A Note From Kyle

How have you expressed fearless generosity in your life this week? Are you trusting a God of abundance? Giving generously to those in need? Loving a stranger as if he or she was simply a friend you hadn’t met yet? Or perhaps, you have completely surrendered — praying the courageous prayer of Jesus from the Garden of Gethsemane, “Not my will, but Your will.”

This week, we continue our journey of Fearless Generosity by remembering and celebrating Palm Sunday – the day Jesus rode triumphantly into Jerusalem as the people shouted, “Hosanna! Save us!” We’ll get to experience the joy and power of the day as a family (with some surprises from our kids), as well as reflect on why it still matters for us over 2000 years later.

Over this next week, the whole world will start to pay attention to the story we celebrate in Jesus everyday. So be listening – listen for God and who He wants you to invite to Easter!



A Note From Jeff

Mariners Mission Viejo is such a generous community! We are growing in our understanding that everything from time, to hospitality, to our money, can be given generously. God is on the move in our neighborhoods and it is the generosity of His people that allows us to join Him in His work.

Our own generosity, in all its forms, is an act of gratitude and of worship. We aren’t commanded to give anything out of compulsion or coercion. We’re not tricked into the belief that giving buys us God’s favor. We give because it is an extension of our joy. We give as a reason to celebrate — even when we give sacrificially, to the point of discomfort.

Doug Fields quoted this passage during his message this past weekend, and it has been in my head all week:

For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life… but with the precious blood of Christ…” – 1 Peter 1:18-19

The question, “How much is my life worth?” can be answered with another question: “How much is someone willing to pay for it?” As Doug Fields spoke in our Fearless Generosity series, I was struck by the notion of how much God so deeply loves us, how much He was willing to give for our sake, how much He values us — how much we’re worth.

It is this picture of God’s generosity, in Jesus, that points us toward Good Friday and Easter. This weekend, we celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. I’m looking forward to seeing you there as we wrap up our Fearless Generosity series.

A Note From Caleb

Welcome to the first week of spring! Flowers are in bloom, the sun’s peeking through, the Pope’s brand new… and March Madness kick’s off today. (I’ve got Duke, Gonzaga, Florida, Indiana in my Final Four.)

Better still, we had green pancakes last Sunday. If you missed it, dang. Don’t make that mistake these next two weeks.

This is one of my favorite times of year. More than any other Sunday, people will be willing to go to church with you on Easter–most just don’t know where to go or what to look for. That’s where you and I come in. Let’s be looking for opportunities to invite–this week and next week.

This Sunday: Special Palm Sunday message, followed by a Cash Mob–12:30pm at one of two locations in HB.
Good Friday: Guided Experience– 11am to 2pm; 4pm to 7pm (the perfect time to prepare for Easter and connect with God).
Easter: Memorable services– 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am (Please avoid the busy 10am service unless you’re bringing first-timers.)

See you Sunday!


P.S.: As always, to catch up on previous messages, click here.

Cash Mob

Come mob locally owned shops and restaurants to show your support for local business owners in HB. We would love to get 50-100 people to go and spread support and our church name to these business owners. For more info please contact Holly.

Sunday, March 24
HB Farmers Market and Avocado Cafe, $10 – $20