A Note From Jeff

The past two weeks have been amazing.  We invited you to join one of our weekend service volunteer teams and you responded.  As we have learned through the “Christian?” series we are the church, not the buildings or the services, I have been so encouraged by the number of you taking steps towards finding your place in the community here at MV.

This past weekend looked at how despite the negative behaviors of people who call themselves “Christians” we need each other. Christ’s love expressed through community is a necessary part of truly living out our faith as followers of the way. It has been so great to hear the many stories of lives changed through exploring the miss-conceptions of the word Christian.

This weekend Doug Fields will be speaking and then June 8 & 9th we will begin our summer series “The Bible”. We will dig into the Bible and explore the major stories, people and events that have shaped history.

See you this weekend,


A Note From Caleb

What a great weekend we just had with Jordan and his student team leading! Less than a year ago we had no high school ministry. And now… Just look what God is doing!

I’m really excited to be back this Sunday to finish the Christian? series! Hopefully by now you have an idea about the difference between being a “christian” and following Jesus. This week I’m going to uncover another piece of Jesus’ message that we often miss. So don’t miss this important week and the message that concludes this powerful series.

We’re shaping who we are as people and as a church. And this is a pivotal time in the life of our church.

I love you. And the staff and leaders and I pray for you regularly.

As always, listen to past messages here.


Volunteer Information Meeting

Learn more about what it would look like to use the gifts God has given you to serve the church.  Joining a volunteer team is easy, fun and great way to meet people.  With opportunities as little as one hour, once a month there is something for everyone. Questions contact Kim Alexander.

Sunday, June 2nd, 12:45p
Children’s Theater
Lunch provided, RSVP encouraged for lunch arrangements.

VBS The Big Top

Join us at our THRILLING carnival summer camp and experience the wonder of THE BIG TOP!
It’ll be an exciting week of games, fun surprises and live music with Tim Timmons.  For kids entering K-5th grade (fall 2013).
Register online before midnight on Sun, June 2, 2013.

Daily, 8:45 AM – 12:30 PM, from June 24 – June 28
Irvine Campus, $55

Thank you for an amazing response to VBS.  There are still items needed.  Check out our website for an updated list of things we still need!  Click here to see the list and donate.

A Note From Caleb

In honor of Memorial Day, I want to ask you to join me in a prayer…

God, we remember the valiant soldiers who have paid the ultimate price in service of the freedom of our great nation. We pray for their families. We ask for comfort, peace, and a real sense of your presence. We beg for your leadership and guidance on behalf of our nation’s leaders as they make decisions that affect the lives of so many. We also remember those in Oklahoma who have suffered great loss. Only you bring beauty from ashes…hope from loss… joy from grief. Let it be so, in Jesus’ name.

If you’re not volunteering yet on Sundays, we’d love to have you join us this summer! Fill out the card, or email Christen: ccowgill@marinerschurch.org

Stay tuned for our Summer calendar…

And listen to past messages here.


A Note From Jeff

Last weekend was such a fun weekend, it was so great seeing all you dads and kids playing on the patio slam-dunking the mini basketball hoops.

This past weekend we discussed as a church family that in order for us to be the church God has called us to be, we’ll be moving to two services this summer.  These new services will be Sundays at 9 and 11am beginning June 23rd. If you have questions about what that looks like for you and your family I’d be happy to talk to you on the patio.

This weekend we’ll be wrapping up the Christian? series. This week is for anyone who has ever thought about  giving up on church. We’re excited about having Doug Fields with us for the weekend June 1st and 2nd.

Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend, invite a friend.


A Note From Kyle

Lost sons…which one were you? Have you been able to embrace the idea that there is a loving Father who runs to you, throws a party and wants you to join; a father who desires to be in relationship with you above all else? What a great reminder that was last weekend of who God is and how we are called to live in freedom as His children.

Speaking of freedom – Memorial Day weekend is fast approaching and we are going to have a great weekend together at Mariners. We’ll be honoring and remembering those that have given their lives for this country.

Pastor Linda from our church partner in Kenya, Mavuno Church, is here and will be speaking in the Chapel at 9 & 11a (did you know we have services in the Chapel every Sunday at 9 & 11a, in addition to the Sunday night chapel service at 7p?). I’ll be continuing in our Christian? series answering the question, “If we are disciples, followers of Jesus marked by the defining quality of Love, what are the exceptions? Are there any?”

I’ve enjoyed getting to meet so many of your friends and family on the patio these past few weeks – bring the crew this weekend and we’ll celebrate all that God is doing in us and through us as we fearlessly change the world together.



Men’s Group – The Explicit Gospel

“The Explicit Gospel” by Matt Chandler – Inspired by the needs of both the overchurched and the unchurched, and bolstered by the common neglect of the explicit gospel within Christianity, Matt Chandler has written this punchy treatise. He begins with the specifics of the gospel—outlining what it is and what it is not—and then switches gears to focus on the fullness of the gospel and its massive implications on both personal and cosmic levels. Come join us Wednesday nights and Thursday mornings! Questions: contact Matt Alexander.

Wednesday’s 5/15 – 6/19, 7p and Thursdays 5/16 – 6/20, 6:45a
Mission Viejo Campus, Upper room
Books available for $15