the poor and needy. Lastly, we can’t forget the 395 kids who responded to the love of God and said, “I Believe,” trusting their lives to Jesus for the very first time. The gospel is on display and The Kingdom is advancing in a powerful way this week in Orange County through Mariners Church. Your hearts of generosity are what makes this possible all year long!

This weekend, will be celebrating all that God has done this week through VBS, and our lives, as we continue in our Bible series. We’ll be looking for some valuable lessons from one of the greatest characters and leaders in the Bible – Moses. Bring your friends and family to see the beauty and hope of a life with Jesus, on display this weekend…it’s going to be great!



A Note From Jeff

Last Sunday, as we celebrated the beginning of summer with a boatload of pancakes, I got to thinking about this season. As people begin their “official” summer, plans start to unfold, the slow pace of summer seems to pick up. Kids have summer camps. Sports teams begin to start their summer workouts. We make travel plans and start worrying about the fall. We get a little over body-conscious about having to be at pool parties with our neighbors. In all of it we can lose the great gift that we hoped summer would be — rest.

As we looked at the story of Moses and the exodus out of Egypt last Sunday, we got a glimpse of the way our highly sophisticated and instantly gratified world can enfold us into its systems and ways of living. Perhaps, we connect most with the notion that the world’s success is predicated on our fear of stillness and resting. Maybe, the most revolutionary thing we could do in any worship service is the brief pause we give ourselves from all the things clamoring for our attention and energy. In our staff meeting this week we talked about how difficult it is to be still long enough to hear from God. As we all looked at our summer calendars, we were struck by the idea that rest is something we have to, somewhat ironically, fight for. There is so much to be done — great things God has called us to do: Our Uganda team will spend another week working on the front lines of poverty in HIV/AIDS relief with our partner church in the Ugandan countryside. I leave on Sunday afternoon with a Mariners team headed to Nairobi, Kenya. Our children’s ministry is looking forward to hosting our VBS (church day-camp) at the Ocean Hills campus. Junior High and High School ministry are thinking about their summer camps…

All of it is so good. And, very little of it is restful.

How will you carve out the time (which may already be committed to a number of really good things) to be with the ones you love, to connect with God who loves you, and to restore your own beleaguered soul this summer?

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday,


A Note From Caleb

I’ve heard people say that life is a series of hills and valleys. Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down.

I disagree. It’s been my experiences that life is more like railroad tracks. You have good things and hard things going on–in parallel–all the time. There are things to celebrate and things that keep us up at night. There are relationships that are flourishing and relationships that are complicated. There are obvious blessings and there are immediate needs.

Miserable people focus only on the bad stuff of life. Naive people ignore issues and think only about good. Mature people are those who celebrate joyfully, and honestly, and who have the ability to trust God in the middle of the “both.”

Sunday I’ll give you some inspiration to press on with courage and determination. God has great things in store for you… and for us.


1. Life Group Connection Sunday evening 5pm at our offices. Just do it. We ALL need good relationships. And we ALL need a little structure to help us make decisions that align with our values. See more below…
2. Summer Sports Clinic in July. This is the real deal–a great value and a great experience for your kids. See more below…

Listen to past messages here.


A Note From Kyle

What an amazing Father’s Day weekend we had together. I loved meeting your dads and families on the patio. It was awesome being there with you as you challenged one another on the obstacle course and chipping green, and sipped root beer and ate samples from the meat truck, while watching family members get thrown from the mechanical bull. Over 700 more people joined us this Father’s Day than last year, and we believe there are so many more looking for the life and relationships God designed for them. As we continue to put the gospel on display through relationships this summer, I’d love it if you would consider attending our Saturday night or Sunday 9am services to make more room for people to experience the truth and beauty of Jesus.

This weekend, we continue in our Bible series, and we’re actually going back to the very beginning wrestling with questions like: Who initiated creation? How and why did creation happen? What is the purpose of creation? This is going to be a foundational week in a great series and I know there are people in your life who are looking for answers to questions just like these. Invite them to join you – I can’t wait to see you guys and meet your family and friends on the patio.

