HSM Winter Adventure


Join us for a weekend of camping at Lake Hemet! This HSM Adventure weekend will be an opportunity to connect with other high school students, have an epic weekend, and learn more about your relationship with God all while getting to spend time at the lake! Click here for more info or to register.

Fri, Jan 20, 3p-Sun, Jan 22, 1p
Before Jan 13: $40
After Jan 13: $50



We were never meant to take this Journey of faith alone. God has entrusted us with the great and mighty gift of the gospel. Join us as we gather Thursday evenings for this Beth Moore Study. Contact Holly for any questions, hjdhart@cox.net.

Thursdays through Jan 26, 6:30-8:30p
Ocean Hills Campus 

A Note From Caleb Anderson


See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. 
Isaiah 43:19

Welcome to 2017!

It’s a new year. It’s a new day.

God has new things in store for you. I believe He has new things in store for you every day, but in January it seems we pay a little bit better attention.

So PAY ATTENTION! (I’m type-shouting that with a smile.)

2017 will be a year of GREAT changes for our church.

– We will move into our new ministry space at Beach/Warner.
– Our staff will move into offices at Beach/Warner.
– Our staff will grow—you’ll see several new faces over the course of the year.
– New leaders will emerge.
– New projects will take shape.
– Awareness of our work in this community will increase.

And, most importantly, new people will encounter the love and good news of Jesus, while the rest of us take new steps in our own faith journeys.

Fasten your seat belt. Things are going to get even more exciting.

For starters, we’re kicking off a new series this Sunday: SOCIAL RESET. All of life (even all of Scripture) involves relationships—relationship with God or others. So for the months of January and February we’re talking about relationships. We’ll cover things like…

– sex (message rated PG-13)
– identity
– technology
– marriage/dating
– parenting
– friendships

We’ll have special guest appearances, activities on the patio, and challenges for life groups. We’re kicking off 2017 in a big way and we want YOU with us. See you Sunday at 8:30, 10, 11:30a or 6p.


PS: Catch up on and share last year’s messages here.
PPS: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Jeff Pries


I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year.  I loved our Christmas Eve service; it is always one of my favorite things we do (I know, I say that a lot).  This year was our biggest Christmas Eve ever – many of you invited your family and friends. Way to go! And, I want to thank Rob and Lauren for leading the service on New Year’s Day. They did an amazing job and it’s so fun knowing our youth are in such good hands.

This Sunday we will be kicking off a new series, FREEDOM.  Freedom is an interesting word. We feel like we want it, yet we can’t quite define what it is. We are going to see that in life freedom can be a good thing and freedom can be a bad thing. There are good ways we try to find freedom and there are ways that lead us astray. The great news is that God wants you to be free! And we will learn how to find true freedom in life. This is a great series to invite someone you know. It speaks to a need we all have.

Last but not least, it is a new year and with that we will be talking about Rooted. One of our biggest values is that you find community at Mariners Ocean Hills. Rooted is such a great way to find community, understand the vision of our church, and realize your purpose in life. It is an engaging nine-week experience that you won’t soon forget. I look forward to seeing you Sunday. God has a great year in store for us!



A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Happy New Year!

By now I’m sure the Christmas trees and decorations are down, lights put away, wrapping paper cleaned up, presents becoming old news… and the gyms are full as we begin the first week of our New Year strong!

I don’t know about you, while it’s always a gift to start a new year, it can also be challenging to get back into the rhythms of life after a Christmas break. One thing that helped me calibrate was coming to church last weekend and worshiping my way into the New Year with our church family. It was so encouraging to see our commitment to developing leaders come full circle as Ethan Hulse returned to lead us in worship along with our next generation of leaders.  And Erin, our life groups pastor, gave a great message on how to live fearlessly! (If you weren’t able to make it, click here as it will aim your heart towards courage.:)

This weekend, I am thrilled to launch us into our new series on FREEDOM. We’ll be looking at God’s heart for us through the words of Jesus as He invites all of us into the life we were designed and created to live. I’ve been so encouraged and inspired as I’ve been studying this week and I can’t wait to see you guys this weekend! Invite your friends and family to join us as we launch into the new year by remembering who God is and who we were created to be, establishing the thinking and rhythms in our lives that allow us to truly live in FREEDOM!

Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend.



P.S.: Many of you have been asking about our Bible read this year and are ready to jump in! Yes, there are still hard copies available in the bookstore. There is also a digital version available through the YouVersion app here.

Annual Read


The Mariners One Year Study Bible features a daily passage from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs, along with insightful study notes. This limited edition Bible is available for purchase at the Welcome Center.

$20 (includes tax)

JHM Winter Camp


Every year we take our students away to winter camp to Thousand Pines in Crestline CA. In Junior High Ministry, we want to give every student a PERSON who knows them and PLACE to belong.Camp gives us the great opportunity to do just that. Click here for more info or to register.

Fri, Jan 13 – Mon, Jan 16
Costs: $333 per student