A Note From Kyle

This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa? Romans 8:15 (The Message)

Christian – follower of Jesus: have you been waking each day, moving through life with the kind of anticipation expressed in Romans 8? I loved kicking off the Christian? series last weekend as we began our journey remembering the profound beauty and power in becoming like the One we follow – Jesus. It was wonderful hearing stories of how you connected here at Mariners and how God has been transforming you. I loved meeting the friends and family you invited so they could experience the relationships and encouragement we get to find in The Church each week. You’re not going to want to miss this weekend as we begin to dig deeper into what it truly means to live a life following Jesus and impact the world the way Jesus has called and equipped us. This is a great weekend series for those of us who have been Christians for years or anyone who is looking to understand more, so join us and be thinking of who you can bring with you.

Don’t miss Rooted – if you’re new to our church or have been here for years and you’re looking to understand a more complete picture of who God is and who you are, make sure you jump into Rooted. You’ll get together with a smaller group of people to have conversations around God, humanity, good, evil, the Holy Spirit, and our purpose. We believe that God has created and designed us to move through life with a group of people who know and love us, and Rooted is the launching pad to discover that life together. We have a new session beginning next Wednesday and we’d love for you to join us on the journey.

Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend…



A Note From Caleb

Dang, I’m excited for Sunday! We’re about to do something you’ll remember for a long time…something powerful…something bold…something newsworthy… And, most importantly, something that represents who followers of Jesus truly are.

Whether you’ve been part of our church community for two years or two weeks, you’re along for quite a ride!

We are committed to helping you becoming all that God made you to be. We’re committed to reaching more and more people with a message of hope and love. And we’re committed to changing the community around us.

You’ll get a glimpse of all three of these commitments in a big, bold way this Sunday. I can’t wait to be together! Don’t miss this!!


PS. One other thing: Remember how Kasey Harrison inspired us on Sunday to invite and pay for our friends to go through Rooted? Who can you get to Rooted this session? Let Christen know and she’ll help you sign them up!

PSS. As always, to listen to recent messages, please click here.

Child Dedication

Family matters–and your commitment to raise your children in a God-honoring way is the beginning of their journey toward the life God intends for them. We’d love to encourage you on this journey. And, Pastor Caleb would love to coach you on this important commitment, and then join you in dedicating your child(ren) back to the Lord. Please contact Cayce Korhonen to sign up your family.

Sunday, Apr 21, before and after the services

A Note From Kyle

Powerful…transforming…healing…beautiful…life-changing. These are just some of the words I heard, as you shared your stories about Easter weekend at Mariners Church. I loved connecting with you on the patio and hearing the emotion, freedom and victory expressed because of the sacrifice of Jesus. Then on Easter weekend, it was a joy watching thousands of you with friends and family scoop up 50,000 eggs within seconds on our lawn, knowing that so many were on our campus experiencing the beauty of The Church (God’s people) for the first time. Many of you brought family and friends to experience the power of Easter and the resurrection with us. It was beautiful to see the smiles and hear your encouraging stories, the powerful message of Easter and the community of Jesus impressed into your souls. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us!

I’m excited to kick off our new series “Christian?” this weekend, unpacking the label that Christ-followers have worn for years. This is a great series for anyone new to church or investigating who Jesus is and what His Church is all about, as well as those of us that have identified with the “Christian” label for a long time.  All of us will have the opportunity to rediscover the beauty and adventure of walking with Jesus.  Bring your family and friends, and join us for another great weekend together…



A Note From Jeff

What a weekend to celebrate! In so many different ways, the resurrection of Jesus and the life the church community were clearly on display. Saturday night’s Peep Roast was a blast. My kids charred and ate more marshmallow Peeps than should be legal. Standing around a tiny Sterno fire pit roasting sugar-coated Peeps, people found a great way to initiate conversations and connect with each other.

I was so excited to have brought some friends of ours to Easter at Mariners MV. They were overwhelmed by the life, enthusiasm, and sense of family that you helped to create. I could sense the excitement in so many of you who introduced to me the people you had invited. The campus was alive with community and joy.

Over the course of the weekend, from Good Friday to Easter Sunday, nearly 4,000 people made Mariners Mission Viejo their home for Easter. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped to make it all possible.

And now, as we look forward to our next series, CHRISTIAN?, we anticipate more of the same kind of invitational and inclusive energy that helped to make Easter so memorable. During this series, we get to directly address the questions people have about Jesus. People are curious. This is a great series to bring not only people who are investigating the claims of Jesus, but who might also be confused by His followers. Additionally, this next series will serve as far more than a reminder of our faith. For many of us, we’ve unknowingly absorbed a few habits, misconceptions, and labels that might not have been intended for Jesus’ followers. It is going to be a terrific series.

I can’t wait to see you this weekend,


A Note From Caleb

What an amazing Easter Weekend! We had three full services on Sunday morning (almost 800 people), and a powerful prayer experience on Good Friday. Thank you for participating…and thanks to many of you for serving.

This week we begin an intriguing look at what it really means to be a “Christian.” Whether you’ve been following Jesus for a week or 40 years, I trust this series will be both refreshing and inspiring.

Also, if you haven’t signed up for Rooted yet, what are you waiting for? You can sign up here or on the patio Sunday. Our Rooted kick-off event is April 21st at 6:30pm at the Library, but after that, there are several evening options for your convenience.

See you soon…


As always, to listen to recent messages, please click here.